Dont Fall For It

Anyone who supports the mass shooter or celebrates on Jow Forums is probably a leftist trying to fool you into thinking that is a winning strategy and incite more shooters to go and shoot irrelevant Jews, thereby further helping the left with their narrative.

This loser fits completely into the image that the left wants to portray of white males: a fat, hateful irrational idiot who wants to murder non-whites and cannot be reasoned with, essentially the Nazi boogeyman.

He achieved absolutely nothing in terms of stopping the demographic decline of America, he killed 11 completely irrelevant Jews who have no political or economic power to change anything. The only thing he achieved is give the left wing media (basically all of mainstream media minus Fox News) a perfect narrative driver to scare the undecided normie who doesn't pay attention to politics, and to emotionally rivet them into going to vote Democrat.


Going on a shooting spree against some Jews in their temples does nothing but make the white normies go against nationalism and the right wing.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're right. Although I was happy at first, I soon realized this is really fucking bad, exactly because of what you said. This guy just gave the left and the jews more ammo to win the election.

sadly true

Thanks for not being a retard OP

Also it never happened

You don’t shoot four cops and survive

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As someone who works in downtown Pittsburgh, I'm interested to see how people at work react tomorrow. We have a few low-key redpilled people who have said some things in private about them that would have you arrested in London. I'm interested in their reactions.


Fuck elections, I want a civil war already

IF it happened, and thats a big if, his heart was in the right place but that was an extremely inefficient target.

The shooter is the worst kind of fool: an evil fool. He should have worked in academia instead.

1 post by these IDs

This is what a kike posts

No he should have killed even more.
Kill all Jewish and israeli children.

It didn’t happen

You don’t shoot four cops and survive

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I have killed 18 israeli children

Well, no shit. Imagine the NSDAP in 1921 got some rifles and rushed a synagogue in Munich.

Accept jesus into your hearts Jews itt
You turned your back on God before jesus came. You refused to turn back to him when given the chance and instead executed his earthly body on the crucifix, taking his blood onto you and your children. But you can still accept him as your savior. He died for ALL sins. You can receive forgiveness still.
Remember jesus refers to himself as a stone.
You tripped when it was on earth
But when the stone comes from above it will crush you

>Jow Forums has degenerated to the point where hating kikes is now unacceptable and "leftist"
Gamergate and the US Elections really fucked this board over hard. I suppose this is the result of trying to make your beliefs trendy and populist rather than honest

I'm starting to question why all these events just suddenly start popping out of the woodwork in such a short amount of time before such an important event. Its shady as hell

if it makes you fucking nigggers get off this board and back on reddit where you belong I'll support anything

I know the dude just from word of month from family friends. He had a son who is now fatherless and the mom had kids with two different guys. The fact is he wasn't in the kids life at all, which was fucked. The kid is gonna have to have his last name changed if he ever wants to lead a normal life.

doing what you believe is right makes you a fool
what worse going through life as a good goyim dying 80 yrs old is some hospital bed or doing something with your life even if it mean you die young

its all so tiresome

I won't I called out the shills myself They are all over Jow Forums posting either racist stuff or obvious shill stuff in an attempt to radicalize those of us who do not know any better Good call, user

>mutt police
>not sending their best
what is training like in the us, half a year?

>Also it never happened
SO you're saying this happened in January at a drill?

then go start one

Lmao. You people literally need to be convinced that a mass shooting is bad. Idiots.

Based meme flaggot.

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Okay, Schlomo.

notice how his name changed to Robert Gregory Bowers. Just to point out the Media was telling everyone his name was Robert D. Bowers, going by his voting reg. I find this guy. not sure if it is him. involved with model railroad... autistic people love the model railroads

Attached: robert G. Bowers.png (935x266, 26K)

>two posts by this ID
You must be twice the shill as the rest of us.

Shutup rabbi no one believes the fake news media anymore



I hate kikes. That’s why I don’t believe them when they do false flags.

Hello thread, please tell me about those "false flags" you keep mentioning

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This is pol, it's not called politically correct user. Still no one is going to trust the media after 9/11, it doesn't matter if something did or didn't happen, the trust in government/media is forever severed for a lot of people.

Because they are in panic mode because DJT is god emperor

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Yeah my little sister died at sandy hook too lmao

It’s not going to work jew no one believes your bullshit

Right strewth aye m8?
Fairfukkendinkum shitforbrains, no cunt snipping his bludger and telling me to go walkabouts while a walken wetsuit fucks shazza just as i go see damo for a durrie and suck down that fag like no tomorrow.
Unacceptable, worse than a marchfly in june biting my left dangle berry because me budgie smuggler was too tight.

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I see a lot fewer kikes on Jow Forums talking shit today than I saw the day before yesterday. Its almost like that faggot shattered the illusion of kikes being untouchable. I don't agree with what was done, but I sure am enjoying the results. Why don't you just fuck off, OP?

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Yep and when some of the trainers didn't like their new shoo first policy they fired the trainers.

No jew.

It’s totally believable he shot four cops.

That’s not far fetched.

But if you do that in America then the other cops execute you, they don’t arrest you.

you are right but its not exactly subtle so anyone with a brain sees through it.

The drill was to prepare just like 911 and 7/7 and all the other false flags.

The “shooter” signed up on gab at the same time as the drill.

Kek I wish I was bullshitting you but I can't prove it anyways. Just getting that information out there, it's fact, I'm not trying to humanize him, he simply wasn't there for his son. Blame the mother I guess

>The only thing he achieved is give the left wing media (basically all of mainstream media minus Fox News) a perfect narrative driver to scare the undecided normie who doesn't pay attention to politics, and to emotionally rivet them into going to vote Democrat.

You forgot to add make the jew a martyr and beyond criticism. I wonder who could be behind this?

Your a kike and no one believes believes the fake news media anymore

Stop gas lighting kike

look how thick they are laying it on

Attached: bowers shooting .png (1214x869, 731K)

>meme flag
>reddit spacing
Opinion disregarded. Kys

And the story already starts to fall apart


Even then let's say this was a false flag, they took a dude who was already looked at in bad light in the family and turned him into a patsy that not even the family could deny.

You are a kike.

I see tons of kikes like you on pol since it happened trying to trigger the whites who you have victimized into doing something stupid so you can gun grab

Not gonna work schlomo

He doesn’t exist you dumb fuck

He’s a persona created by mossad

What are the odd's?

This was an obvious false flag, but you're also absolutely right. Senseless violence serves no purpose, the Jews he killed were literal nobodies to be sacrificed for (((their))) purpose. Use your heads.

No that’s what they want you to think.

The guy was a mossad kike

But sure just believe what the fake news media wants you to

They are higher than the odds of shooting four cops and surviving

>But if you do that in America then the other cops execute you, they don’t arrest you.
SO every cop killer that has ever been arrested and prosecuted is a false flag or crisis actor?
>The drill was to prepare
For what? Acting out the same story again 8 months later? What are you trying to say happened yesterday and what evidence do you have?

Careful about running with bullshit theories that (((they))) will try to spread to muddy the waters.

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Okay tell that to the guy who is now arrested and I got called today about it being the father of a kid we know in the family. He probably didn't exist, but the guy I'm talking about would be the patsy that took the fall. I don't believe this shit either but I know someone is now in their custody and is going down for this.

why does this pic look just like Harvey Weinstein?

Okay. I guess you figured it out. Everyone who disagrees with you is a kike.
Maybe you'll be a real boy someday, Mr. NPC.

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its not 100% I find another Robert G Bowers in Reading, PA but he is 53. I find another one in Maytown, PA but he is 69. ANOTHER one in Windsor, PA but he 74! PA chock full of Bower Power

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It's all just a massive collision of coincidences.
Almost of the levels of winning the lotto and being struck down by lightning seconds later.

the funniest shit is how they just sorta hand wave the 4 police getting shot. its like
>robert bowers walks outside
>yadda yadda yadda
>four police officers were shot

Meme flag fag. Opinion disregarded.

It's the common theme of all these attacks, I truly believe the finger print on the package they found for 'Cesar' was lifted for the fan and put onto the package with packing tape. They were never in the mail system, but you need a face for all the nornies to hate and point the blame at, and create the image of it being a complete picture. Same goes with this, someone commits the act or doesn't and it's all media optics but someone is going down for it, so who better than a guy who is not in his kids life and may have had some far right views to post "I'm going in" on his account and frame him for this act.

>Calls began coming in to 911 from the synagogue just before 10 a.m. Saturday. Bowers, 46, shot one of the first two officers to respond in the hand, and the other was wounded by “shrapnel and broken glass,” according to court documents.

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>If you kill your enemies they win

I don't support mass shooters.
But if you are going to do it, at least do it right.

Breivik did it right leaving and incredibly well documented and insightfull manifesto.
This dude was a trigger happy retard.

Shills were even trying to meme "Fuck your optics." yesterday when they were out in full force.
>Yes goys, don't worry about the negative impact your actions may have on the upcoming midterms, just start shooting!

He hated Trump and was most likely radicalized by BDS and other anti-Israel groups. I blame the left

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Immediately after the shooting a ton of Jews were tweeting that all criticism of George Soros and migrants was anti-Semitic dogwhistling and should be censored or put into a domestic spying file.
Never let a tragedy go to waste.

yeah fuck you kike, ENDORSED

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You're a leftist who wants more of this because it helps your cause. Or a fucking retard who does nothing to help nationalism, and only helps the kikes in their narrative.

Either way you should KYS.

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how much are they gonna start changing timelines around?

Attached: Robert Bowers shooting.png (816x524, 50K)

>irrelevant Jews
Except these Jewish NGOs are operating on the local level to settle Somalians and Syrians in local communities. Bowers is a fucking idiot who did things the wrong way. But it really IS these local immigration advocates that pushing this agenda.

I thought that was a weird choice of a word. What did dad mean?






look at this shit

Attached: bower timelines.png (974x614, 93K)

Uh huh.
Wow, the kikes disappear and leave behind a bunch of virtue signaling golems. Makes me miss the kikes.


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>He doesn’t exist you dumb fuck
>The guy was a mossad kike
I thought he didn't exist?
Proof of that one? Why try to distract us with bullshit, why not stick to provable facts?

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I don't see it. Best to spell it out.

T-theyll give us our country back i-if we just ask nicely. Fuck off op.

Nice flag, Chiam. Wouldn't you just love half a dozen copycats this week?

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>T-theyll give us our country back i-if we just shoot up synagogues

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The tree of life needs watering.

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Muslim Brother hood along with Clinton hate Jews
they are guilty of violence against Jews as well!!!!

Here's the official cnn timeline

Attached: cnn timeline.png (970x880, 75K)

half a dozen is not enough , we need normie awareness on the JQ

with the blood of tyrants , checked#

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Friendly reminder this is the only "free speech" website that hasn't been DDOS'd into oblivion since this started.

>we need normie awareness on the JQ

I'm interested in the pilpul you'll use to convince us that running into a synagogue with a rifle shouting "all jews have to die" will aid us in this cause.

Attached: behind.jpg (600x600, 52K)

Terrorism, another industry where white men do all the work and get none of the credit.

well it's right in the unfold pic above, "rthey are killing our people " "fuck optics ama going in"

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fight my champion

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Which of the list of victims were "killing our people"?
What exactly are you trying to say happened yesterday?
Why hide behind a memeflag?

>incite more shooters
No true Jow Forumsac would ever get outside.

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This monster is exacly the portrait of white peopls the Zionist global elite want for their propaganda.

I am not even white really and even I am sick of this "ebil white man" narrative in the media. It is as racist as white pride assholes.

The people he murdered were innocent casualties, collateral damage for the greater good and tighter control of Jews and gentiles below in the masses. More blood shed for thr global elite's games.

Any white pride mornon pulling this shit is signing their own genocide. They play right into the very thing they complain about.