Man dresses son up as hitler for halloween. hilarity ensues

which one of you knuckleheads did this?


Attached: Screenshot from 2018-10-28 18-48-24.png (708x680, 389K)

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Crypto jew did this


A picture of Bryant Goldbach and his son was posted online and has been sparking outrage. Bryant Goldbach dressed as a Nazi soldier and his son as Adolf Hitler.

lol! i didnt even realize his name was (((Goldbach)))... fuck me. every time.

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You know that woman in NY that called the cops on the black child and falsely accused him of touching her ass? Last name Klein.

Him and his son look pretty goyish, I would guess that he is mischling.


Can someone borrow him an owen already?

which state is this

aww, they redpilled so fast.

If he did that in Britcuck land, he would already be behind bars in gaol. A fucking Nazi saluting pug put a poor bastard in prison there.

Wtf i love jews now

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kids can be born gay but cant be born Nazi

idont get it it seems the same to me

>Be Halloween
>Dress in scary costumes
>Nazis are scary
Get outraged

Holy shit Jow Forums, I quite literally know this guy. I'm not gonna say as not to identify myself, but this guy was a complete nut case. He went through a multi-year phase where he tried faking a British accent. His wife left him and he was pissed about some rulings from the court related to custody of the kids.

If true that would be a pretty funny revenge. It wont do him any good. As long as his son has fun.

hmmm I wonder who could be behind this...


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Damn the father is looking sharp. He definitely got that uniform fitted.

Yeah --- he didn't order that costume last minute. His social media was filled with all kinds of StormFrontish content.

Also, he had some kind of obsession with antique watches, old weapons, and war medals.

Good, instead of trying to decide which children are appropriating culture or whatever bored Leftists can focus their efforts on baby Hitler.

If I had a nickel for every dude infatuated with antique watches, old weapons and medals I could afford afford a fucking HK MP10

he wouldve gotten arrested in Canada or the UK just let that sink in

Can you confirm his judaism?

He's actually like a militant catholic, but hates the current pope. Wants to go back to Latin mass and so on. (Does he have some Jewish ancestry --- I don't know.) I know he lives (or at least recently lived) in a really run-down small house. For lack of a better word, "white trashy" comes to mind as the adjective, this incident aside.

also which one of you did this

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