Today, Brazil is going to elect this based man as their president.
This is probably the most epic election I have seen, in the whole world, in my whole life. And literal hues have made this possible.
Think about this for a second. While we are electing retarded basedbois like Pedro Sánchez and Macron, literal hues have voted for HIM.
Attached: Bolsonaro.webm (640x360, 2.33M)
October 28, 2018 - 19:27
Even if he loses he wins as he already said he will refuse to concede and just give helicopter rides to all leftist opposition.
October 28, 2018 - 19:28
LMFAO this would be better than him winning
October 28, 2018 - 19:29
Bahahaha. He will lose and the military knows he's a zionist motehrfucker.
October 28, 2018 - 19:30
Haddad is the zionist, shill. Try harder.
October 28, 2018 - 19:32 /c_gPaqM-Z4g All hail our new King!
October 28, 2018 - 19:36
Unhinged toasty roasty
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October 28, 2018 - 19:39
Thanks Spain bro Maybe vox can be ourguys
October 28, 2018 - 19:47
>retard doesn't know what zionist means >kekistan flag Yep.
October 28, 2018 - 20:00
Murika did it first
Still, looks like helicopter rides are back on the menu boys!
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October 28, 2018 - 20:04
She got really upset when he said he wouldn't rape her.
October 28, 2018 - 20:04
Isn’t he a jew-lover who’s pro (((west)))? Sounds like a cuckservative
October 28, 2018 - 20:05
press V to vote for this absolute chad
Attached: 1540750559911.jpg (224x225, 7K)
October 28, 2018 - 20:16
If he loses, chances of a Military coup are very high. It's a win/win situation over here.
October 28, 2018 - 20:20
curious how Brazilians were all low-IQ subhuman monkeys until they got close to electing a right-winger and now suddenly they are based as fuck.
October 28, 2018 - 20:22
kek join me Argie. I wouldn't even mind the capital being Bs As.
Attached: Unknown-9.png (1360x764, 196K)
October 28, 2018 - 20:22
She turned into a tomato at the end.
October 28, 2018 - 20:24
Nah. Best fate for the peninsula is to just Balkanize for once and for all.
October 28, 2018 - 20:26
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October 28, 2018 - 20:30
Based B O L S O W A V E I made to follow the /8ZemiXeJRAs
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October 28, 2018 - 20:32
fucking roasties would pull this shit >"sir you are a rapist" >"ok you are a slut" >"WHAT IS THIS NOW HOW DARE YOU"
October 28, 2018 - 20:35
to me this is the most kek inducing analysis of this /2018 /10 /11 /brazils-trump /
October 28, 2018 - 20:36
god this is fucking awsome. The left still to this day can't deal with this.
October 28, 2018 - 20:39
This makes me want him to lose now, the world needs more helicopter rides.
October 28, 2018 - 20:44
I like how global stock markets are melting down but Brazil is still green and about to break all time highs
October 28, 2018 - 20:47
Very cool user, up boated
October 28, 2018 - 20:47
any fucking hues around? what is his policy to fix Brazil in a nutshell? why is he called a nazi and stuff
October 28, 2018 - 20:50
>why is he called a nazi and stuff Any right wing politician is a nazi nowadays
October 28, 2018 - 20:52
lmfao Bolsonaro is fucking based as fuck.
October 28, 2018 - 20:52
Brazil is a non white country so literally no one cares.
October 28, 2018 - 20:53
>what is his policy to fix Brazil getting rid of people that are sucking the state >why is he called a nazi Same reason as Trump. Leftists like labeling everyone they hate as nazis. Funny thing is that Bolsonaro got 80% of the votes from the brazilian community that lives in Israel
October 28, 2018 - 20:53
Why do I keep seeing this word zionist pop up? If someone is based and a chad I don't give a FUCK if he's zionist.
October 28, 2018 - 20:53
based monkey eatin' niggers. congrats. make brazil great again.
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October 28, 2018 - 20:54
Stay mad Black Cube soon your company will be shut down and every employee will be hanged for crimes against humanity.
October 28, 2018 - 20:54
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October 28, 2018 - 20:55
based and redpilled
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October 28, 2018 - 20:55
fuck yes. go Brazil. im rooting for you guys
October 28, 2018 - 20:56
Dude can we swap Trump out for this guy! Holy Fuck this is the shit!
October 28, 2018 - 20:57
Quick question why are Brazilians referred to as hues?
October 28, 2018 - 20:58
It comes from the HUE HUE HUE meme.
October 28, 2018 - 21:00
Man, i really hope Bolsonaro wins, i'd rather see a militarized Brazil than a Brazil full of criminal scum.
October 28, 2018 - 21:01
Attached: muh huehue.jpg (122x90, 7K)
October 28, 2018 - 21:01
I must have missed that one
October 28, 2018 - 21:01
It's as old as the internet itself.
October 28, 2018 - 21:02
Sopa de macaco comunista... uma delicia
October 28, 2018 - 21:03
I've been here since before the creation of this board. This entire time I've never even thought to ask why hue. Just accepted it as a Brazilian and moved on. Oh shit am I NPC?
October 28, 2018 - 21:04
Nah, if you're smart enough to ask yourself that question, than you're good.
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October 28, 2018 - 21:07
I see. Well good luck Brazil, and gratz for getting a proper leader
October 28, 2018 - 21:10
From his wiki >In foreign policy, he has advocated closer relations to the United States[9] and Israel.
October 28, 2018 - 21:10
The only issue is that just by being white, he will not be able to magically turn Brazil into an all-white country. Sorry.
October 28, 2018 - 21:12
When will the results be in?
October 28, 2018 - 21:13
results for governor are already coming in
results for president in 45 minutes
you can see them /eleicoes-2018 /
October 28, 2018 - 21:16
I didn't care much for Bolso but after this. Put the stamp on Hugh Mungus over there you huehue chimps!
Attached: absolutely-hugh-mungus-3741926.png (500x758, 164K)
October 28, 2018 - 21:19
Maybe you should take a hint, achmed.
October 28, 2018 - 21:42
>Says: "Go play the victim now" while her face turns red as fuck Top kek
October 28, 2018 - 21:44
>again let me teach you some history bud...
October 28, 2018 - 21:46
October 28, 2018 - 21:46
Is there sound to this (not that I understand portugues, but I want to hear her whining).
October 28, 2018 - 21:46
October 28, 2018 - 21:46
Bolsonaro for King of South America. Absolutely based.
October 28, 2018 - 21:47
this is QAnon levels of delusion. please stop.
October 28, 2018 - 21:50
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October 28, 2018 - 21:53
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October 28, 2018 - 21:55
I moved out of hueville very early so my Portuguese is shitty but doesn't 'vagabunda' mean lazy ass, not slut?
October 28, 2018 - 21:56
It works for both, depends on the context
October 28, 2018 - 21:59
It can mean lazy, but vagabunda is mostly used for slut. Now if you say vagabundo then it's almost certainly lazy ass.
October 28, 2018 - 22:00
In Spanish it means "homeless"
October 28, 2018 - 22:01
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October 28, 2018 - 22:05
Gratz on your based president huebros!
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October 28, 2018 - 22:09
Favela Monkeys > Euro Cucks
October 28, 2018 - 22:14
thanks everyone, im crying here, ive never been so happy in my life
October 28, 2018 - 22:19
October 28, 2018 - 22:21
We did it boys!
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October 28, 2018 - 22:30
Congrats. Happy to see conservative in power
October 28, 2018 - 22:52