October False Flags

No one shoots four cops and survives.

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These hoaxes are so obviously fake and gay even dumb boomers are seeing through it. CIA niggers need to try harder next time.

also brrrrraaaaappp

Attached: CC4F4C07-56E7-4894-86CE-666876E37673.jpg (1296x296, 48K)

unless you are a white

Nope. Killing a cop pretty much guarantees dredd.exe

Next October "surprise" predictions?

Us two getting laid.

Hard to say. They already played their final trump card, shoah (1).exe

Anything beyond this is venturing into uncharted waters. It's like playing a straight flush and losing... what do you do next? Probably just shoot the other people at the table, which equates to a coup.

Happens all the time in America.

Attached: America has got guns.jpg (773x752, 101K)

can i watch?

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Screen cap this. The biggest one is coming . The World Series Victory Parade will be a False Flag Nightmare.
Theyre REALLY going to do it THIS TIME

Which one of us would you be watching?

this month has only one real reason to exist and that's to BTFO the elections.

Attached: RedOctober.jpg (1024x768, 207K)

Yeah it’s amazing how all those white supremecists in Ruby Ridge and Waco survived


After trumps baseball shellacking tweet I expect them to do something insane and way over the top

Hi Patrick Little

tell me retard, how did he get through florida all the way to newyork with all those stickers on his van. Thats a fucking traffic violation.

Ignore that, he may not have taken the van. Or even gone at all. How do the stickers look brand new when that van has been sitting in a parking lot outside a (((kosher))) market for over a year, baking in the hot florida sun?




Kill thirsty noobs

Just because we are many now that have turned off the Electric Jew doesn't mean we're a soulless hive mind. Thats not what an NPC is grampa Jew.

yeah because it was extremely high profile and publicized.