Brazilian election results in 4 hours

Mods pls sticky in 2 hours

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I hope bolsonaro loses


As always FPBP

And I hope you loose your life.

not possible
reminder vote counts aren't ever real

Attached: bolsonaro kike.jpg (530x398, 61K)

cringe and bluepilled

>loose your life
it would be nice to relax
thank you user, good idea

Itll be okay either way ;p

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He'll win

Go kys incel pls ok thx buh by

Imagine being able to shitpost every day like this Magnificent being

>monkey it uo
what did he mean by this

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digits for nazi president

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You will be hanged outside of the ethnostate as a deterance for others.

*deterrence, fuck you and fuck this phone

Lots of raiding this weekend

This tbqh. People shilling for him are actually foreign operatives using hacked proxies

>low IQ Democrats in north Brazil trying to monkey it up!

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>Monkey it up
leftard meltdown in 3..2...1..

It's fake.

Make Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro walled Maximum Security Penitentiaries

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>demoncrats trying to huemonkey it up
Trump is a elite level master troll

Black Cube israeli intelligence