What happened

Why aren't whites reproducing? Why is it when I go to the market all I see are mutt babies and shitskins with their spic children? What happened to my beautiful white country? And why am I labeled a racist when I so desperately vocalize my concerns for my people and our future? Is there any going back, pol? Can we rise to greatness once again or are we finished? It breaks my heart

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It's over. Just convert and join the winning team.

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>Why aren't whites reproducing?
Feminism happened.

Urban progressives

I will fight for my people until my last breath, fuck anyone who won't

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Serious just invent a white Judaism and become untouchable

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So if a woman wants your seed in her that is not dating anymore?

Wouldn't be able to do shit if it wasn't for the legion of nigger worshipping bugpeople voting left

Because you live in a poor area. I work in a wealthy area and see large Aryan families all the time

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the fuck are you talking about

I have thought of this, seems plausible, we might die off too soon though

and who runs the media that informs those people, who educates those people, who really is the politicians who end up speaking?

Who handed over all those institutions? Brave and powerful urban progressives

If a father gives his son his farmland, and the son ruins it, do we blame the father or the son?

Not a safe environment to bring up children. Why bother? They will only be slaves or cannon fodder for traitors and pigs.

>wtf are you on about
the future

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Two reasons

1. You all get sex ed and can afford birth control
2. You figured out that it's cheaper to get two dogs and an abortion

you have good taste

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go out and make white babies instead of crying over low white fertility, actions not words will help us now

That's a losing mentality, my guy.

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i need to fuck her dry and force her to have my babies

I have 3 children, what are YOU doing?


We are waking up.

The jews will continue to pay

Do you honestly think they will allow that? They would use anything in there power to make it fail.

Whites with kids won’t take them to those places. It’s called curbside pickup and grocery delivery. Sometimes you’ll see white kids at Whole Foods and farmers markets tho

Based Burger.

you destroyed the southern sisters. are you happy now /pol?

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KYS pajeet. You shitskins love to lick fascist boot just because he supported your "independence" from the Empire.

make 3 more, raise them in the right spirit, as I did mine

They will know the truth and realities of their world, believe me

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Why am i label a racist for call non whites mutts and spics. Why do people call me a racist when i dont want non whites anywhere around me because i consider them sub human scum...i mean how could anyone consider that racist.

Look man plain and simple. Jewish influence in everything, women have rights now, beta males being allowed to reproduce, and the yearly drop in testosterone levels of men.

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Slit your throat cuck, i support natsoc and fascism because that are the only ideologies apart from monarch which keeps the culture and traditions of the majority intact. Democracy works as a prostitute for minorities and communism destroys cultural identity.

Mutt/nigger detected
These aren't derogatory slurs, they are factual, accurate labels. I never called anyone a subhuman

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Based Indian, don't let these kikes and kike enablers to supress us. We will have our victory

I don't know where the Zionist meme came from, I think Lauren is doing good work

Brother wars-
They played us against eachother over and over again.
Consequently destroying the greatest white breeding stock.
Then they inculcated our governments to spread propaganda and redefine racism to instill guilt into otherwise healthy whites, making them believe they're inherently racist.
Lastly they smother gullible, raised by single parent white men with degenerate media, vidya, television, card games, novelty toys, anime.
Effectively turning them into manchild derelicts.
Then with their position in politics they incentivize negroids to invade and whites have become so cowardice and brainwashed they see it as an act of altruism.

they will just relocate to some other host and bomb you to hell.

>Why aren't whites reproducing?
1. women's rights
2. young men can't get well paying jobs (to impress women as good providers)

The Boomers brought in the most selfish and materialistic cultural values system in human history that had a visceral contempt for reproduction and responsibility.

What this could have meant is the West could have purged the bloodlines of a bunch of decadent degenerates and left behind nothing but the descendants of people who chose to ignore the Boomers' values. Instead, as those same hedonists grew older they decided to import replacements for the unskilled kids who didn't exist: 3rd World migrants.

Those migrants then soaked-up the bottom end of the labour market and made it harder and harder for natural-born children to start from the bottom and usher in a new wave of population growth from the prosperity they'd have been creating for themselves.

It's a compounding and cyclical problem with no end in sight.

Welcome to Jow Forums
Youre here forever. Join the war effort

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With enough sincerity and funding it's doable, you could have a ethnic syncretic version of both Islam and Judaism very easily. Early Christianity was basically half pagan. The point is they have won for now and the natives are going to have play the game of survival with their rules. Not playing or trying to flip the board will just result in death, being an idiot and trying to do it via rigged elections won't work either and neither will taking it out on innocent people (such as the horrid synagogue shooting) who are a much a victim in a globalist game as you are, alot of Romans thought the invasions of Germans was "the end" but it wasn't. The point is we have to make these things work in our favour otherwise these religions will just be used as non European demographic battering rams.