Give it a couple decades tops. Is this unavoidable?

Give it a couple decades tops. Is this unavoidable?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes. Plenty of conservatives fleeing high tax blue areas to Florida and Texas help them stay red now and in the future.

Couple decades?
100% democrats, no elections, brutal stalinist regime with, oh, let's call it 200-250 million US citizens dead.

Once boomers die, America turns blue forever, demographics is destiny.

Even if PA, WI, MI stay red all it would take is voter manipulation in AZ, TX, and FL to maintain a blue victory forever. You bet your ass the dems will play dirty as fuck in 2020. Expect thousands of illegals bussed in to vote multiple times.

depends, do we stop illegals?

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big facts

Texas goes blue by 2030.
Some think 2024.
Jumping from the frying pan to a different frying pan is not a good solution.

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The only thing that stops a re-election is going to be a major economic crash.

Next question:
Do we start deporting illegals?

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Blacks to need to be encouraged to repatriate to Africa

>Is this unavoidable?
Yes, but Minnesota, Maine, and New Hampshire will all be red.

Tons of Somalians are being imported into Maine and Minnesota

At the current rate it will be just a few years.

Arguably too late to just stop them, you'd need to do something about Hispanics already living in America which is most likely never going to happen.
Blue America is more or less guaranteed in a few decades, shame but the entire countries collapsing anyway. If it takes the global economy with it that might be the best outcome for everyone else in the long term.

>Give it a couple decades tops
Also, after a couple of decades, Georgia will be as blue as California is today.

Before it comes to that, Texas should rather try become independent and build their own immigration policy.
They have to do this, if they wish to survive. The USA as it seems, is no longer able to do so.

>Democrats are losing Hispanics so badly they had to false flag fake bombs with a beaner from Florida
>Democrats are watching Blacks flee the plantation in such numbers they spent all day calling Kanye West a "dumb negro" on CNN after he talked with Trump
Times up Schlomo. You can't even stop traffic anymore.

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Texas will become majority Hispanic in 4 years. If they build their own immigration policy, it will be to have an open border with Mexico.

The future of America lies in Texas.
Texas tuns blue and it's going to be impossible to win presidential elections.
Should the Dems own Congress, the are going to turn Puerto Rico into the 51st state. They have a strange three-party system, of which two of their parties support the Democrats and one is a communist party which shuns both and wants independence. So if they get statehood, it's going to be even more difficult to win elections and in a twist of irony, we may need to support the commies in their quest to become an independent turd world shitshow.


College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, jews, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.

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I'm rather picturing hunter-squads who shoot down everything that even looks as if it is crossing the border.
The future of white America is at stake, getting a little infamy is worth it.

What a coincidence.

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Why do you think they are fighting so hard to make sure dreamers are still a thing

What a coincidence.

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My boomer father is an msnpc. My sister and I are hard core conservicucks,

What a coincidence.

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more like a few years


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Those of us who grew up near or in large cities already know how its going to be but I kinda feel bad for those that don't. its gonna be a shock you can't imagine. you really have no idea how savage most nonwhites behave.


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i think this was the goal of immigration reform in the 60's desu.

Lol you racist nazi bigots sure love to put David's star on people of jewish origin. Maybe someone will put something on you when you're arrested for hate speech… ;)

those guys practiced for so long to learn to jump like that.
then, one dumb cunt got caught doing that to HER OWN PARKED CAR and now everybody knows that they were there for that particular shot.
good job people.

end 65, 68 and birthright citizenship and it never happens. Dont worry better chances of that happening then USA continuing for another 20 years under the status quo.

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This was already attempted with Liberia

I've been thinking about this a lot, and honestly our only hope is to try and get the white voters in the northeast and northwest to see the light. How? Honestly, after the Dems winning landslides a few times after Texas finally flips and them seeing just how bad their rule really is is probably our only shot at convincing them.

Also, we better hope to God they don't manage to flip GA or NC then we're really fucked.

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Based user

You're going to be in for a surprise in the next few years, I think. Dems went off the deep end and won't be back for a while.

>Washington and Oregon ever flipping cuckservative

literally delusional
federal level control by democrats only favors places like Seattle and Oregon

>my sister

kill yourself civic nationalist retard

god i can't wait for the midterms to give you fuckers a reality check. why the fuck would you even want to share a country with niggers and beaners? oh that's right because you're one yourself

You'll never CT. Hartford is the most degenerate city in the USA

Georgia has the largest number of blacks of any state. A few states like Mississippi have a higher black percentage but Georgia has the most in absolute numbers and it keeps growing. In addition the number of Hispanics has been exploding while Asians are increasing. If these groups continue to vote for Democrats, Georgia will flip.
The funny thing is Atlanta, long known as "Black Mecca" might actually be more white than black now. Gentirification has been displacing blacks but only out into the suburbs rather than out of the state. Not that this helps much as most of the whites gentrifying the city are leftists.

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This, Georiga went from the whitest state in the deep south to the least white one.
Lol good luck, whites have an extremely low birth rate in the Northeast.
Check Massachusetts state is 74% white but only 58% of newborns are white.

If it ever turns out that sheer demographics flip TX and GA (and I honestly do think it will eventually happen), and we can't flip anything else then it's probably game over senpaitachi.

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Sometimes I wish I wasn't born a spic.

>Tons of Somalians are being imported into Maine and Minnesota
How the fuck are they getting around the travel ban?

When will dumb fucks realize that the majority grows, the less they tend to vote together? And the more a majority becomes a minority, the more they vote together.

At this point, we need to start breaking some of the bigger states apart.

Depends on how long migrants buy the Democrats shit. As we have seen with Brazil, even shitskins can eventually start voting for the right. Certain groups of blacks are also beginning to finally move off the plantation. Also, if the Democrats continue to abandon whites, states like Virginia, New Jersey, Maryland, and the rest of New England will start moving Republican.

>Yes, but Minnesota, Maine, and New Hampshire will all be red.

Sure, and they will be the slaves of the blue states.
And that's before all the calls for "reparations" and pay back begins (see South Africa.)

What good would that do? Smaller states get more representation per person in the electoral college. If you break California up, that would mean that California gets even more electoral college votes.

Legals are also bad

I wish you weren't either.

>so, after a couple of decades, Georgia will be as blue as California is today.

Yeah, but the white people in the NE think their shit doesn't stink and that they are too good to share the country with other "redneck" white people. They will vote blue just to spite the suburban whites.
Whites in the NW are cucked and stupid. They will vote blue because they think they are going to get a socialist wonderland (complete with lots of free shit) and piss mom and dad off too.

White people are the problem.

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This is why the wall and deportations are so important.

Texas is still extremely republican. If the elections start getting close then it's going to motivate more of them to go out to vote. Also at that point, politics will have turned entirely into a whites vs non-whites thing and New England and Oregon will be red again. Also remember that people moving to these red states will increase their number of electoral votes, so it's basically empowering conservatives.

hahaha BASED Nathan Damigo smashed this bitch so hard in the face she hit the wall 5 years before she was genetically intended to.

Gen z is redpilled retard. The Red storm is just beginning.

Looks like a can of tea.

I have a feeling there is going to be a hard shift in the demographic population now our focus has shift farther south the "Good" Mexicans will start to stop/kill the south Americans to appease the USA to loosen immigration for them until they get absorbed into the USA as new states but in the mean time Mexico will get so desperate before it happens that they will beg the USA to step in and force out the cartels and well use it as an excuse to purge the illegals in the USA and make them disappear

CA, TX, NY, MA IL, DC, and HI gives the Democrats 160 guaranteed EV. Texas can't ever go blue or it's game over.


Correct. Remember, the average age of Latino-Americans is 8.

fagtard, gen z couldn't vote if their moms stuck their fingers up their butts and did puppet work. We are screwed. All is lost. Abandon all hope ye spics that enter America in a caravan.

We will have an economic collapse and civil war before it gets to that point.

> Remember, the average age of Latino-Americans is 8.

And, the females are already pregnant.

>Remember, the average age of Latino-Americans is 8.
lol, not exactly, but I get what you're saying.

Such is life in Mexico.

In a couple of decades the electoral college won't
even exist and the presidency is going to be decided by popular vote.

But they'll have abortions because of "MUH DEMOCRATIC VAJ JA TELLS ME TO"

Latinos can shift politcally, see Brazil right fucking now. Better hope your slimy communist hands never slip from your hold on them. You're already about to drop blacks.

You could carve up those states into one large liberal state and several conservative states, which would give conservatives a benefit. The problem is that the balance of power changes over time. Texas used to be a blue state while California was a red state. Now it's flipped. Pretty much anything done to game the system can be undone due to demographic and ideological changes.

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Suicide is better alternative to be honest.


Honestly, I think it will happen naturally. For whites, being a liberal is a privilege of being well off. America is turning into a third country with its income distribution. Only a ((few)) whites will be able to afford the liberal luxury in future america.

This. We don't have anytime left. Once whites lose political power, the only way to get it back is if we collectivize and TAKE IT BACK BY FORCE.

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can't texas split into 5 states at any given moment, or is that just fudd lore?

Watched a documentary last night on the evil history of Eugenics and was appalled by the misinformation and politically correct pseudo science nonsense being put forth. Every point they used to condemn was factually correct. Just finishing 3 books on topic now and about to start several others related. Race and IQ by Ashley Montagu Race and IQ expanded edition same author and The Bell Curve - Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray. Do not be fooled by the Marxist apologist. Race is real and IQ is inextricably linked to heredity, race and genetics. So sick of the up is down nonsense world we live in.

>kill yourself civic nationalist retard
t.britcuck who can't even speak like this in public without being thrown in jail.

Shitskins are the majority population and mayor of his capital city. Still can't do anything with a 96% White population. Can't even own a butter knife without a license. Shitposts America.

That's what you'd like to read, but we know you're just a D&C JIDF. Enjoy not having a country in a few years after Trump splits it in half like King Solomon.

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you brainlets are asking the wrong questions

heres the question - is a nonwhite united states economically viable? answer - absolutely not.

we will never get to OP map because the united states will fiscally collapse behorehand

liberalism is a social religion.
Whites adopt it as a replacement or surrogate to Christianity.
Part of the sacrament of this religion is the attack on ones own culture.
They do it as a way of demonstrating how "holy" they are.
I don't expect that to change.
(See Sweden).


However, the economic collapse will user in the NWO, since the FedGov will take control, then merge everything with the global government as part of the "fix."

I agree the whole the whites will be the minority by year xxxx has been being said for a long time now. It is a Democrat leftist wet dream. It is like how the costal areas should all be under water due to man made global warming, it still is not a thing. Also many native born Hispanics are not Democrats, they are family oriented, and loathe how the left have ruined it, and demonized it. Same with many blacks who are seeing the Dems do nothing for them, ever. The Republicans never promise them anything like the Dems do, so they have no expectations. They would rather not expect something, than get promised things, and never receive them.

also GA not going blue, whites own 95% of the surface area here and we are on to the JQ, white land owners in GA are low key militarized

Pics of sister for a friend.

already too late, hispanics are texan majority with legals alone

When to boomers die America becomes Mexico forever. A spic Democratic party isn't gonna be the same as the current boomer jew Democratic party tho. Lots of those social justice issues will go into the gutter and the spics wont give damn how hard the niggers had it in slave times.

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>When to boomers die America becomes Mexico forever.
Who gives a fuck about democracy, when whites are collectivized, they can use violent force to take whatever they want.

could whites vote more red like blacks vote 90%
trump won like 55%.

The two parties will do anything to stay in power, neither cares about ideology. Their platforms will shift over time to get the most votes possible.
Trust me, if that wall isn't built Republicans will be for amnesty in 10 years as control over the Hispanic voter group is fought over between the two parties.
Don't believe me? 20 years ago it was democrats who opposed illegal immigration the most because they knew it hurt their working class voter base before they abandoned them. It didn't even change until this decade when they realized how much more votes they could get by race baiting.

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I fuck the num. If nine no one. If zeoo My choice. If double digits. Well I get two (duh) and if three digits. Sex with whoever and the rest go in the oven

>Is this unavoidable?
No. But avoiding it will require massive effort and a lot of things most people consider 'unsavory': mass deportations, abolishing birthright citizenship, nationwide voter ID laws, return of poll taxes or poll tests, etc.
Basically, it is going to happen because too many people are feel-good cucks.

What a cohencidence

That's a whole lot of shit that doesn't effect the number of voters. Also, you went blue for Bill. It wasn't that long ago.

>hose of us who grew up near or in large cities already know how its going to be but I kinda feel bad for those that don't. its gonna be a shock you can't imagine.
Bump. SoCal resident reporting in. Don't say we never warned you!

Rollin for some fresh boipucci

>hispanic belt forms a sombrero
>black belt forms muh dick
it's actually helluva coincidence