Axis Powers 2019

So with all this beautiful right wing nationalism going on, what do you expect to be the sides during the next major conflict?
Brazil has just made its way onto the team, what do you think?

Attached: 54B7A004-D69C-4A71-9E54-A0EB9A2E7E4E.jpg (2963x2385, 3.53M)

10 bbc's vs ur mom

It's reversed now. The sides posing as the Nazis are actually the SJW faggots led by their Jewish mutt reign holders.

The Jews merely use Nazism as symbolism of brutality. That's why even Israelis respected the Nazis and use the same brutality against Palestinians today. The difference is now instead of serving your own race, you're serving Jewish brutality.

You used the historically inaccurate picture

Attached: cripdeau dday.jpg (900x725, 128K)

The D-Day landing as it unfolded

Attached: cripdeau dday swimmin.jpg (900x725, 273K)

The Fall of Saigon - Historically Accurate Representation

Attached: cripdeau fall of saigon.jpg (1600x1009, 606K)

And this sides posing as commies and capitalists are the ones trying to fight for a white future?

Italy obviously.
I think north korea might be trying to get in too.
Us if we can keep control of the government

Attached: cripdeau ww1.jpg (1600x576, 434K)