A Czarist Russian ballet dating back to 1892 has been blacked. Is nothing sacred???
Thoughts on the Black Nutcracker?
>going to the movies
Even before the Russian ballet, it was originally a German fairy tale
>short story by E.T.A. Hoffman gets slaved
>happens again for Swan Lake
>Tchaikovsky slavs Grimm's Sleeping Beauty too
>Why you mad? White fragility on display, just turn your brain off.
I don't care, if the work is in the Commons interperet it however you want. My beef is when a corporation holds it's IP hostage then ruins the canon because they think being woke means more sales.
The Notcracker
>brotha nut cracka
idk man, looks like a shitty movie that will air here during sunday evening for the next 25 years.
Does this kind of movie even make revenue for whoever produces it?
They always pick the blackest straight outta africa motherfuckers