Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - We've Been Found Out Edition

>State election
Hesse: Oct. 28 2018 #ltwhe


>Meme Collections

>What do
Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion.
Get Jow Forums.
Spread flyers and stickers.
Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.

>Counter culture
>Laut Gedacht

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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Other urls found in this thread:

>call attention to the Unrecht.
Ah, that makes me laugh to think how mentally retarded people keep voting for utterly incompetent scum in the shit party the AfD is.


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kek, you are so funny lolololololol epic :D

A series of nested ballsacks, like a matryoshka doll


It's your turn to wash my feet next Friday


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Oh dear, the guy who "explains" memes to normies is this one:

Okay,please don't forget your Towel again.

do you pay in cash?


What's up guys, I'm seeing a bunch of sites claim that the Greens are the winners, but it looks like AfD and the Greens made similar amount of gains in terms of percentage increase. So is this the narrative, or is it because the Greens have more accumulated with like 19.6% instead of the AfD's 13.2%?

Was the AfD expected to make bigger gains?


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Of course!

Oy Vey
Send in the Meme-SWAT

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give me a house number?
>how much can I earn

>in terms of percentage increase
Please go away, you will only drag down the already bottom level here by being a dumb murican with his retarded musings.

AfD is shit and slowly failing.

Okay Faggots,have fun with the Trolls. Im GDN8

They said i was a dreamer....

Her last words

Attached: frauke-petry-afd-interview-2.jpg (820x461, 34K)

Leck mich am Arsch du dummer Schwuchtel und beantworte einfach die Frage, sonst miehm ich deine Mutter ins Grab, wenn du nicht zurückpfostetst .

Yeah it is.

See what I mean? Many such cases. Sad!

>mfw when 8%+ gains since 2013 is failing

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Ah, that Welt article, right...that's where the sudden influx of lefties is coming from, then.

Given their delusions to become much much bigger and in contrast to their daily doom and gloom scenarios, yeah, at the end they still have less than Greens lol

>AfD is shit and slowly failing.
>AfD tripples their percentages everywhere
Would you please become a political advisor for linke/grüne/spd/cdu?

It's a simple question, there's a simple answer, are you capable? or is your "bottom level" to low for a simple request?

Also AfD is a much older and established party, without incessant media opposition, so can Fotzboy over there explain what he's shitposting about.

Since you dragged this argument into this thread as well and didn't give a concrete answer, I'll just assume that you only read Der Spiegel and get all your informations from that source. Which makes you some retard.

>Also AfD is a much older and established party, without incessant media opposition
Did you screw up the party name user?

Of course it's the (((narrative))).
The narrative is that AfD does not exist in media because "muh nazis".
The entire Green gains thing is a two-part issue:
1) media hype to prep them to become Merkel's new coalition partner on federal level
2) voter migration from desillusioned SPD cucks to go full bore idiocy by voting Green

Sup Tay

Sup Kerstinfag

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You think? Didn't read it (no Welt Plus). Do you know what's in it? Is Jow Forums or even Kraut/pol/ mentioned? We're just a cozy, peaceful board that means only fun and no harm.

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Damn, Tatort was pretty spoopy tonite. Why are vampires so cool? Hope I can sleep.

Yeah, shit, I meant Grüne

So your answer is "I'm not going to name my `reliable sources` because I'm afraid you might laugh at me". Don't worry, you can name them. We're already laughing at you anyway.

>>AfD tripples their percentages everywhere
lol they're a fucking failure only fuelled by dissatisfied CDU voters. Once they stop their grand coalitioning the AfD will return to the shit Lucke state it was in before, if they don't do that themselves over the course already by becoming even more retarded.

But, you're free to vote for incompetent neonazi retards who only want your gibs.

The NEET phenomena is somehow related to mause uthopia expermient!

>incompetent neonazis
user, ich...

I fucking KNEW it!
Not a real person, fucking faggots!

yeah, so is being a faggot

fait acompli will make sure they're growing

Hessen bekommt Grün - Rot - Rot und es gibt nichts, was wir tun können

I'm not afraid of you laughing at me, I'm simply not interested in your opinion on my media diet, especially since you are highly likely some deranged neonazi.

>We're already laughing at you anyway.
Haha you wish


>deranged neonazi

Attached: welt+.png (905x365, 124K)

Homosexuality and NEET phenomena is are not related, it's not normal that young males are not capable of making it on their own, and having normal long lasting relationships with oposite sex, this is not funny, this is scary.

Greens are the winners because they are almost certain to actually govern, while the AfD is a bunch of mentally challenged human failures who still haven't figured out any policy and are busy keeping their people together because of massive infighting and constant bitching.

even bigger shit
burn it with fire

AfD fags trigger me but Linke fags trigger me more.

Yeah you know, like someone who goes back to some archived thread, takes three screenshots, underscores some obscure numbers, puts it into a collage and posts it here.


I didn't read it either (going to check with my Welt Plus source the next time I visit), but I wouldn't put it past them to have mentioned Jow Forums. They probably didn't mention Kraut/pol/, don't want to lead anyone to Feindfunk after all.

So the lefties we're dealing with right now are the brave (they dared to open Jow Forums) and smart ones (they were capable of finding the thread on their own). And no, neither of these two is a much of a compliment.

As i said there are many anons acting in this ''tay'' character.

>Homosexuality and NEET phenomena is are not related
what are you saying? I agree with the second part of your statement, it is very serious.

Sad! They need to get it together.

Nah normally it's just me but I was gone for the last few hours and apparently someone larped as me.

>Greens are the winners

Attached: merkelscheming.jpg (540x460, 47K)

average AfD voter

Correction: I voted for Drumfph

You two are cutie.

Can someone just rate Germany's current state on a scale from 1-10 for me? Don't have time for detes right now.

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>And your price is: A failing nation hellbent for a total collapse
>would you like to increase the velocity at which you are going?

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Åm drunk by the way, but this is one of my opinions that i will keep after i get off alchahol, NEET phenomena is sinister in nature, something is fucking wrong here, it shouldn't be this way, why would organisms act in such manner?This is not normal at all.
How many times have you seen someone LAPR as you?

>A failing nation hellbent for a total collapse
Oh no, why do people not vote for AfD? lol

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AfD eats shit
CDU and SPD can think about what went wrong
was good day for the Vaterland

Do you even follow german politics, memeboy?

Today was the first time

If you go with 10 there's no room for improvement :^(

>shame tactics
>on Jow Forums

Fair point, but future improvements have to be dicsounted. There was no better possible outcome.



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-5% for AfD would have been better

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My nigga

Of course but there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Oh, you.

Do you seriously see this whole bringing-in-millions-of-foreigners thing going well?

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How the fuck did you get portugal before france when British navy is blocking the shit out of you?Also HOL4 is shit EU4 is god tier, im playing stellaris now, its not as good as EU4 but i have to finnish my murder machines campaign.

I took a look at the AfD Wahlprogramm and it seems pretty good uezs.

Yeha because there are no millions of foreigners.
That's just part of the Opfermythos.

Tell me are you a real person or a fat fagg in he's basement?

muh afd, ellections will not change a shit, civil war is what we need in Europe.

It's a bug
It says I am at war with them, but in reality I'm not



I'm as real as it gets

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Like for wiping my ass, yeha.

It's basicly wishful thinking of people who want to live in the fifties again.

>+4,1% -5% = -0,9%
>When the dead manage to vote against you

Yeha let the right-wingers get themselves killed like during WW2. Problem solved.

See, that's where you're already wrong and dumb as fuck. Just go away, murican.

Apparently we need to rename your main boulevard again for being so uppity.

Estonia>>>>>>>Lithuanian>>>>>>Latvian>>>>>Latvian incels

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Endsieg mod is fucking great
But I am fucking babysitting the ottomans

No Latvia bro, democracy is not all evil. Here in the States elections have often been in favor of conservative policies, but have been overruled by high courts. Brexit and Donald Trump are great examples of democracy working.

Obviously I meant

Literaly took over 1/3th of galaxy, but there are 2 organic empires holding the rest, there was a dooms day event, where ''felow'' non organics declared war on everyone, and said that we are to high in civlisation, and need to be destroyed, i fucked them over, and recovered dyshons sphere, built a large motherfucking navy and, but 2 organics have defense pact against me, what do?Do i declare war on them and fuck them bouth over?

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I can't argue with these FACTS

Just looking whether people report on Kraut/pol/ and found that from late September:

Ha, so sweet.

>high IQ Latvian incel who will get nobel prize>>>>>Estonia>Latvia>Lithuania


Clearly the mistake was all mine.

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Okay baby, im gonna believe in you.