Why do so many Modern Soldiers come back with PTSD?

Why do so many Modern Soldiers come back with PTSD?

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Because they're pussies that get triggered after seeing a barfight or someone getting nuked.

You would have PTSD if you killed innocent people fighting for Israel too. They didn't realize their mistake until the battlefield.

Millennial energy drinks.

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Like my dad used to say in front of the mirror every morning, "war never changes"

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>>BTFO by midgets in hay hats and flipflops(Vietnam)
>>suicide rate hit the roof in Iraq
Because they find themelves fighting against people with a real cause and high endurance due to a lifetime of shitty living in a shithole.

Also mutts are unstable because they are programmed by tv and have no real base of a culture and sens of existence.
oops, almost forgot, death to america.

My childhood friend killed himself when he got back. His brother said he had to shoot kids who had armed themselves. Thats why I say Death to the terror sponsor state Israel. Justice for zionist treason. Justice for the taxpayer funded victims of ISIS terrorism and slavery. Justice for 9/11

>>Sand niggers terrorists

this but less Jow Forumstier

When you do something you would normally not do change your Attitude (A) towards the things you're doing or change your Behaviour (B).
This cognitive dissonance creates a lot off stress.

When we can explain our (B) by pointing towards exterior motives (I had to shoot him to save me wife), our (B) and (A) don't have to correspond to eachother.

Yet when you can't do this (which is definitly the case for ME wars) your (B) differs wildly from your (A).
Changing your (A) won't happen because no one sane wants/can be a coldblooded killer.

Thus this stress that occurs from (A) =/= (B) never goes away.

which could explain these high amounts of ptsd diagnoses

Jews love to dehumanize arabs, palestinians, everybody.

I watched these fucking guys for years in
Afghanistan. People who become cops and soldiers and other jobs where they are going to see some shit don't take that into consideration. All they can think about is they are going to be heroes. Well, heroes, if you can't even clean a deer you probably are not going to be able to see some real shit.
Muh Heroes.

They had nothing to do with 9/11. We didn't find the weapons of mass destruction Israel claimed was there. Somehow we still trust Israel.

Muh Israel!

I kill u snownigger, we are innocent.

riiiiiiiight go back to fucking your goat tunisia... Ive been to your shit hole training your inbreed police force. Its funny you guys are seriously weak bodied as fuck..


article says half your population is over weight... Also first hand saw your weak bodied men struggle in hand to hand combative training.

We were doing the same thing for Syria under Obama. Pic related. It's Hillary.

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Young lad, mama's boy blasts civis into pieces and guts and parts fly in his mouth, scared of imminent attacks, friends/comrades eviscerated in front of him, super anxious and attention heightened which saved his life a couple of times, can't keep up and gives up and embraces death.

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It has something to do with "days of potential dying at enemy hands" versus "days of no chance of dying at enemy hands".

WW1 generated a huge amount of "shell shocked" veterans. Whereas WW2 generated very few.
The main difference between the two was the amount of combat/potential combat they saw in a year.
In WW1 they would lie in trenches all the time and exposed to bombardments and attack/defense. In WW2 they would spend most of their time moving between places in friendly territory.

The last couple of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, has the troops constantly patrolling territory - which may or may not be hostile. This cause the people to stress out and get PTSD.

it's always been this way really, they used to call it shell shock, then some sort of "frentic" word back in the 1850's. Really you go farther back and you see how much alcohol soldiers and people took in, in the use around 1780-1830 the average person would drink a pint of rum or some other hard liquor.

So everyone has always been really fucked up after traumatic events, it's kind of way after you have a car accident even if you aren't hurt they'll try to give you something to sedate you. That will lessen the long term trauma. All trauma really is a learning mechanism that's pushed the point of being self destructive.

The PNAC laid all this out, called all these countries the "axis of evil", said they'd need a new Pearl Harbor like event to make the public buy it. The zionist lobby are like abusive, manipulative pimps. And they'll do or say anything.

Because they're cowards.

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Were you ever picked on by a bouncer and denied entry in here ?
if it happened, that's me
i love making those Marine kids feel like shit .
Also, you're probably a nigger.

Constantly being on the edge about bombs and snipers. You can literally never relax and let your guard down.

Were you ever picked on by a bouncer and denied entry in here ?
if it happened, that's me
i love making those Marine kids feel like shit .
Also, you're probably a nigger .

because they survive more
and we diagnose it
and its on the news

its all that hawt man of man action. they claim they didnt sign up for it but they wanted it. you can tell. doing exercise like some faggot you know they just listen to britney spears and sing along in the car. some pansy faggots just aching for dick and the drill instructors know how to lay pipe. oh yea they see a lot of faggots signing up expecting to just waltz through 4 years and get some easy cash well not on his watch they have to earn it with buttsecs and the word no isnt in his vocabulary but the term i can neither confirm or deny that is and thats all he says when the mps show up and its sort of a catch 22 thing because state secrets

Modern military isn't a brotherhood or tribe of your own people it's a multi cultural social experiment and brass is only in military to get comfy political jobs after military there's no career officers anymore the culture is broken everything is a broken cluster fuck of chaos
There's no sense of purpose
You can fight in hell itself if deep down you can tell yourself it's for the greater good this modern shit is just stress and pointless crap and no one understands you and it's too hard to explain everything words can't describe how retarded everything is
Fuck off back to r e d d i t your cringey poofta cunt

Go die for Israel

Military training isn't properly preparing them for the shock of war and isn't giving them the proper exit training to return to civilian life.

just fucking take meth or an after binge of cocaine will leave you fearnotless
>also they are abused children
good post

PTSD rates eclipse rates of seeing actual violence.

For those who saw combat the reason is obvious - modern war, often 100% of the time feeling like you can be attacked. For those that don't you go from a highly disciplined organized environment with a high solidarity and sense of communalism to a "Fuck you I got mine" neoliberal "lol whats the need for neighborlyness and a sense of social trust, it's multicultural time bro" American culture.

Go from something where you feel part of a more important whole, an 'artificial tribe', to fluorescent lighting office bureaucracy getting bitched at by a fat whale in HR and tell me you wouldn't want to kill yourself.

Millennial faggits who couldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight, who come into the military with anxiety disorders from childhood divorce, projection from their single moms, and years spent in a gynocracy only to be thrown into a hyper masculine environment.

t. 20+ year Army vet. AMA.

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More powerful explosives = more brain damage.

>3 squadmates get blown up, one to pieces that flew 50 meters from the RCIED, one a quad amputee, the last had his brains spilling from his brain.
>fucked up a lot of young kids
>patrolling Khandahar during 2011 when it was the most mined province in the world, constantly paranoid of stepping on a pressure plate and losing legs and dick.
>firefights nearly everyday, lack of sleep from details, gaurd, and patrol, plus hatred built up from being around savage sand niggers all the time
>incompetent mortar team with even more incompetent leadership, mortared our own base one day during a sand storm. Killed our supply sergeant. Peforated him. Carried the body bag to the chopper.

I was fucked up for 4 years and now I'm good. Its the ones that had issues before joining that tend to have problems after, eapecially those with self-hatred. Id still live it all again, for jews or not, no better high and boost of self-esteem after a successful firefight complimented by combat air support.

>innocent people
pick one

They're fighting bullshit wars for bullshit reasons. General loss of faith in God/s (Whites and East Asians). Also, i would think that ancient battlefields would be more chill, now we have bombs and guns and planes and shit.

They don’t really advertise how you’re going to be mortared and rocketed every day for 3 months and you won’t be able to shoot back. Then when you finally catch the bastards the ANA turn them loose for $100 and some hash.

Well, what do you mean by "innocent people"?

I demand quads KEK, i'll go berserk. Don't fuck with me.

I'll settle for d u b z and you can keep your head.

That''s what i thought.

Because society says war is bad and killing people in war is murder then forces people to do it.

The reality is there is nothing wrong with killing people if there is a good reason for it and we shouldn't teach children their whole lifes the opposite then expect them to blow somebodies organs onto the street while keeping sane

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They've got Sipper Madness!

>Why do so many Modern Soldiers come back with PTSD?
Because they don't know what they're fighting for. When there's no clear reason or bad guys, then you have to kill people, of course it's going to come back and haunt you.

Based sandnigger

Yes, this user understands.

ahh i see, a fellow genuine vet.
how's the VA treating homie?


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What the fuck is wrong with you? are you even White?

Too many Rip-Its?

Well then you're just a moron.

You're probably kidding tho.

>marines chug free ripits
>get out of marines
>ripit withdrawal is actually ptsd

Soldiers have always had PTSD, but we didnt always have a word for it.

I didn’t have a bad VA experience other than them possibly giving me AIDS from not sterilizing their instruments.

But yeah my Afghanistan experience was not as advertised because Pakistan was complicit in every enemy action and the ANA & ANP were fucking worthless.

Weak minds. Fucking pussy ass bitch boys who enjoy watching their wife getting blacked.

back atchya finngol

Because you can now collect disability money for it.

I've done got me 157 dead gooks killed.

Not that simple.

real talk, it's how they're trained.
Lindy beige has done a vid on it. Naturally they're not killers, and in wars gone by they didn't kill how they do now.
The training today overrides our nature.
They're broken into a mould, then it's an issue when released back into civilian life.

You can't just expect me to not kill people now.

because they found out traps are actually gay

Because they are performing mind control experiments and taking people. Don’t you read slide threads?

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I don't think it's necessarily modern, but that it wasn't diagnosed until recently. Combat is one of the best ways to induce PTSD. Not only witnessing the death and dismemberment of your friends, but inflicting it on others will probably fuck you up inside. Then, the soldiers get to come back to America without any acknowledgement of their trauma, with the national mental health system getting worse every day, so their friends and family get to deal with their PTSD symptoms.

You're just talking about American soldiers post 9/11 aren't you?

A weapon to surpass metal gear

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>be in military
>be guinea pig for every vaccine and experimental medical treatment
>be in urban guerrilla warfare zone
>have extended combat tours because of manpower shortage
>not fighting for anything except to maintain Jew globalist empire

being pumped with chemicals, combat fatigue, knowing that your friends have died for nothing. any human being would come back fucked up after that.

it's not like your sacrifices or those of your friends meant anything. it's not like you're fighting for something greater than yourself. you're basically a meat bag being put in the grinder so a few kikes can keep the shekels flowing.

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They had PTSD in the past too, it just wasn't diagnosed. It's like autism. People aren't becoming more autistic, it's just being recognized and diagnosed far more often now than it was 100 years ago.

Dude, it's the whole thing. Even when you're not killing people you're always on edge, it's war, you're in a war zone, people are trying to kill you.

Nah the training is the best part because you just do the shit automatically. Then you don’t have to worry about freezing when some cracked out haji charges you with an AK and a suicide vest.

But if you were a warrior in the past that was what you did, you didn't have to come back from war and pretend like you're a civilian.


you expected anything from the ANA or ANP?
be thankful they didn't just shoot you in the back :(

i sometimes feel nostalgic and miss the camraderie of the marine corps. but then i quickly remember the fuck fuck games, general military bullshit, and the very stupid very dangerous deployment to afghanistan

>>join marines
>>pick logistic option
>>become ammo tech
>>be trained ammo tech
>>learn ammo and logistics systems
>>do mohave viper training as ammo tech/supply
>>deploy to afghanistan
>>you are attached to convoy as gunner now
>>training wasted


Easy! you just don't lead 'em so much!

First ANA kandak we were with was pretty badass honestly. We’d capture guys and they’d tie them up, tear their beards off, and beat them or rape them to death. Then we stopped letting them sell parachutes from our resupply drops so they started taking all kinds of bribes.

I was also a gunner for a good portion of my time. Lot of fun but we almost rolled over like 5,000 times and eventually got the front half of our truck blown off.

getting autism bucks or realizing they fought, died and bled for the jews

There was no rear in Iraq to get away from conflict. So you are basically on guard or mental alert 24/7 from anywhere from 9-15 months and depending on where and when you were there, it can play hell on your psychological health, especially with trust issues when you get home. So basically it's not from the intensity of the conflict but because of the longevity of deployments, with nowhere to completely shut your brain down. Even if you get back to the FOB to refit, you're still susceptible to SAF and IDF. It's absolutely taxing

I've noticed large number "vets" are just some mentally ill pussies that served 6 months in the army.
>ah muh vet, ah serrved indah arrmy forr whole six months...

>We’d capture guys and they’d tie them up, tear their beards off, and beat them or rape them to death.

What a bunch of fucking sandniggers.

Some of this is also correct, this is known as an ethical or moral wound. When you get out and start deconditioning the psycopathy instilled in you, you may have an extremely hard time coming to terms with what you did or what you fault for. Your peers will think you're a bitch, those same peers who sat thru the wars drinking beer and the only idea they have of conflict comes from Hollywood

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It's gay as fuck, in ancient times you could just be in that mindset 24/7/365 until you got used to it. Didn't have to worry about having to change your whole shit. Ever.

I guess nowadays you could still do that, but only if you're like a revolutionary or some shit. Even mercenaries take time off.

Our VA isn't bad plus I my wife is still in so we have tricare for whatever the VA doesn't cover, but I'm rated 100% from a TBI in Afghanistan so I'm good anyways.

ANA and ANP are fucking terrible

And you're just sitting there thinking "i could kill you in 47 different ways right now and that's just with my bare hands".

Seeing dead kids will leave you fucked up no matter how badass you think you are.

t. veteran of Panama and Somalia

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Unless you're a psychopath and that's like your uh, fetish.

I'm pretty sure this is a case of correlation, not causation.

all the popular kids are doing it.

Because killing Palestinian children and aiding terrorist groups is not ok, american soldiers are forced to act against their principles

A Mexican soldier will never have PTSD because killing narcos and drug lords is a healthy pleasure

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>>incompetent mortar team with even more incompetent leadership, mortared our own base one day during a sand storm. Killed our supply sergeant. Peforated him. Carried the body bag to the chopper.

this, people don't realize the level of retardation that exists in the military. What was your rank, faggot?

>get shot at
>have explosions happen
>see tons of dead people
>almost die myself multiple times
>half my platoon either died or committed suicide
>american politics don't help as most people are treated like shit when they get back
>muh GI BIll is worthless and didn't help me get a job
>being a veteran didn't help me get a job
>my body physically aches every single day and every bone in my legs constantly hurts from endless miles
>multiple hip injuries, broke my leg twice, broke my foot once, hit my head multiple times, broke two fingers
>hazed almost daily by people who are suppose to be your leaders, but only care about their own career
>barely slept for close to 5 years
>at one point was sleeping 2 hours a day for close to 3 months
>lost valuable time that I should have been doing young adult things
>and finally having killed two people myself

And now I'm half the man I was, having finally drawn myself out of alcoholism, and two suicide attempts, having been put on pretty much every SSRI medication you can imagine.

I blame most of my issues on the SSRI medication, before I started that I could manage. I was depressed, but could manage.

After the SSRI, things changed. I was angry, I was suicidal, even doing basic things like finances suddenly felt like running a 40 mile marathon.
However if I could go back I would have never joined.
There was no brotherhood, there was no friendship, it was a job like any other with a much higher risk of death, with little to no payoff.

People like to act like veterans get treated well and are given a lot of "gibs me dat".
You have to fight really hard for that dibs me dat and have tons of evidence for it.
You could literally be missing a leg and only get 30% disability.

You want to make fun of people, make fun of the kids who work at McDonald's and act like their life is hard.

I wasn't making much more money and was working exponentially harder for years.

thirty now, ten years have gone by since I first joined.

When I was in college I meet this dude who had PTSD
He would never talk about what happened or his time in Iraq even his fellow OIF vets, he finally opened up to this Vietnam vet who was in the real deep shit.
After about 20 mins the Vietnam vet laughs out loud and Iraq vet gets up, yells fuck you and storms out.
I ask the nam vet what happened and he tells me the Iraq vet was a fuckin mechanic who's PTSD was caused by getting one RPG shot at his base and he got a piece of shrapnel in his foot.

An open letter to anyone who has ever served in the US military:

Please, shut the hell up.

You're not superior to people who never joined the armed forces. There are many civilians who serve their countries in ways just as noble and honorable as yours. And they're just as proud of their nation as you. The fact that they have never fired a weapon or gone on deployment does not make them inferior to you. And your training on an M-16 or six months spent humping around a desert doesn't give you the right to spend the next twenty years reminding everyone around you that they're all worthless and weak.

If I have to deal with another fucking security guard who gets paid minimum wage to drive a golf cart around a shopping mall but thinks he's some kind of superior ubermensch just because he's got USMC tattooed on his bicep, I'm gonna blow my top. Here's some advice for all of you in uniform right now: when you get out, just tell people, "I'm proud of the service I gave. It was a unique experience." not, "You'll never understand what is to serve, because you never had the courage to sign up." You, mister or miss ex-military, will never understand how insulting that is.

This goes double for ex-military types who live on a base and mouth off to the civilian sysadmin. If you want e-mail and Internet access and all that shit, you'd better not give the civilian in charge of those services a big fucking lecture about what a coward he is for getting an education in his youth instead of humping through the backwoods of Georgia for seven years. You'll get your ESPN live feed back when you stop acting like a fucking Neidermeyer.

Thank you, and good night.

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>modern soldiers
PTSD was always a thing, they just didn't know about it in premodern times

hi Shaun