>"and those seeking (((their))) destruction, we will seek THEIR destruction."
>"now when you have crimes like this (the tree of life shooting) you have to bring back the death penalty."
Trump - Murphysboro, IL - 10/27/2018
>"and those seeking (((their))) destruction, we will seek THEIR destruction."
>"now when you have crimes like this (the tree of life shooting) you have to bring back the death penalty."
Trump - Murphysboro, IL - 10/27/2018
What does Tree of Life mean anyways? Sounds like some occult type of stuff.
Kabbalah bullshit.
You faggots don’t even watch baseball
Democrats who are against the death penalty for the murderers of Jews are antisemetic.
let me know when trump calls for the death penalty for jews who promote and engage in white genocide.
>wants to kill terrorists families
>wants death penalty for drug dealers
>wants death penalty for mass murderers
Did you just wake from a coma, OP? It’s 2018 if you want to know the year.
I ve been watching. I was rooting for the Dodgers actually, but I just enjoy a good really.