Trump doesn't even hold a candle

When Benjamin Franklin was President he invented:
> Bifocals
> Thirteen Virtues
> Freemasonry
> Lightning
> Decision-making
> Oil on water
> Ad Vance Refrigeration

Name one thing Trump has done. Korea doesn't count.

Attached: index.jpg (220x269, 12K)

Does Obama? You could've talked about how Ben Franklin defended some redcoats in court for slaying some belligerent colonists, or going to France for diplomacy, but you didn't, and now you can't, cuz I did, and you are still a dumb leaf.

Attached: 1540613120848.jpg (742x720, 52K)

well done, 7/10

Ben Franklin was never pres. Never trust a leaf with your American history.

>Name one thing Trump has done.
Supported Israel.

Attached: Donaldhen Trumpelstein tweet.png (604x410, 50K)

1 post by this ID

Benjamin Franklin was an obese lard of shit who stole ideas from other inventors. He was Edison before he even existed. The Germans took more care of America than angloshits ever did.

Time to re-elect President Franklin

>Franklin is on money
>therefore he must have been a president

Franklin would've shitposted on Jow Forums and called twitter a faggy normalfag shithole. Franklin is more hardcore than any of you redditrats.

>Franklin is more hardcore than any of you redditrats.
Bunch of normsters.

Franklin was never president retard

>invented lightning

>Name one thing Trump has done.
Trump invented tat tax break.

Attached: cghgf.jpg (72x72, 2K)

never was president you leaf.

op is a faggot

This is a joke right? Just going for "you's"
No fucking way you're so dumb that you thought Franklin was a president

>No fucking way you're so dumb that you thought Franklin was a president
Special balloting conducted October 18, 1785, unanimously elected Franklin the sixth president of the Supreme Executive Council

franklin invented $100 bills

witch was a lot of money ack then

Ben was ENTP master race. Trump is ENTJ. ENTJs don't invent anything. They just play the system that is already in place.


>When Benjamin Franklin was President
kys leaf