So sick of being censored on Twitter

This political censorship thing on twitter and social media has to stop... How do we fight back. Gab doesn't seem like a real option since no one goes there.

Should Trump order the US media to make a social media site to compete with the liberal censorship sites? These tech companies are out of control and interfering with our elections far more than Russia.

Do we need to break get .gov to break twitter, facebook and google up for being monopolies... Do we need to change laws to force some private companies to respect our free speech? I'm not saying any of these ideas are gonna work but we have to figure something out.

Where do we post when were banned from sites that normies go to? lets see the shit you guys have been punished for on twitter lol

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Other urls found in this thread:

12 hour ban isn't that big of a deal but next thing you know its a 30 day ban and they are blocking your IP and banning you from their site for your political views, opinion, and satire...

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What do you guys think? How do we deal with mass social media censorship ? Whats the best way to fight back against these keyboard cops?

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So deplorable I know... the hate OMG!

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IS anything I tweeted really that bad? I guess saying "the holocaust is a lie" is now hate speech, threatening or harassing?

What happens when your political opinions are the one thing people are allowed to discriminate against in our clusterfuck of a multiracial society?
What happens when they start doing this to normies who are just slightly right of center? Don't want to pay for healthcare for everyone? that sounds like hate...

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yes, it is all shit content. you are sperging the fuck out and not a single thing you posted is either factual or useful in convincing normal, healthy, well adjusted people that our side is right. stop looking like a fucking lunatic. your posts couldnt glow any fucking harder, you really seem like a government plant.

fuck off mossad. you got any better ideas? you support censorship? this is only gonna start dripping into more and more normal political conversations... If they can ban this they can ban "its okay to be White" and everything else. You got any better ideas? how can i be more effective? why bother to when they ban and delete accounts at the drop of a hat no matter how kosher you keep it?

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Try keeping your caustic, bigoted hate to yourself and you probably won't get banned from a public forum.

The question is what's the next step? How do we fight back when they have banned us from being able to use speech to express our political views and treat us like some dangerous nazi virus? Guess what, censorship doesn't make anyone any kinder or more loving... If I was wrong ya'll would be able to point that out with words and logic...
Have fun burning books

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>how can i be more effective?
by not sperging out you fucking moron. you can easily point out all of these points in a way that would make sure you dont get banned AND ALSO convince normal people, but you already know that. you obviously dont want to do that. you look like youre searching for an excuse to be an extremist.

heres a fucking suggestion: focus on any of the domestic issues plaguing us at the behest of what you likely refer to as "the jews". things like pharmacies over prescribing opiates to kill the white middle class, intentional pricing out of the housing market for young married couples, stagnating wages for the dying middle class... anything that actually directly affects people and can lead to concrete change at the next election. you are full on buying into shlomo's plan right now.

look, when THE premiere natsoc board, Jow Forums, tells you that your optics are fucking retarded, take the hint. even if you think i am mossad, consider why there is no one else ITT telling you that you're doing the right thing. its because even the users of Jow Forums arent this retarded

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I think the next step is you continuing to be a sperglord.

How long until all that is banned nazi rhetoric too? Isn't that why they kept calling Trump a Nazi / White Supremacist all thru the election... Even wanting to Make America Great Again is considered racist now.

You either miss my point entirely or are a closeted fan of censorship. Thank you for your ideas none the less.

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>muh (((Trump)))

what will it take for you to see he only loves kikes?

can we PLEASE get the *term* & flagged as a symbol of hate?

something like:
> For years now white nationalists, anti-semites, & fascists have been sending each other coded messages using all major websites, social media, and talk radio. Right click on any social media or web site, then click 'View Source'. All you have to do then is search for & If you find it, you'll know that site is secretly supporting HATE. Please Help us Stamp Out &

lol thats the best idea i've heard in a few days!

Part of me really thinks the best way to deal with these censorship self censorship PC world is to be over the top unapologetically antiPC. I think its important that we keep using satire and memes to make fun of the PC thought police and bait them into overreacting like you suggested above ...

Any other good ideas?

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you are clearly ignoring the most important part of the discussion, which is the overton window. trumps election and sustained popularity proves that pro-Trump, MAGA rhetoric is still very much supported by the majority of the people, the volk, whatever you wanna call them. it is much more useful for you to stay inside the overton window and reinforce the right ideas, because when the media does push back they they are now, they will meet resistance. no one is shedding a tear for your twitter account because there is no way to defend or justify your actions to the irrational public. however, you will notice that there is a larger outcry when someone is censored when they push just pro trump ideas (kanye west, roseanne, various musicians, etc.). you are giving bait to the powers that be at twitter to justify their censorship to the normies, and they will eat it up.

take a step back and consider the progress in the last five years. what we are talking about now would be unthinkable in the political climate of years past. we ARE making progress, and a lot of it. I understand your frustration with how it appears to be a slow, uphill fight agaisnt multinational corporations that are seemingly above the law, but this is a fight that we are currently winning. we need to keep winning, and to do that we need effective messengers. an effective messenger is one that realizes that people are irrational and interpret reality subjectively (trump is the best example of this). you need to be able to know the base you are trying to win over, and speak directly to them. right now, you are just venting your frustration. take it a step at a time and you can gradually shift the overton window. just dont give (((them))) the ammo they are looking for to push back. things like suggested are useful because in the end, it paints the opposite side as clearly unreasonable. whereas, banning you for saying "the holohoax was a lie" will be seen as ok by normies

stop using twitter. by using twitter you empower the tech oligarchs by giving them a bigger platform, bigger audience, more advertising revenue... you are their entire claim to fame.

You cant complain about unfair treatment from powerful jew bastards, while also doing your part to give them that power. Get off twitter and join me in the battle to strip them of their power, we need to get everyone off of social media and back into real communities.

this is also a good idea and i fully support it, but i feel there needs to be some triggering event that would cause a mass exodus form social media for it to work. i thought the revelations about the nsa, cia, etc wouldve done that but no

Maybe the holohaox issue is a battle worth hashing out with normies in the mainstream public. The other side certainly seems to value their holocaust propaganda machine so its not like this issue is totally irrelevant,

I see the holocaust as the epitome of censorship anywhere in the world. Its an event that's constantly used to push modern agendas even in 2018 and most of Europe will jail conservative Whites who dare question this aspect of history. What other issue is more censored in the White world? speaking of mass immigration of nonWhites into Europe is all I can think of.

Liberals have also made attacking organized religion as unscientific folklore pretty acceptable and PC with their attacks on Christianity, Mormonism, and Scientology. We should take the liberty of degrading the Jewish Religion to some stone age cult with silly ideas. Claims that "God gave them Palestine" sound pretty unscientific / mentally ill to me...

Where do we make a stand on the social media censorship issue?

The CIA wants everyone on twitter. they probably built it and own it. Didn't you know that? The CIA tried to build a twitter for cuba with the aim of overthrowing their democratically controlled government, but cuba successfully detected the operation and got rid of it. Here in america, twitter is completely accepted and not questioned.

Look up "Zunzuneo" (that was the name of the cuban twitter the CIA was building) to read about the entire story.

I wish we could just get off twitter but where else can I post comments and questions directly to elected representative in a manner that leaves a public record of my question on display for their constituents to see?

This is some of my work from the past. I had people calling their congressmen telling them to vote yes on SB1488 to authorize the US military to secure our border with lethal force

Twitter needs to become what internet explorer us to be. twitter should be just another browser that can view "tweet" from multiple competing platforms that agree to some common interface and cross compatibility

I'd like Trump to have the US government set up one such competing social media site that guaranteed total freedom of speech...

People are starting to realize some of these big tech companies have become powerful monopolies that are interfering in our elections with their censorship crap...

I think people are becoming very open to the ID of having the feds break up some of these social media sites like they did Microsoft.Or passing laws to protect social media users, we might make inroads with some sort of "social media users bill of rights" legislation that many people may find popular... If they can make bakers cook for gay weddings, we can make facebook respect the bill of rights and play by some new regulations.

Can we manufacture this triggering event that makes normies up and leave twitter some how?

If twitter can be lured into banning Trumps twitter account, this might all quickly follow suit.

Can we draw a line in the sand that normies can get behind? If Twitter bans Trump, we are all quiting twitter? Thats gotta be a hill worth fighting on right?

ill check it out