Why are Africans always starving despite living in a lush tropical paradise where fruit falls from the trees and wild...

Why are Africans always starving despite living in a lush tropical paradise where fruit falls from the trees and wild game such as the gazelle runs abound?

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Because they're stupid niggers. /thread

extreme lazyness and controlling women.
violence and disease.
to be blunt. black culture.

>that pic
aaayyyy lmao

Culture of instant gratification, status symbols, and establishing power by physical force over others. It's a crab mentality that stops them from getting shit done collaboratively and they settle for the lowest garbage as long as they don't have to work with others for it.

laziness, why learn to hunt when the UN brings rice every few days

because white people took everything from the HOTEP tribes and philosphers like aristotle literally stole his thoughts from KEMET art in pyramids.

>a lush tropical paradise where fruit falls from the trees
Never been there have you.

This pretty much

Racism. Food is racist.


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ikr kek

Because they are black and no one picks the food for them.

How do you think monkeys survive in Africa, while black people don't?

Too many boomsticks

Actually it's extremely hard to grow anything in Africa.

Western infrastructure, medicine, foreign aid and food aid

Before nature would keep down the population but recently Africas population has exploded as they've gotten access to stuff invented by Europeans.

We feed and they breed

And given Africas population is exploding with 3 BILLION EXTRA Africans the next 80 years. The problem will only get much, much worse

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black people most certainly survive in Africa, and there's a billion more on their way.

Cause we were kings til whitey came and stole everything

Only on gibs and dirt cookies.

they dont' put food in there mouth.

So hunt animals you dumb nigger.

Purely economic factors

They were on the verge exticntion until they got aid packs and free medicine.


The worst famines happen where they don’t have that, like in Ethiopia and Zimbabwe.

Fruit cant sustain a civilization you mong, and africa barely even has that

obviously the lush tropical areas aren't suffering from starvation

So it's like reverse magic dirt?

>All Africa has a lush tropical climat
Go take a geography class

>low IQ
>tendency twords violence
>low sexual restraint/high birth rate
>seasonal draughts
>inability to plan for future due to low IQ, tendency violence, apathetic nature
That's pretty much it.
Now for the advance level. The west giving them gibs has increased their survival which increases their brith/population rate. This has caused them to have a population that far outweighs their natural capacity to produce goods/food for survival. When disaster strikes them and their ability to produce food/goods for themselves drops even lower they starve. The west then sees them starving, sends aid, and then the whole cycle of overpopulation starts again. Long story short... the west needs to stop feeding animals.

Black soil is the best to grow in, mostly found in temperate regions. The soil in most of africa (SA being a notable exception) is very acidic.

>So hunt animals you dumb nigger.
Illegal, because endangered species.

>So it's like reverse magic dirt?
Not sure what you mean, but overall most of the widespread domesticated plants simply won't take roots in African ground. You'd need to ask a botanist why this is the case.

Native plants are doing fine but it's impossible to control their growth. Also, they aren't very nutritious. You're forgetting how artificial selection changed and 'optimised' the vegetables we're growing in Europe so they can feed you. Most of the wild plants are completely shitty when it comes to how well they feed you.

Simple - because of the reasons you list, they never developed. Ideal conditions breed complacency. Why develop civilization, agriculture, technology, etc. when you can just get what you need from the environment instantly?

That has been ingrained since modern homo sapiens. Those that stayed in Africa were content with the easy and status quo. Those that left, to harsher environments, were challenged in those places to survive.

Hardship and unreliable foodstuffs led to efficiency in agriculture, construction, animal husbandry, etc. -- efficiency and work specialization lead to trade the development of currency, mathematics, philosophy, the alphabet, and civilization itself in all respects.

All this because these ancestors of ours were forced to deal with challenges.

Remember this when niggers -- or ANYONE -- ask for handouts. The best thing in the world is to give them a kick in the ass and force them to do it themselves.

Honestly? Donations from the rest of the world gutting African farming industry because priced goods can't compete with free thus when donations slow down or stop people starve. Compound this with corrupt nigger governments hoarding shit that's meant for the people, you get starving niggers. It's why the current best run African states have the least amount of international handouts taken.

Africa is not ideal you dumbass, Southern China is the closest area to ideal. France is also ideal.

Why do Africans keep having 6+ children when living in a country with disease, famine, lack of clean water, and permanent warfare?


Africa has 50% of the worlds arable land. Africa alone if farmed properly could feed the world ten times over

kek checked

Poor people think one of the kids will turn out rich, plus fucking is the only entertainment.

There's a ton of arable land in Africa that lies unused, but the larger point -- dumbass -- is that this easy environment led to easy living off the land for millennia. It's hospitable, warm and much of the area is great for hunting/gathering and coastal living (fishing, etc). That is how ancient peoples survived so well. Africa lacked the organic development to be a truly modern society because they had it "easy" so long because the land is quite good in many respects.

However modern population growth is no longer sustainable in those ways. The West took over and artificially propped Africans up. The "West" meaning the descendents of those peoples who left Africa tens of thousands of years ago were the ones who formed technology, civilization, etc.

Also, arable land in China is horse shit. There might be some, but not much.

Why did North Africans in history have thriving civilizations while sub-Saharan niggers never accomplished anything?

Why do American Niggers bitch about muh slavery but they do nothing for their starving brothers and sisters in Africa?

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not all arable land is equal

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So it's exactly like reverse magic dirt. Everything that works flawlessly everywhere else just won't work in Africa for some mysterious reason! It is indeed a puzzle!

They’re not that intelligent. They’re entire culture is all about gibs and not working. And it’s hard to pick fruit when you get shot at by the neighboring war lord all the time.

It's weird how something like human beings can come from a place like this.

>greys are actually starving albino YAKUBS


First world companies are corrupting african leaders to win markets and loot raw materials and get the wealth from it.
Leaders get some dirty money and flash there wealth like rap niggers giving zero fucks about their countrymen.

*They like it.
*Because wypipo.
*Because they are so bright and creative.
Pick one.

Central banks absolutely torture them.

I don't understand that legend


According to a professor of mine, they're poor because they have too many resources and our maps are racist.

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soil performance is how well crops grow (or don't grow) in a given soil and how much can they produce
soil resilience is how well soil recovers after agricultural damage (if soil resilience is low soil performance will decrees with farming cycles)

because we can't teach them calculus

evil whitey somehow stole all of africas resources without using modern machinery such as bucket-wheel excavators

Average IQ is well below retardation line

*thomas malthus chuckles*