This is the same girl

Should plastic surgery be legal?

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in worst korea, its often the only hope

Yes. I had plastic surgery after a fight. It’s a necessary science-thingy.

It should be legal for the sake of burn victims and other injuries

She looked better before.

uglier on the right


you can nip/tuck all you want but it will never fill the void of an absent father.

ugly vacuous whore to ugly vacuous whore
what's the difference?


Oy vey

yes but it should be regulated by law, that the person has a duty to reveal the true visage to the partner before marriage. In case the person has concealed the true looks, the marriage could be terminated with no rights to material benefits.

>1 post by this ID

>1 post by this ID

>1 post by this ID

> already hot before plastic surgery

That's the difference between whites and plastic gooks.

Before and after what? Dressing appropriately?

what's wrong with women bros? she was perfect

Attached: WeirdHonorableIrukandjijellyfish.webm (640x1136, 1.49M)

Greatest ally why bully

She plasticised into a blonde with more makeup on.

ugly before ugly after

I had a fucked up looking ear when I was born and got it taken care of when I was a kid.

what needed 'fixing'?

Attached: Maisie.jpg (495x495, 66K)

mm hmm I'm sure you wrote this after giving 3 perfect 10s earth shattering orgasms.

No. It's false advertising and should be treated as such. Fine 10,000$ or up to jail of 1-2 years min.

Concealing genetics should be a crime.

>(((( ))))
Where can I see this slut naked? Also, she hot as fuck.

Attached: (((((white))))square.jpg (1024x1024, 29K)

I prefer the before pic.
Like, by a lot

the jewish robot is the most pathetic robot

all that surgery and she couldn't fix her lay eye?

Idk but if fuck both of them

Fucking Jew napkins

I don't see the difference.

she has a nip slip in that same video with the red white and blue bikini.. she's got some pepperoni nips

Im more surprised some schizoid hasn't mentioned the star of david napkin yet.

kike flag is correct for once

>walks into surgery.
>what do tou want?
>the tinder thot look.
>say no more.

bullshit you don't unless youre a faceblind autist

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Legitimately cuter on the left. Why did she feel the need to do it?

The tits were already good.

Please explain wtf that even means. You can't just say jews to everything.

Boxing or MMA?


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Where? Hook it up broseidon.

Agreed. Is your flag fake or something?

She is disgusting in the second photo.

i just want to see some banana tits

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Attached: SereneRepulsiveHedgehog.webm (324x480, 139K)

She made her face too round


she looks way bettter before though

No, she looks great in the second.

*sorry yes it should be legal.

The fact that we have the tech to improve looks is a great thing - no-one should be resigned to ugliness.

Any others? Where can I look this chick up at? Is that her @handle?

Yes. My gf had the chest of a middle school boy until she got a set of bolt on’s. I literally drop loads on those fun bags now.

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she was a buttherface

and still is.

only difference is that now she needs to keep wasting money with the jew doctor because the wall is nearer and more solid now.

This literally is not the same girl.This thread is filled with morons.

I don’t know about plastic surgery but makeup should be treated as fraud

I always though there was something strange with this bimbo

Poor rich guy that chooses her for his offsprings


Clearly aren't the same person. Both are fucking hideous. Plastic surgery doesn't correct genetic defection it only slaps a coat of paint on it.

Only to restore naturally occuring genetic looks, not to hide them.

She made her face rounder? My understanding is that, on average, this is considered less attractive.

Agree, it should be MANDATORY, not just available.

Gym, nutrition, appearance standards. If not by law, then heavy social stigma. There is no down side that you aren't justifying by being lazy.

She actually looked better before

>it should be MANDATORY, not just available.
This guy gets it

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I just want to see her naked.

You censored the butchered nipples didnt you

Well, maybe not mandatory, just really strongly encouraged, like "gym, nutrition, etc."

show nips pls

Only acceptable case is reconstructive.
All appearance enhancement is lies to allow bad genes to spread.

Looks worse after the op. Sure she isn't a real beauty, but her on the right looks visibly so fake and as if she had shallow personality.
I would want to have a conversation with her on the left, but avoid her on the right like a plague, because THOTness oozes from her really fucking hard.
>inb4 kissless virgin
For anyone attempting this, so what. My point still stands.


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she looks the same

In my opinion she didn't need it. The only issue she had was with her skin and hair. Which are more likely than not still being mistreated with the tons of cake makeup and hair ink she's using to hide that fact now.


Legitimately looked better before.

Post her feet.

based on ops pic it should be mandatory

>Even Before

Attached: forest_whitaker.jpg (320x320, 24K)

>posting porno gets you banned for 48hrs

A small chest is superior.

White Knight IDF in this thread.
At least the "she is now and forever a thot" MGTOW crowd is honest with itself.

why did they make her eyes more crooked?

Jow Forums isn't a blue board senpai, you'll be fine

alright bud, post your Chad jawline

What a fuckin waste
Damn shame

Yeah, but once plastic surgery is mastered (and by bogdanoff are we far off!) will it really matter? Your kids imperfections could be fixed as well, and you’ll love your girlfriend for more than just her aesthetics, cause everyone is beautiful.

the self-hating individual is portraying their persona in a hedonistic way through self-mutilation. these mentally ill degenerates have been warped by society into altering their body to make them feel "better".
its the next step from changing the idea of the body being sacrosanct, and pseudo-passive societal pressure

anyone who does defend this is a trans-humanist scum

With a shotgun.

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> I like the one on the left because I have low self-esteem

give this man some digits

damn bro, she was still pretty hot before the surgery

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>i like the one of the right because it appeals to my base instincts
better yourself plebeian

that's me in green shirt just so you can compare me to the normies.

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gain some weight bro

Reread the post leaf. I said she is not a beauty, but she looks like some who you can actually talk with. Her on the right is the typical THOT that is absolutely braindead.

It's amazing how simple it is to diagnose daddy issues in women.

I'll admit she wasn't that bad. Great tits though

Big tidied country girl to stuck up cunt