Why the fuck did this board even support Trump in the first place?

I know everyone is celebrating tonight because apparently some guy being elected means that a country of 40% white 40% American Natives 20% black mutts will suddenly stop being a shithole somehow, but am I the only one having reservations?
Don't think brasil will magically become a decent country, you will still have favelas, you will still have shit living conditions, and you will still be poor as shit, as long as you don't remove 90% of the country s demographic
Hell even a commie candidate might have been better, a police state that builds commie blocks would be a genuine improvement for this fucking country

Now onto trump
Remember that guy? Yeah we're taking our countries back! MAGA! This based civic nationalist man with jew family members will take power from the elites and build a wall that will totally stop the tens of millions of illegals who are already in America from outbreeding you
Now no wall, (((corporations))) crushing your constitutional freedoms with no pushback, some retards don't even realize the stock markets are overvalued, and now based god emperor trump is gonna make antisemtism illegal
Fucking based we did it Jow Forums

Now would it fucking kill you to take a step back and think before jumping on the nearest hype train? Hue hue land will remain that, the fact that a guy who s friend with mossäd wont change that, even if he made some edgy comments about helicopter rides for commies

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Other urls found in this thread:


Faguettes need to stop

You need to build a fucking wall

study the Q prophecies and MAGA my dude

Jow Forums is anti-media. Trump is anti-media.

wow so complex

Fucking disgusting subhuman you deserve anything bad that will ever be done to you I can't imagine someone being this fucking stupid and deluded

Hw tells it like it is kiddo. *sip*

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Fuk u frog

>elect trump
>trump betrays you
>still get replaced
>support trump

>faggot frog OP totally ignores my logical explanation
>trump betrayed you!
go fuck yourself. you are here to regurgitate media propoganda instead of having a discussion

gay thread

because we hated Democrats and RINOs enough to vote for someone that they apparently seemed to hate.
sure, it could have all been an act meant to fool us, but it's not like we had another legit candidate to support; they were all suspect.

>Hell even a commie candidate might have been better
We had actual commies for decades, they are the ones that threw us into our current situation.

good thread, said unironically

>Hell even a commie candidate might have been better,
Ok you lost me.

Jow Forums originally loved him for his master troll tweets. You have no room to talk with your Rothschild banker literal grandma cuck söyboy Macron HAHAHAHAHHAHAJAJAJAHAHHAHAHAHAJAHAHAHAHAHHA


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I’m sorry about my fellow burgers OP, the majority of them are bluepilled zionists.

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A non-white country did better than you baguette. You don't have a right to criticize civic nationalists

You had shit tier socialists for decades, not psycho Stalinists commies
If you got those, a few things would happen, first corruption would skyrocket, second the economy would tank, third plenty of people would get killed for thought crime, but actual crime would also drop and the favelas would completely disappear

And I am not saying that as a compliment that fucking Bolsheviks would be an improvement over what you got right now
What can this guy even do srsly
Like wtf do you even do when you control brasil
You can't fucking fix it it's too broken
It's like a vase that was broken in a blender until there was nothing but powder left you can't glue it back together

and you need to clean up the area around the Eiffel Tower. maybe focus your energy there and don't worry about what the fuck we're doing

Everyone has the right to criticize civic nationalists. Lmao

>being in a country that has no aspirations of ever pulling itself out of the trash that this liberal disease has piled on top of us

I understand Frenchie, your country is too far gone to ever be salvaged at this point

>make anti semitism illegal
That's not going to happen lol. Even the cucked American system is not going to go back on the first amendment ever.


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People are addicted to hype and hysteria that's why they support Drumpf.

Yeah and thanks to your well placed efforts yours has been totally saved
You made America great again.

Your right but if it is a fine dust, reclaim it and use it to build another vase.

You just said yourself that a wall won't do shit.

Rightwingers, like all stupid people, are only concerned with instant gratification. As long as they can feel good about some empty victory, like voting for a retard, or hearing the retard they voted for say something edgy on Twitter, then they won't notice that nothing has changed until the other side changes it in their favor.

I agree with you fellow frog, but it's not that complicated: it's because the other side is even worse (much worse)

>there are people on this board right now that were not here in 2016
This hurts

>they wont notice that nothing has changed until the other side changes it in their favor
You are implying that the leftist will eventually MAGA?

>he doesn't like the media so he's jesus!
you're about as delusional as the libshits worshipping mccain because he hated Trump

Tulsi Gabbard 2020 faggot, it's gonna happen and you can't stop it

The wall user

The wall

2016 is the year that this board turned into reddit, why was that at all a good year? We literally created a colony on reddit and it backfired heavily and sent nazboom here en masse

gay ass thread

>Tulsi Gabbard
>taking this much of the false dichotomy up the ass
What the fuck are you on about? Hate this board because it is reddit now, but then you shill for a neo-leftist.

>Why the fuck did this board even support Trump in the first place?

For stuff like this: youtube.com/watch?v=w-McIdVuY88

Nigga I ain't reading all that shit you wrote.

Tulsi is pro-Putin and pro-Assad, so the Russian bots have programmed the right to support her. Simple shit if you pay attention.

May I remind you that it was him or Hilary. I think we picked the better option.

>cucked in a "majority white nation"

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the butthurt mutts in this fucking thread need to stop blindly worshipping the cheeto skinned steak merchant

>muh 4d chess!!!

hes a fucking ZIONIST, if thats not obvious to you than you deserve (((whats coming)))

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well we were never quite in the dumps like France so we're doing alright by most standards

Trump is doing okay, he pisses off the liberals and keeps them in check regularly. How's Macron doing?

>he pisses off the liberals
Epic trolling my friend
*dab on the libtards*
Ok this is epic.

>how's macron doing?
Pretty much the same as your next president to be honest

Because he wasn't Hillary, Goy. Worked out pretty well, huh?

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What's wrong with dabbing on the libtards?

of course muhammed would say that. fuck off

You convinced me. I am a Hilldog now. #imwithher #yesallmen #me too #bluewave


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>What's wrong with spending time having fun with useful idiots while their masters actively try to destroy you and everything you hold dear

So what do you suggest we do otherwise? Some terrorist shit you won't do?

Very little we can do, but a start is not supporting the guy who s on the opposite side, and actually try to grow and protect movements and people who are on your side and have what it takes to gain some ground

The fact that this place ever supported trump as anything more than some attempt at damage control is a disgrace to this board

Theres a blatant flaw in people who support populists: just because the opposition doesnt look or act as good as they want, they automatically assume their populist candidate speaks the truth and will act accordingly.

So you're talking about long-term strategies that take a lot of time, whereas the 2016 election was a short term choice between Trump and Hillary. So exactly what were we supposed to do? Roll over and die? Let Hillary win?

You're not thinking realistically. Trump was a last-chance bad choice in an election without any good choices. The ideal wasn't an option. Pissing in your own coffee because you don't have the ideal is stupid. Are you in your late teens early twenties?

>Shit tier socialists
Those are basically commies frog.

Populism is a spook, some can be good, but you have to look at the fucking signs
I mean just fucking look at trump, his family and his history, what the hell did you think was gonna happen?
His hardcore supporters are q user boomers in early stages of Alzheimer
If he can be bought, if he can be blackmailed, if he can be intimidated, if he s a plant, then he is no good

your country is becoming a shithole
why do you care about US politics anyway?

I am just criticizing the enthusiasm with which some people here supported him
People like that are blind idiots, they can't make sense of their own world how can you expect them to improve it

>I mean just fucking look at trump, his family and his history, what the hell did you think was gonna happen?
But user. They are not smart enough to figure it out. Now what?

Because the U.S. Is one of the largest superpowers, and 2/3rd of the world would be forced to align with its politics, or at least the ones of its elites?

Actually scratch that. They will learn once hes done with them.

lmao look at this retard

Go shoot up a synagogue or something

Hush, OP, you're doing that horrible thing called "thinking for yourself." Fall back in line and post some more maymays and shit your pants to own the libs.

While Trump is Making America Great Again, Macron is getting blacked
fix your country, we can help
deport the invaders and get rid of Macron

Maybe some who are at the border between hopelessly sheepish and slightly sentient will but those people are like 2% of the electorate, and they re not an energetic group that will create leaders and movements either

You're just talking about people who are dumb enough to believe in 4d chess several years in a row and yet change their minds after a few years

>Why do people criticize me when I criticize them?
Go back to tumblr faggot

Ooooooooo burn

>we can help
>deport the invaders and get rid of Macron
Oh I am sure this site will give its full support to marine le pen when the elections come around truly based she is kinda like our trump you should like her

your french you dont understand. let me educate you. crime is out of fucking control in Brazil, under the military there was less crime and the country was industrailizing. so no Brazil will not become first world but it well probably get better.

Ughh, you need to leave qtard

Kek is here. Checked

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I did support her
I'm not a frog, the people of France should've voted for her more
fuck off

Idk why people are buttmad about what you said...its true.

You're totally right, Hillary would have been 1488% better.

Now fuck off.

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Man I'm sorry to be the one that breaks the news but the US is fucked and there's hardly any chance of it even being fixable. Bush Jr. fucked you up, then commie Obama made sure it would be beyond repair. Even if you dont realize it all your racism, arrogance and superiority complex and a very good deal of communists infiltration and propaganda is what destroyed you. Now the left wing cancer is too powerful and your music and movie industries ensure that younger generations will be idiotic brainwashed weak zombies. Atheism destroyed the institutions that kept your societal values and everything now its basically a shitshow. Best thing you could do is divide the country into smaller unions or eventually the US will make Britain look free in comparison.

Your country is our role model (except for that WW2 part), bit somewhere along the line we switched positions.
Besides, it's only natural for you to be curious about your bastard child with your mortal enemy, Britain.

It's just for keks. America is only going to get more left-wing until it completely collapses.

Do you have a better alternative, faggot?

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>info outside the CIA False Flags
Decompress and get comfy

Ingersoll Lockwood was an American Lawyer and Writer in the late 1800's.
MOST know him for his Adventures of BARON TRUMP, an Alice and wonderland style adventure with the main character sharing the name of the presidents boy among other similarities...
But His other works eerily predict the future times we Iive on today!
>1900, the last president is a tale of fallen America being gutted by commie bastards
>Laconics of Cult
A look into this mans deep occultic powers and memes!
How did this man know these future events??? Did he divine them?? Or did he meet a time travelling Baron Trump???



>bonus NPC video

Have a comfy day!!!!

It was a choice between Globalism/Communism and Nationalism/Populism
the American people wanted Nationalism/Populism
inb4 b-but she won the popular vote, yea she won California
God Bless our Founders

The French Revolution was after the American Revolution. They modeled their shit after ours, and we based our shit on the Magna Carta,

>I did support her
>I'm not a frog, the people of France should've voted for her more
Fucking hopeless this site is officially reddit to you who just said that know that you are an idiot and everything bad that has happened to you and your country has happened because of people like you
There s no fucking hope when this is what we get as a resistance

Might as well at this point
I came here after that period but I assume that's where this sites culture of trolling came from, complete hopelessness

>implying we were serious

Baguette, you need to lurk moar and maybe review the /tg/ and primary threads. They were fucking glorious to behold.

Do you remember Moot? No, of course you don't. Well, there was this kid and we crowdsourced him into being Time Man of the Year. Those were baby steps, but we realized there was some power there.

Supporting the least likely, least likable and insanely ridiculous candidate was like crack. There's a desperate move to blame it on Russian bots, because *they* don't want to admit that a little fucking Tibetan Cross-stitch Forum undermined the entire fucking government.

And, Kek willing, it will happen again.

You wouldn't know because you elected a literal gay cuckold.

Brexit, Trump, Italy, Ontario, Quebec, and now Brazil(sorry if I forgot anyone) we are fucking shit up. "Why Trump, hurrr???" I dunno, he's doubled the value of the stock market in two years you fucking retard

>Fucking hopeless this site is officially reddit to you who just said that know that you are an idiot and everything bad that has happened to you and your country has happened because of people like you
What the fuck are you trying to say?
English isn't your first language is it?

Nice paragraph user, however, Trump getting elected is cause to have optimism in your fellow man.

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Idk is there over 10000 /ptg/ threads on this board or not
You fucking tell me mate, how ironic is everyone?

>I know everyone is celebrating tonight because apparently some guy being elected means that a country of 40% white 40% American Natives 20% black mutts
5% whites, 40% reasonably white, 49% black mutts and 1% other.

I hope these guys gang rape you.

Bots? Take a look at this faggot. russianbot.jpg

Your demographics are more like 20% reasonably white (80% white 20% native) and 80% a spectrum of complete mutts with an average of 20% black ancestry

Same same, really.

She is a traitor extreme civic nationalist who basically just wants to give French nationality to every single illegal bigger and teach them "French values"
You wouldn't know this if you weren't such a filthy retard

By the by, I'm a descendant of french protestants who ran away to Germany, pay reparations.

Becuse it was funny? It's still funny. He says hilarious shit everyday and makes people I hate miserable.

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>"Why Trump? What good has he done?"

pic related, kys. Same things are happening to everyone that deposes the left

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>>I came here after that period but I assume that's where this sites culture of trolling came from, complete hopelessness
The US has only ever moved leftward long-run. I see no reason this should stop. Trump will be another Nixon, leftists will once again get power due to minorities wanting gibs or Midwestern moderate voters who want muh union jerbs, everything Trump does will be undone and forgotten. Then we will be fucked because the Progressives will get hate speech laws etc. implemented.

The anti-semite opposes Trump
the pro-American supports Trump

the non-practicing of any religion go both ways