Daily reminder

Women are property and arranged marriage is best for everyone

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Until we realize that women are our most valuable possessions we will continue to slide down instead of climbing up.

Also, was there not some evidence that pointed towards the optimum genetic potential was achieved via 3rd cousin off spring as well? Which when you think about it is interesting from a small nationalistic human past.

"Sexual Revolution" is retarded, the "after" thing is only thing that ever worked due to natural selection, and don't even start on your religion here, it applies to animals too.

This is not about natural selection, this is about having civilization which is better than being animals. There is no civilization without patriarchy and monogamy.

Untrue. The OP is wrong too because we didn't have arranged marriages. It works like this

>Alpha male breeds with harem of roasties
>Betas sit on the sidelines and their genes die off
>Enter this thing call civilization
>We also have this thing called money that can be exchanged for goods and services
>You no longer need to be an alpha male to breed because what the alpha male offers is protection and provisions
>Both of which can be exchanged for the money I mentioned earlier
>This means that if a beta wants a woman, then all he has to do is make money
>Now everyone has a roastie
>There are no bitter incels sitting on the sidelines wishing they were the alpha

It changed for a few reasons, but the basic facts are that a woman's annual salary, at the time, if she could even get employed, were the same as a man's were per week. Why was this important? Because it was an incentive for the woman to find a husband and for the two to remain together so they could bring up their children in a nuclear family unit. Why? Because we (whites) are K selection animals, whereas, like niggers, are r selection animals. Now the nuclear family unit is broken, on (((purpose))), we've slowly started to turn like the niggers and people are amazed that things have, somehow, gotten worse. Put simply, women aren't intelligent enough, on the whole, to have the kind of rights they do.
A man is capable of conceptualizing more in depth thoughts and by thinking of these things great inventions are invented, great discoveries are made, sure he thinks about procreation, but his involvement in that is ejaculating, allowing him to get back into deep thought once he's ejaculated. This is stark contrast to the woman who is incapable of deep thought, who only ever thinks about procreation, her involvement lasts 9 months after the male ejaculates and that's before the child has even been born. She doesn't have time to sit and think deeply. Though she does now because cool wine aunt.

In summary, don't take down fences before you know why they were put up in the first place. Though I suspect the (((fence dismantlers))) were well aware of why it was put up in the first place, hence (((their))) taking them down.

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You know why humans live in societies instead of wiping our asses with leaves in the jungle? Because we control and, when necessary, deny our animalistic programming. Read Sex and Culture, societies that permit sexual liberation all crumble sooner rather than later. “Muh nature” is a fallacy and totally irrelevant to the discussion at hand

does anyone have some of these tinder experiments saved?

False, if this were true there wouldn’t be a white male incel epidemic. GenZ white and non white girls absolutely despise them.

Do people on here really get so little pussy that they believe this stuff?

my god user wish this would happen, being a 30st beta


aww babby cant get laid LOL

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You think we would be monogamous in an arranged marriage? You are dreaming, incel. The only men who would be able to keep their woman faithful (and happy) would be the aphas, the others would find their lady getting a little something on the side from a real man.

This is Islam's logic behind honor killings

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>ages going all the way up to 44
By and large the collapse of marriage has happened within the last 15 years or so

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I don’t understand how betas still exist if they constantly get bred out

>he wants to die in the beta uprising

I almost got arranged married to someone and my life would have been better off if I did.

sorry, caps lock

and women are human, so...

but you dont need to treate women like property. in a world where women arent encouraged into the workplace (not banned from working, just not forced into the workplace) and having babies, they will naturally want to stay at home to raise the kids instead of working to pay a babysitter.

but families are breaking apart and diversity gender quotas must be met by law in the workplace and the education system brainwashes women into thinking they even need to work.

and so here we are. the solution isnt tyranny, its learning to reject the brainwashers and social engioneers that created this mess. and making that rejection of neoliberal bullshit the foundation for a resurgance in traditional western culture.

>muh beta uprising!
>muh white man style chimpout!
>just wait until we get angry!
You already live in conditions that favor betas. You still suck. You still post on Jow Forums instead of uprising. You still think you can kill anything.

>t. cuck

Meritocratic selection is only possible when the father decides and is sufficiently in control. Good luck with that in modern world. So yes, this is the solution. Now try to get that into western society without Islam.

>be an alpha
>get laid by many a roastie in an era without birth control
>multiple kids from multiple women, and youre a deadbeat that cant afford ot pay for it
>the village kicks you out or everyone starts treating you like shit cause of the problems youve caused and now women dont want to be with the social outcast
checkmate chad, get a wife like everyone else. hypergamy only works because of birth control and female employment.

convince people to raise families again and problem solved i guess

>the village kicks you out or everyone starts treating you like shit cause of the problems youve caused and now women dont want to be with the social outcast
meanwhile in reality you try to kick an alpha out and he kills you for not being a good serf.

You are a retard if you think its any different now than before whatever imagined sexual revolution took place.
The only difference between then and now is that we can do dna tests.

Not all male offspring of an "alpha" male will be alpha, that is impossible. In nature, the vast majority of males (read offspring from alphas) do not breed, which means that being beta is the norm (and always will be).

>stats including older generations
gee i wonder how this poster failed to see an evolving trend

checkmate, argument destroyed

>t. Luddite barbarian

not really buddy, even the betas back then where pretty alpha by todays standards. and there would also be alphas not approving of their community having to subsidize your rampant breeding

Not if women are executed for adultery

then you execute chad as well unless he can financially support all the mouths he is creating to feed. otherwise chads kids are funded by the population at large

This would be more accurate if the bottom two on the female side also couldn’t find a partner

There are WAY more female incels then they will ever let on.
The female incel is the Democratic Party base for fucks sake.

by "a little something" i believe you mean degrading sex acts only reserved for the very best specimens of the master race.

Yeah that makes sense. Completely forgot nature was a thing in the age of trans gendering

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You a muslim?

This. ww1-2 is where the betas memed the alphas into killing each other and this is the result after a few years of the "before". Sounds like betas need to do that uprising really soon against non-whites before they get genocided lol.

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Execute all male and female fornicators, adulterers, and homosexuals. Ban abortion, slutty clothing, contraception, no-fault divorce, and co-ed schools. Kick women out of the workforce and higher education, end female suffrage and make it illegal for women to own property.

>we realize that women are our most valuable possessions
No, it's the other way around.
Until white women realize their most valuable possession is white men we will continue to slide down instead of climbing up.

Remember, we gave women all the power. We're their posessions now, not like it used to be.

lol, nah, thats going too far. but i will say this

one vote per household
no family, no vote

What I listed is the bare minimum for an uncucked society. If anything it isn’t going far enough

>there wouldn’t be a white male incel epidemic
But there isn't, incels are just a very loud and ridiculous minority

Make America Puritan Again!

a rapidly growing minority thats probably already larger then you realize. most people dont advertise the fact that they cant get laid. so all you hear about are the loud ones

inshallah fellow mujahideen

The majority of males are beta orbiters who only pretend to get laid. They’re incels in denial

Not really, if they were alphas they wouldnt tolerate working in the fields all day. The village raid meme in video games is real, and just like now, that was actually a world where betas were favored. Now go back to sleep cause tomorow you have to wake up and work to pay taxes for jamal and the mullato children. Sweet uprising dreams ;)

Pretty much, the only thing I dont have in my life is good looks. I've got everything else, and get less action than good looking bums

because there's always people who are better in a population right? Beta's die off and we all move up the scale, but the alphas get stronger too. Gay terminology but you know what I mean.

i already described the bare minimum here
i dont want a government that goes around killing a bunch of people because i dont trust them to stick to only killing the people we told them to kill. tyranny is just a bad path and tyranny would be required to enforce that kind of system

you should make women want to be your property, not force them to

>implying a single man can defeat the mob

The puritans were a bit too cucked and soft on sexual morality. Better than today definitely but the degeneracy had already started even then.

this is the only based and redpilled comment in this entire thread

That's just a coping mechanism to feel less alone, even if more people are unable to get laid (something I doubt in this age of tinder and casual hookups) they probably still don't hold incel's retarded edgy views of muh women are property

>making women want something
>forcing it on them
Same thing

What mob? This mob? Your 1 alpha vs many betas memes are just memes. Here you go, a mob of alphas who will not make you a serf but will genocide you like you deserve (because you cannot meme them into making you a serf instead of genociding you since you cant infiltrate them). Enjoy.

they were fucking ripped from working the fields dude, theres nothing beta about farming. its real man shit. your idea of alpha is probably some fag in a business suit pushing papers while real men put food on the table.

anyways, if you impregnate a bunch of women in a village and then you cant pay to raise those kids and the village has to subsidize your breeding.... then youre getting kicked out of that fucking village or ostrasized so fucking hard you are never getting laid there again.

you can talk about some magical alpha man that runs everything and everyone cowers around him but thats not really how it goes down on average. most alphas are just regular people working the same fields and shit as the betas. alphas arent some rare mythical wonder men, theyre like 20% of the population or at least where back then.

being alpha isnt strictly determined by your account balance


>tinder and casual hookup culture means everyone gets laid more
No it means women ride the chad cock carousel and all other men fight for the scraps or check out of society

doesnt feel the same and feelings are important

tinder only makes it easier to get laid if youre already attractive in some way

and im an incel and im arguing against treating women like property so... whatever

The only ones who care are the betas not getting the pussy

Before society was ZOGed women weren’t allowed to do anything but get married and have babies.

>farming is alpha meme
I admit that if betas will not get overwhelmed by intensive hostility (like they deserve to) they are the most relentless little shits ever. Villagers were timid betas who were running around waiting to be raided by alphas. I know cause I have relatives in eastern europe who pretty much live medieval style the way you are describing and they are so beta that they fear their own shadows and they are so defenceless its not even funny.

maybe they wanted that. maybe they can want that again.

Never forget!

>Villagers were timid betas who were running around waiting to be raided by alphas
and note once again. This is a world that artificially favors betas.

Evolution does not exist, so natural selection does not apply anyway.

>and im an incel and im arguing against treating women like property
Is that not a whole part of being an incel, blaming women for your sexual failures and wanting them controlled to give you a chance?
If you dont have that you're not an incel, you're just a beta who doesnt get laid very often.

Daily reminder: men are retarded fags who only care about where their pee pee goes to show how “masculine” they are. You’re only masculine if you’re born masculine, no matter how many women you fuck or “own” does not show masculinity. It shows animalism and a lack of self control!

The only thing that will make them want to go back will be total war. Women will beg for their old role as breeders and cooks when the SHTF.

>itt incels complain as they watch women not want to fuck them and realize they are inferior

war includes death, violence, terror, broken children and many other horrible things. war is never good

>when the SHTF
your beta ass will be dead or enslaved. so they will not beg you thats for sure.

>Women are property and arranged marriage is best for everyone
t. I can't compete with other men

You're literally the same as those "men feminists".

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ok whatever dude
youre not getting away with impregnating half the village without getting treated like shit for it by the people who end up paying for your kids. hypergamy wasnt really so common before birth control for this reason. being a deadbeat having kids he cant afford is a good way to lose all respect and cooperation from anybody who knows what youre up to, and word would spread fast.

i dont care about your cucked village of cucks. they have to combine old fashinoned lifetsyle with modern cucked education probably and it hasnt worked i guess. a single village isnt statistically relevent anyways as an example.

hypergamy is largely a modern invention because people didnt put up with chads back in the day. chad had to get a wife like everyone else

Op. Capitalism just called, says be more attractive.

Lmao, incel is just someone who can't get laid due to being ugly. Stop reading buzzfeed.

Alphas fucking thots is literally barbarism, the law of the jungle. Civilization is impossible without monogamy because betas will eventually refuse to work if they get nothing in return.

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being an incel just means you would like to have sex but women dont want to have sex with you

involuntary celibate, it only means what it literally means.

any meaning beyond that is invented by the media and foisted upon a bunch of poor guys that cant get laid wondering why they are suddenly public enemy number one

Mother nature just called. OP is scheduled to not continue his lineage for the good of humanity.

>Civilization is impossible without monogamy
civilization is only necessary to betas.

Women are not property and arranged marriages are a goatfucker trait.

Go down the gym and stop being a pathetic faggot, you're not a man, you're barely human.

>death violence terror broken children
Abortion and divorce caused more death and broken children in the last fifty years than 1000 years of war could
Betas invented war to subjugate alphas and pull us out of barbarism. Alpha combat is ritualized, limited and not all that violent. When betas lose faith in society that’s when cities get wiped off the map and nations crumble

The 'Civilization' I presume you are referring to has a long long history of violent and constant war to prop it up. A huge percentage of the male population would die as fighters, without ever knowing the touch of anything other than a hooker. Single mothers have also been a fact of life throughout history for this reason as well, hence why the most original excuse to getting knocked up by chad was referred to 'he died in the war'.

>i dont want a government that goes around killing a bunch of peopl
You should start telling women to go build a house before they can vote you fucking faggot, because tyranny is on it's way and faggots like you who can't even tell women to go build a house before they can vote deserve it.
>you can talk about some magical alpha man that runs everything and everyone cowers around him but thats not really how it goes down on average.

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>Alpha combat is ritualized, limited and not all that violent. When betas lose faith in society that’s when cities get wiped off the map and nations crumble

beta here, losing faith in society, lol watch out

I thought betas were the minimally/zero laid, and the incels were the betas who woke up one day angry and got militant? Who are the angry ones then?

Better to not pass along those shitty genes OP. kys

Civilization will always win because betas outnumber chad 100:1 and are capable of organizing themselves into armies with weapons. The only reason chad dominates the sexual market today is because society has grown decadent and barbarous. This will be corrected as soon as the majority of betas become self-aware of the situation they have landed in

put the words togther

thats it, all it means is involntary celibate. you get controlled by labels and it shapes your perceptions, stop over relying on labels to understand things. some incels are angry and violent, some arent. if you have a problem with extremist incels then just say that, there isnt a special word for it. but the media wants to lump everyone into an extremist label for sensationalism.