Bill Kristol claims a scalp

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This just reinforces the fact that kikes are up to something.

>call out ZOG publicly
>agent of ZOG immediately gets you blacklisted

bill kikestol is the most brazen jew yet

Lou Dobbs got kicked off CNN because he wouldn't let up on the immigration stuff, guy has a mexican wife too

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>you can't say what george soros does and show the evidence and proof that he does these things because these things are an antisemitic stereotype and so your proof and evidence must be wrong

Really transparent demonstration of how jews use their identity to conceal their treason. They leverage the holocaust.

George Soros who funded the violent assault of Trump supporters during the election, also gave Jared Kushner a small loan of 500 million dollars.

WTF ?! Wtf..............WHY FOX WHY

the balls on this kike

"Yes goyim, I helped organize your 17 year war in the middle east but what's REALLY offensive is this bigot calling out Soros and Obama

We True Conservatives shouldn't stand for it"