Zoomers are now living in the most diverse generation of US history, but how does this enrichment affect relations between different ethnic groups? What’s it like in High schools and Colleges right now? How bad is racemixing, what are white girls doing and non white girls also? Is genz Based, if not at the very least are GenZ white boys at the very least based? What’s it like Zoomer anons?
How’s race relations within the Zoomer generation?
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She (he) is cute
inb4 memeflags offer a string of unfalsifiable anecdotes about how every white girl is getting blacked 24/7
But what if that’s true though?
She’s the most beautiful girl in the whole world. And a major degenerate roastie. If she’s a he then I’ll gladly go gay.
ffs are you even human? Did you just arrive on this planet last night? A person of any age could answer most of those questions themselves by going outside once.
>But what if that’s true though?
I'm sure you'll help continue the investigation by posting this thread 5 times a day
I like to imagine she's handing me those shoes and saying
>Come on, user put them on. For me?
You see there’s the problem, I’m an asocial shutin and real life is an abstract concept to me. I learn everything about it through Jow Forums. Seems like a nightmare out there.
Its a girl dw fren
A lot of young white men are extremely racist and redpilled about the JQ. In the discord server I’m in it’s very obvious. Pretty much all other races plus white women are apolitical or libshits. There are more mixed race kids than you would expect. Antijew sentiment is spread across all groups of young men, even nonwhites. Also it seems there are alot more girls with piercings and a small group that like to hang out around niggers, most of them seem to be druggies though. There is a lot of stigma against gay men, but there are a decent amount of lesbians. However, this is all deep in hellhole multicultural texas. I talked with a girl over discord who was in high school and is a lesbian, she hated her school because it was entirely “rich white racist homophobic bigots.” After telling her I sympathize with the “bigots” she blocked me. Most impotant thing to note is that they do know about the jews.