Listen pol, due to recent events we need to get rid of the option to select nazi as a flag

Listen pol, due to recent events we need to get rid of the option to select nazi as a flag.

Why? It's simply wrong. There's no reason to allow a user to adopt the flag of the regime that killed millions(!) of jews. And now guess what? People are going and shooting up synagogues and killing jews in real life.

It's morally reprehensible. I suggest we delete this nazi option and perhaps over time we will evolve into a peaceful board discussing the finer points of politics. It's fucking sick.

Attached: kg7GTQz.png (300x546, 17K)

This is some of the shittiest bait i have seen in a while

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Get rid of ALL meme flags
Also OP is always a faggot


This, but unironically

Attached: 1540429896357.png (1675x1684, 370K)

Agree on the memeflags. Only reason anyone uses them is for shitposting

Don't call me that you piece of shit.

Don't get rid of the nigger flag or the homo flag, we need to ID and filter them.

Kill J*ws for Christ.

Then also get rid of the communist one