Early voting has alread started faggots, and the GOP is leading. How will Shareblue ever recover?
Early voting has alread started faggots, and the GOP is leading. How will Shareblue ever recover?
is that for senate or the house? the house is the one republicans could potentially lose and the one that matters.
>is that for senate or the house?
U wot m8. Both
The numbers reflect registered voters of both parties that already voted.
Really, nobody wants to talk about this?
It’s interesting and encouraging but you’re preaching to the choir. We all already know there isn’t a Blue Wave. The only question is whether we’ll get a Red one, and how violent the Dems will become if we do.
Who cares? Both parties serve jewish interests.
Big whoop rightard. Those states dont carry many electoral votes.
God damn you people are fucking stupid.
Doesn’t matter everyone needs to get their asses out and vote. Im in texas and even if the demos lost EVERYTHING, and beto the beta won here, they would shill that as the blue wave. Get out you fuckers and vote, never get complacent, even if we had a 99% chance of winning. Hell even if ur in a state with a 99% chance of losing, vote red as your one small fuck you to the libs and kikes.
I don't even give a fuck anymore. I have my own way of dealing with our losses. Whenever I go over to a Trumptards house I ask to use their bathroom where I lick all over the toilet seat so the next time they sit down they get my saliva all over their asses. Fuckin idiots don't even know it.
>go vote or the red wave doesnt happen
Duh faggot, thanks for the info, voting day is November 8th right?
>I don't even give a fuck anymore. I have my own way of dealing with our losses. Whenever I go over to a Trumptards house I ask to use their bathroom where I lick all over the toilet seat so the next time they sit down they get my saliva all over their asses. Fuckin idiots don't even know it.
This is hilarious. I piss in sinks everywhere I go. Shit's mine now nigga, my sink...
opps pic related
I can't wait until Beto flames out like Abortion Barbie did.
voted straight republican in mass and im an independent. #Devlish
Typically the party 'in power' loses seats. When the last time that didn't happen? If there's no 'blue wave' does anyone know what kind of history will be made?
>Red wave
It simply means that most of the incumbent Gops in close races hold their seat. That means 218 in the House and 51 in the Senate. In other words, no change. And the Dems will spurg the fuck out.
It's still too close. Whats Nevada's problem?
A little bird told me there are several mass shootings planned on election day, in primarily Democrat areas. Has anyone else heard anything else about this?
Sweet. I'm registered Democrat, because it was recommended I make my a big boy choice at 16 years old, while getting my driver's license. 16 year later, I'm too lazy to bother fixing that. I love polls and "data".
>blue wave
I've got like 10 phone calls over the weekend to participate in voter surveys. I haven't answered those shits because I know they are scared and want them to be even more surprised when the votes get counted.
>Nevada results
As a Commiefornian I want to say I’m sorry. You’re on the front lines for taking our fucking state-destroying locusts. I member when crossing the border into Nevada felt like a runaway nigger slave felt like crossing the Mason Dixon into the freedom of the north