If guns aren't the problem, than what is it?

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diversity and multiculturalism.

gun culture

Starts with N and ends in R

These fucking NPCs are the issue.

It's the millennial fucks who can't accept that their life isn't special. So they go out and kill innocent people.

A little bird told me there are several mass shootings planned on election day, in primarily Democrat areas. Has anyone else heard anything else about this?


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nigger like you that don't know the difference between "then" and "than"

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What are you even talking about?


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America had weaker gun laws decades ago, and yet back then there wasnt this amount of mass shootings.

it has to do with shitty american mental health and culture.

A culture rotten to the core

niggers and kikes


NPCs are the issue. They always been the issue.


jews like this whore

the obama avatar really changes the optics of this post, so easy to make stupid people confused

Yep and they can't deal with being human. The reality that to be alive means to struggle and to suffer life is divine.

lack of discipline

Guns are the problem period

yes goyim, now get back to work, wageslave.

Social media and cable news, fucktards.


Jewish subversion of our culture and values.

Metal illness there is no place for people to go get help.


Crazy people?

>Metal illness

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Prescription drugs. There's never been a more chemically dependant generation.

the more you think about it, the more shootings make sense to commit

So this is how the media will shape the narrative. Spend the next few weeks on bullshit gun reform and attempts to curb the rights of the populace?


Yeah Reaganites gutted the mental healthcare system.

then why is there a higher preponderance of that?

he means lithium. may be right.
or some shit we don't realize yet, like copper. similar to lead in roman plumbing

Niggers. Only answer.

Jews, then
Which Jews set loose via

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I've been here too long.


>If guns aren't the problem, than what is it?

white Americans are still much more violent than white Europeans. Even if all the niggers in America disappeared overnight the murder rate would still be double Europe's (without even removing Europe's minority population as well)

>Stephen Paddock
>synagogue shooter
boomer plz go.

Ah yes, centred on those well known democrat stronghold in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Alabama
>b...but... those all have niggers
explain Montana

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Exactly its all inadequate mental healthcare.

Even Charles Whitman way back when. He went to 3 psychiatrists before he did his shooting from the UT tower, none of those psychiatrists diagnosed his brain tumor that was found in the autopsy.

>If guns aren't the problem, than what is it?
No idea user, I doubt we will ever find out

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>Starts with N and ends in R
don't forget starts with a k and ..fuck it it's the kikes

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naggers ends with s user

There are like 54,000 more chemicals in pregnant women today than were in pregnant women in the 1940s. Could any number of them. This is why the GOP's muh deregulation is retarded. Even known toxic chemicals they deregulate to allpw their contributora to poison people for profit, basically just shifting their costs onto others but with a big multiplier. Completely inefficient.

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That data is including suicides you intellectually dishonest cuck.

It's unironically the rights fault for closing down the looney bins in the 80s. I predict we are Russia tier in 40 years because of the right.

Its all by their design

We need to reform the stupidity of the countryclub GOP.

>Get rid of patriotism, community, morals, church and family


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The elephants in the room: Dual Diagnosis: Mental illness combined with drug abuse. Drug use is out of control, as is mental illness.


Merchant, is that you?

>unironically the rights fault for closing down the looney bins in the 80s.
Sure thing kike, there are still prisons and there is no need to pump people full of so many drugs, every fucking time someone shoots up something they are instantly labeled mentally ill, and guess what? everytime they are on some mood altering drug. Jump in an oven.

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I believe it's my fault. I just happen to be Satan.

Off by one.

Sorry not today satan

hard to define a community when families are broken apart, people dont know their neighbors, and everybody looks different and has completely different values.

Are you also the secret discord spammer?

This, seen articles where there were about 50 people who had suicided and even killed their parents (!) at ages 13-20 and they were all going on pharma drugs. Also a video of a shooter whom his father said "he got really angry after he started doing pharma drugs." It's the cause
This doesn't help

Shitty youth culture, being anti-social is the new social, hyper violent media from a young age, shamed for being an individual/different, economy that was sold up the river by globalists for globalists, ineffective law enforcement, basic human morals are ignored, polarized media...really I can keep going and going and going. This society is sick.

The funny part is I wasn't trying to snipe.


also these, but

why do people always act like this doesn't count? You're still just as dead if you shoot yourself

>hurr durr if people didn't have guns they'd just find another way to kill themselves.
Actually no. Restricting methods of suicide actually has a far more noticeable affect than banning weapons does on violent crime.

>well, I'm worried about my safety, and I'm not going to kill myself so niggers are my primary concern
Most suicides don't have a long-term history of mental illness (although obviously being mentally ill raises your chances considerably). Which is why it's easy to get potential suicides to change their minds if you restrict their access to means of killing themselves. It's also why you shouldn't be so certain that other people are the biggest threat to your safety - you don't know that your future self isn't going to hit a rough patch in life, drink a little too much one night, and in that instant make a huge mistake.

Deaths from suicide are several times more prevalent than deaths from murder, and what's more while murder victims are skewed towards minorities, in suicide statistics it's white men who are heavily over-represented compared to their percentage of the population. So if you're a white male, gun-related suicides should actually be more concerning to you than any other type of firearm death.

t. Kikesucker
Its almost like the old school media CEOs died and Jews took over the media on an unprecedented scale

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>have 10x the population of the UK
>have 5x the rate of violent crimes
>bongs think this means Americans are more violent
Wew lad

literally jews leading our society towards peak degeneracy, dividing and conquering, programming the goyim and playing white when it suits and jew when it suits.


Can confirm. I'm 51 and from a small town. People used to drive around with rifles racked up in their rear windows in plain sight. No problems. same with the unlocked doors. We used to walk right in to our neighbor's houses if we knew them well.

You want a real answer? People grow up believing they are free to be anything they want. Then the world teaches them that life is hard and very unfair. But they suck it up and try to play the game. Then you start telling them that they are worthless pieces of shit who should all die to make way for others. So not only did you destroy their last vestiges of the illusion of freedom but you make them feel that their life has no value (despite paying all the bills for these whiny losers and freeloaders).

I'm shocked we do not see more of this.

neither was I

Nice meme map bong.

Have loicense for that spork?

nothing you said is specific only to 20th century usa. it's a description of human life for thousands of years

Based leaf.

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It used to be legal to drive around like this when I was a small boy.

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Single mothers.

>waaaah i want everything in life handed to me and i should never have to face discomfort in life

Commie faggot detected.

>have 10x the population of the UK
>have 5x the rate of violent crimes
nigga where the fuck you learn to count?

Oh, right... American public schools. Sorry

The US actually has a population about 5x that of the UK. The murder rate in the US is about 5 per 100k, while in the UK it's about 1 per 100k.

>the real reason sporks and bicycle tires (sorry, tyres) are banned in my country is because we're all miserable and could kill ourselves at any moment

Now it all makes sense

(((Tolerance))) which lead to government mandated (((acceptance))).

>shit he's right, I don't have an argument
>what the fuck do I do?
>meme meme meme meme meme meme
>oi m8 its six bongs you got a loicense for that wibbly wobbly bang-a-bong oi oi whats all this then
>phew, that showed him

single moms

Kick God out of the country and he obliges your desire. We sowed the wind. Now we reap the whirlwind.

>what is it?

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Go back to your synagogue kike

Liberals overturned laws that made it easier to commit crazy people against their will. Said it violated their rights

Found the kike.

there are many places where mental health care is much worse. not the reason