Dont Fall For It

Anyone who supports the mass shooter or celebrates on Jow Forums is probably a leftist trying to fool you into thinking that is a winning strategy and incite more shooters to go and shoot irrelevant Jews, thereby further helping the left with their narrative.

This loser fits completely into the image that the left wants to portray of white males: a fat, hateful irrational idiot who wants to murder non-whites and cannot be reasoned with, essentially the Nazi boogeyman.

He achieved absolutely nothing in terms of stopping the demographic decline of America, he killed 11 completely irrelevant Jews who have no political or economic power to change anything. The only thing he achieved is give the left wing media (basically all of mainstream media minus Fox News) a perfect narrative driver to scare the undecided normie who doesn't pay attention to politics, and to emotionally rivet them into going to vote Democrat.


Going on a shooting spree against some Jews in their temples does nothing but make the white normies go against nationalism and the right wing.

Attached: dqhu0uuw4aa3eks-2.jpg (1200x1139, 53K)

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You're right. Although I was happy at first, I soon realized this is really fucking bad, exactly because of what you said. This guy just gave the left and the jews more ammo to win the election.

sadly true

Thanks for not being a retard OP

Also it never happened

You don’t shoot four cops and survive

Attached: 870210F1-03E7-487B-A877-3DAF136431BE.jpg (796x1024, 84K)

As someone who works in downtown Pittsburgh, I'm interested to see how people at work react tomorrow. We have a few low-key redpilled people who have said some things in private about them that would have you arrested in London. I'm interested in their reactions.


Fuck elections, I want a civil war already

IF it happened, and thats a big if, his heart was in the right place but that was an extremely inefficient target.

The shooter is the worst kind of fool: an evil fool. He should have worked in academia instead.

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