Sexism in games is a thing, and here's why

It's not about victim. Obviously there's no immediate victim in a game since the character is not real.

However, the message and signal a sexist game sends is that sexism is OK. Or sometimes, as in pic related, sexism is even encouraged.

How difficult can it be for you to understand? Let's have a debate here, and let's see how long it takes before you run out of arguments and start using name calling.

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That's not sexism. That's sexual realism. Women are sex objects just as men are success objects.

Tits or GTFO

>Sexism is OK
It is.

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Yes, it's sexism. The fact that you don't reckognize it speaks volumes about your lack of knowledge.

Why would she dres like that? They portray her as if she was a piece of meat to be gawked at

What is sexist in that game?

Men are more interested in sex than women are. What don't you understand about this?

Because that's what women are, for the most part.

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It's not sexism not because I don't understand what your talking about but because sexism doesn't exist. How can I be treating women unequally. Women aren't people they're equipment.

Make your own game however you want it to be and shut the fuck off.

This. If dressing up sexy is so wrong and terrible, then why do women do it? This is woman's only source of power of men, it would actually be cruel to deprive them of it, at least in our depraved society.

>sexism in games
>and that's a good thing

Her whole ass is literally hanging out. And she's not an exotic dancer, she's a mercenary. By dressing her like that, the developers clearly show off the way hey view women: as pieces of meat.

Yes, but that gives them no right to portray women in disrespectful ways.

Admitting your sexism is the first step. Next step would be education.

>she comes to troll and debate
>We btfo by not only agreeing but doubling down

Sexism is based on the bullshit idea we are equal and the same. We aren't - otherwise there only be one gender. Your very endocrine system proves we aren't the same "being" and do not have the same purpose in the world. Feel free to refute my biological science argument... Emotional social appeals need not apply.

I have to wait for Sargon to tell me what he thinks.

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>showing something sexually attractive is sexist!!!

So some dude in a video game with massive pecks and abs is sexist too?

You're revolting. A Trump supporter, I assume?

No, games should not promote sexism

"Admitting" makes it sound like I ever cared about hiding it. Not the case, much less on the internet.
>Next step would be education.
It's because I've dealt with women that I know treating them as equals doesn't work. People used to know this, but thanks to certain (((factors))) it was forgotten along the way.

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Argue over what? What is there even to argue?
That some people will see people deliberatley as sex objects or whatever way you want to word this? Color me surprised. Its just the way people are. Women do this plenty with men aswell.
Now fuck off right back to your echo chamber.

>i don't like you enjoying sexuality in a manner in which everyone involved is a consenting adult
>let me inject my opinion into something where it is neither required nor desired
that about right?

I don't recall sexism being illegal so fuck off.

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>women wearing lingerie is sexism
oh shit you better tell all those THOTS wearing thongs and see through yoga pants in public that they're encouraging sexism
I don't know WTF you're doing on a board with a bunch of shutin virgins when there's real sexism being encouraged by sluts and whores IRL

Only if he ends up inciting a military coup to destroy the other branches and sets Barron up to inherit the nation as a monarch

>Yes, but that gives them no right to portray women in disrespectful ways
Does anyone have to give anyone any right to do something? Human species is as random as it gets. All these sidlined rules and laws are just what they are paper and bullshit to try and keep society togheter whitout it degenerating into full on anarchism.
No one has to give someone a right to do something. They simply do something because they can. If you can't stop it. the fault is yours because you don't have the capability to stop it from happening. Be it this subject or another.

Why don't you just make games without sexism?

Sexism is great
>canadian flag
Of course.

No, because they're designed by men to show them as powerful as a male power fantasy. But when men design women, they don't want to make them powerful, they mostly focus on making them sexy, which decrease her character's value compared to strong males.

Defending sexism will only make you look dumb

No, it's not "how people are", it's culturally and socially learned.

No, because those women are free to wear what they want WITHOUT you calling them degrading shit like "THOTS" or making them into sex objects.

Sexually attractive characters != sexism. Your whole argument is bunk.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with healthy male sexuality, and framing male interest in attractive women as "sexism" is a bizarre form of neopuritanism.

there is nothing wrong with sexism, unless you are a cuck motherfucker, then it forces you to face reality

sexism is not only natural, but ok too

>Defending sexism will only make you look dumb
Only in the eyes of women and whiteknights, so two groups of people whose opinion are utterly worthless anyway.

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No, because what they're doing with her is to degrade her to an object to look at. They don't treat male characters like that. That is sexism.

And even though it's just fiction, it delivers a sexist message.

A lack of knowledge often turns into blind denial

at one time, there was this thing called freedom of speech, it doesnt exist anymore (hate speech, yelling Fire in a movie theatre)

at one time, there was this thing called right to bear arms, but that doesnt exist anymore either (felons who did their time, or people deemed mentally ill or people living in a hurricane area)

women are not free to wear what they want, you dumb fuck, or some of them would be walking around topless (unless you are in Ontario Canada)

so anyways, women are not free to wear what they want, and if and when they finally have that freedom, it will only be temporary and only because elites deem it useful towards their goals

melt harder dyke

>No, because they're designed by men to show them as powerful as a male power fantasy

What a load of shit. They're shown as sexed up slabs of meat, no different than the women are. As far as it's a male power fantasy, so are the female characters a female power fantasy. You're blind, head in the and bias is just amazing.

so they're free to wear what they want but someone depicting a woman wearing what some women choose to wear in public in real life is sexism?
also, you're assuming that the game was designed by a man. why couldn't it have been designed by a woman?
you sexist retard

Implying any real /pol poster has name calling and poo flinging as a go to.

>No, it's not "how people are", it's culturally and socially learned.
EXCEPT. That's bullshit. People don't do things just because society has told them or culture.
If you where a bit less off a retard. You would have already known people have a tendency to rebel against cultural norms.
Women will always been seen as nothing but social objects by certain men.
And..Developers will keep doing this in order to keep geting revenue.
IF YOU don't like it. Then you go and make your own games that don't encompass on this sort off feature (Honestly. Im one off them myself. But that is mainly because of having a realy low sex drive/interest towards people in general)
But dosen't mean others do. If you feel a way. It dosen't matter everyone else will.
And you are puting up biological factors as fucking sex and wanting to breed with something that look's appealing as a cultural/learned behaviour? Its laughable. Go reread your anatomy and biology books and then come back with this argument.
You need to face reality.

Cunt you've been shitting up the board all morning, fuck off.

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actually defending sexism makes him look redpilled

then you got Overwatch with its double edged SJW x neckbeard autist pandering thing

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There's no female power fantasy in running around in a black thong, having your whole ass hanging out. That's a male sex fantasy.

Do you understand the difference?

Show me a woman who wears what OP girl wears in public

lol best post in this thread

OP is fucked

Women are more than just pieces of meat. They are pieces of meat with holes in them. As well as this look at the fucking EU flag telling people they need more education. I suppose your gender studies degree is all the education you need right?


Hey servant woman, whats wrong with sexual fantasies?

i report this faggy shit everytime. fuck you faggot. anyone in that discord server is a retard.

most underrated post of the year

about 50% of the girls at every rave

not sure but never seen such a blocky ass though kek.

also did you know that there are webpages where women share pictures of their naked bodies for free?

You do know that countries that practise progressive liberalism prosper, while conservative countries suffer from bad economics, right?

Depends on the fantasy

>Men and Women find diferent thing's appealing.
Once again. Collor me surprised. ofcourse the thing's that wichever gender the person is will be diferent and the way videogames will portray them is difernet.
MAYBE. Just maybe you are the wierd one that dosen't find those type off men appealing...But as a matter off fact most women do. And as we all know,feminists and retards like you make a very small minority off the population. Who don't exactly give out revenue...So ofcourse these things will never be catterd towards whatever you find appealing.

turns out the most important thing in a videogame is interaction and immedesimation and tits and asses don't really do much if your game is shit

You're not actually referring to a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of liberal/progressive brainwash.
Or maybe that's what constitutes "knowledge" in your eyes, I don't know.

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Remember in Ghostbusters when Thor was objectified and insulted as a dumb piece of man meat? Or that constantly shirtless werewolf boy in Twilight? It's almost as if all these evil sexist media moguls are using sex to sell their product to the target demographic. Whatever it may be. Fact is, women and girls play games, but mostly not the kind with skimpy armor. It's a money thing. Not a political thing. Besides we don't have a right to tell artists what they can make. Only say we don't like it. So QED.

Can I start a sexist church? I just wanna have sex all the time and not pay taxes. Why cant sex be a religion, why is it being sexist a bad thing?

>Why would she dres like that?

In the warehouse I work in women dress in elastic, thin skin tight "pants" like this all the time. Either they are comfy or they are choosing to show off their figure.

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>meanwhile 50 shades of grey and the thousands of garbage erotic novels for women, as well as dildos are not sexist
Go drown in cum, fucking retard.

>Why would she dres like that?
Why wouldn't she ? stop slut shaming you shitlord.

Is it that hard to kickstart #Gamergate2 that you feel the need to make memeflag shill threads?

Don't say degrading comments about her butt, it only goes to show your lack of respect for women.

For example, I can see that in the poll, a couple of people have voted that her "too fat". How much porn do you need to consume in order to have such twisted opinions about the female rear end?

>women can dress however they want
>this virtual woman isn't dressed properly

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>Yes, but that gives them no right to portray women in disrespectful ways.
But men are often portrayed in disrespectful ways as well? In most games, men are disposable meat shields, waves of dudes sent to kill you with no name and no face that are just gunned down as if they had no training whatsoever. That takes an aspect of men (their role as a soldier or fighting unit) and turns it up to 11, dehumanizing them and effectively minimizing their important role in society as protectors.
Everybody gets made fun of, everybody gets their group traits accentuated, everybody gets disrespected. If your actual intention is to get people to stop learning bad habits and practices from video games (and I assume media at large) then why not come at it from that angle? You could just as easily say that video games teach people to steal, kill, and commit terrorist acts, but we both know it's just a game. The reason women are more shown off in a sexual way in video games is because video games are made by men for men, and men don't want to see other men in a sexual way, it weirds them out. Then your argument just comes down to "no sexual content in video games at all" which is just curtailing freedom of expression.
You can pretend all you want, video games are for men. You can say you're a girl and play video games, you can point to Sarkeesian, but at the end of the day, both of us know video games are targeted at men, and sex sells.

>Show me a woman who wears what OP girl wears in public
confirmed never left the house

Knowledge is the understanding that women are opressed my men in the sense that men always try to keep women away from power by constantly sexualize them, thus removing focus from women's performance and to their bodies

>and let's see how long it takes before you run out of arguments and start using name calling.
Hm...Seems like you are the one who should be listening to your own words shitlord.

And wisdom is knowing that's a good thing

Read what I wrote. A few people think her butt is "too fat". If you think so, it really shows how twisted your view of women's bodies are.

And that twisted view stems from social and cultural things.

So I was correct, you're referring only to the "right" type of knowledge, the one that fits your agenda regardless of its adherence to reality.

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I-it's not like glow in the dark CIA niggers what your IP o-or anything user!

>thinks that men's preferences of women's bodies are "oppression"
You're a fucking idiot.

You mean she is dressed like women dress in the real world all the time when they want male attention; or are you upset that a fictional character in a fictional setting is dressed in an unrealistic way?

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I'm not shaming her, I'm shaming the male developers who focus on her sexy looks rather than on her abilities.

Because men dress her

Most off these people don't think that.
They are literarely voting things in such a way to create such a reaction from you. You dipshit.
And as a matter off fact. I seen women with bodies like that and even better in the real world. You know...Mainly cuz I go out off the house and my friend group dosen't involve feminist whales and even if we say there wasan't such a thing. its simply a fantasy of some neckbeard game dev and his idealization of a woman's body..Wich is perfectly fine. there's plenty of media content that does the exact same thing with men...Who's body on average dosne't look anything like what is portrayed.
You are not making any point here. Because sexism is a thing for both genders.
But..Eitherway,this isn't even what you are trying to alure at. You are trying to alure at some sort off pseudo bullshit ideea off equality for wamen to try and be equal with men in positions off power....As if somehow someone has to give you the right too raise to power or leadership. If women have never ruled society as a whole. Its not because they where "kept" down. its because they simply lacked the fucking capability to do so.
Equality dosen't exist. It never will..its nothing but a pipe dream idealistic people have.

Have you ever been to the gym?

>men dress her
No they don’t

Why don’t you educate yourself until YOU agree rather than the other way around? You don’t have any moral authority for your NPC Netflix-approved worldview.

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Why would anyone think her butt is "too fat"? Admit it, the only reason is because these people have very sick images of what a woman's butt should look like

racism is okay too

I don't why people think it's such a terrible thing, people choose who they sleep with based on race all the time

Stop blaming men for their sexual tastes. There's nothing sexist about any of this. Just like it's not sexist for a woman to have no interest in a fat, balding guy.

>Why would anyone think her butt is "too fat"?
Because people vary on their tastes of women. There are chubby-chasers out there who think any normal woman is disgustingly skinny.

>Why would anyone think her butt is "too fat"? Admit it, the only reason is because these people have very sick images of what a woman's butt should look like
That's not an argument. Try again next time.

>Yes, but that gives them no right to portray women in disrespectful ways.
Correct. They have that right. Not given, but guaranteed by law.

Also I'd like to point out that the average man actually likes some meat on a woman. It's the homosexuals in the fashion industry who push the anorexic, androgynous look of models.

>Because men dress her
so your argument boils down to:
>if a woman dresses this way because she thinks it's sexy that's good
>if a man thinks a woman should dress that way because it's sexy, that's bad
your argument is just: men must only dress women conservatively and not voice their preferences in appearance through the artistic mediums they create. what exactly is "not focusing on their body" by the way? not wearing tight clothing like women do all the time? not ever wearing revealing clothing like women do all the time? shorts too short? sexist. shirt cut too low? sexist. boobs too big? sexist. where do you even draw the line?

However, the message and signal a sexist game sends is that sexism is OK. Or sometimes, as in pic related, sexism is even encouraged.

Fuck off. Let us have fun.
You see everything as political propaganda.

Of course the taste vary, But when you have a fictional butt that is created to look perfect, and a few men STILL think it's too fat, then it makes you wonder what kind of values these men have.

What do you mean, "some meat"? What a disgusting thing to say

What would I argue about it or even care? That's the place of women.

How do you know these "sexy" females arnt all traps ?

“Some meat” means showing some skin for men to enjoy.

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>What do you mean, "some meat"? What a disgusting thing to say
Human's..for that matter. Most living things...Are sack's off meat and shit.
Truth is disgusting now eh?

>Truth is disgusting now eh?
That usually seems to be their argument, yes.

>And here's why

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>and a few men STILL think it's too fat
So what? You don't think there are any women with unrealistic expectations?

>"some meat"? What a disgusting thing to say
That's literally what it is. Stop getting offended over absolutely nothing.

That’s a fat butt. Tons of women with firmers rears than her

My opinion is you're wrong.
Let's see you debate that you retarded kike.