Is he just an ignorant old man...

Is he just an ignorant old man? I honestly think he just baits people throughout his show for the answers he wants for his audience.

Attached: jesse lee peterson.jpg (400x400, 23K)

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Another person brain washed by Delusional Donald

Jesse Lee Peterson is FOR Donald Trump. I don't like Jesse Lee Peterson, but I like Donald Trump. I'm not following your logic.

Fuck off shill fag.

I think he believes everything he says. I think he's right, too. He's a good, honest man who has gone some way to curing me of my innate racism.

This is an anti-Jesse Lee Peterson thread. Like lol where are you people coming from? Get with the program.

This isn't to say that I'm now a 'bennetton' hands-around-the-world retard, but that I can see that there are definitely based black people and that not all non-whites are bad, just most.

He's not as dumb as you think. He's not that smart but he gets politics and more importantly he knows what buttons to press and in what sequence to trigger people and get views and attention, he's found his market and he seems to have a fairly competent team guiding him.

I don't think he believes everything is as simple as he maps out on his radio show and videos. But he knows how to play the game. He's smarter than most blacks.

OP is a child of the lie


>Like lol

This is whatever the fuck I want it to be faggot. If I say he's based, he's based.
Fucking twelve year olds.

Bantz master.

Gas all meme flags

He seems to think he's inferior to whites, he once said something like "I'm black, I'm a little slow." Was surprised to hear that even after all of the (sometimes ironic) hate on Jow Forums.

he's really clever, he exposes the stupid attitudes which black people have against racism and white people. he is baiting because he knows that the information he gets will expose the stupidity. straight from the horses mouth


This is exactly why he isn't worthy of views. He's not honest.

I can't believe there's no Slut Walk thread

satan is his daddy

he is clever. like a street rat.

>the child at 10:17

Attached: c69.gif (664x714, 688K)

not much to say about sluts, specially if you're a slutmaker


Digits of degeneracy

Kek is trying to say something.

He's a comedic genius & is absolutely correct politically. His religious doctrine I disagree with.

Fuck off

The Fallen State with Pakman was amazing. Pakman's fans are bloated psuedo-intellectuals & actually believe Pakman won.

kike genes makes kike believe they are superior regardless of facts