Jow Forums master debating class

Your debate skills have grown dull Jow Forums! Time to clear up your act.
ITT we sharpen our argumentative skills by identifying the inconsistency, fallacy, or weakness in the post above and presenting a new scenario for the next user in line to analyze. Bonus points for refuting the argument well and providing a way to re-structure the argument such that it is stronger.

This does not need to be a position that you yourself hold, though I strongly encourage it to be so, as the consistent refinement of arguments is something that you should always be doing. However, doing this exercise with any argument is good practice.
for example:
>foreign immigration is nessassary to sustain the economy of a developed nation because, if left to their own devices, the original population of the country will begin to grow complacent to the point that they will actively avoid tasks needed to preserve society.

this statement is a false dichotomy as it misrepresents the situation as being a choice between decay and prosper based upon the selection of immigration policy.
a better way to state this would be
>the influx of immigrants into a developed nation is one of the most effective means to bolster the economy, by providing a crop of labor willing to work nearly any task and can help stave off some of the effects of societal lethargy.
and a good refutation could be
>immigration is an nessassary practice, as society will find a means to reduce the total required labor to perform tasks should the pool or workers be reduced to a certain level. this may take the form of technological innovation or the scaling back of the industry.

again, this doesn't need to be a point of view you agree with. just a logically consistent one.
let’s start off nice and easy.

>Abortion is not murder, and is therefore permissible, because there is no scientific way to determine if a fetus is living or not.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I like adderall too.

jews dindu nuffin

>Your debate skills have grown dull Jow Forums! Time to clear up your act.
Jow Forums never had debate skills beyond calling someone a nigger or a shill.

My argument is incontrovertibly sound... and that argument is... OP is a faggot.

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fuck off shill nigger

>not wanting to be able to run logical circles around people
alas, Jow Forums truly is a board for shitposting and nothing more

faggots are bad

My argument was spectacularly logical which is why you did not dispute it with a reasoned argument. Faggot indeed!

The trick is to get people to effortpost of their own accord, so it doesn't feel like work. This feels too much like homework.

Jow Forums was never good you retard. I don't know why you are expecting a bunch of social rejects to act like civilized and educated people.

thats a good point. Ah well, worth a shot at a pleasant thread.
because I know there is a subdivision of Jow Forums that likes this kind of thing.

>because I know there is a subdivision of Jow Forums that likes this kind of thing.
Judging by this thread there isn't. Besides identifying flaws or fallacies isn't actually useful for debate, saying "muh no true Scotsman fallacy" for example doesn't actually counter anyone's arguments. As the fallacy fallacy indicates the fact that an argument is fallacious doesn't mean that it is incorrect.

I would ilustrate your ass with my Inca knowledge if you could speak my language

hence the addition of
>Bonus points for refuting the argument well and providing a way to re-structure the argument such that it is stronger.
to the OP.
I've seen threads like this before (albeit rarely) and figured that I'd post one to see if there is any interest.
unfortunately there seems to not be.

>Abortion is not murder, and is therefore permissible, because there is no scientific way to determine if a fetus is living or not.

First we have to determine what you mean by living, because I'm pretty sure a fetus is alive, and even pro-chiice people acknowledge this.

Do you mean conscious?

>>foreign immigra[ants are] nessassary to sustain the economy of a developed nation because [they perform] tasks needed to preserve society.
There is no reason to assume foreigners would either purposefully or involuntarily do a better job than natives. This is basically assuming that foreigners have a better sense for that society's values than the society itself.

>the influx of immigrants into a developed nation... [provide] a crop of labor willing to work nearly any task and can help stave off some of the effects of societal lethargy.
in some cases, in others they merely leech off the system.

>immigration is an nessassary practice, as society will find a means to reduce the total required labor to perform tasks...
this doesn't even make sense, we need more workers because we need less workers?

Immigration all boils down to this. If you're a shithole country, bringing in more industrious and intelligent people is more likely to be beneficial than if people were immigrating into a highly civilized nation. Even that's not a guarantee. To say we could improve an african country is to impose our cultural values onto them, and that always seems to cause problems. If developing is the right thing for africa then it will happen.
Inviting masses of people with genetically inferior brains to a more developed country is a poor bet economically and politically, not to mention the detrimental societal impacts of increases in foreigners, e.g. less trust in communities, and depending on the immigrants' ethnicities, a pervading of the gene pool.

Mass immigration is never necessary, possibly beneficial, but most likely, based on history and reasoning, a bad idea.
One case where immigration is much more likely to be beneficial is when like-minded (ideologically and genetically) nations cross-migrate, for example within the early US, but this is still not

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>there is no scientific way to determine if a fetus is living or not
Cell theory, ever heard about it? Has been around since the 19th century

>actually decent posting
bravo on saving thread

replace with conscious. Though I've heard people (read NPC's) use "alive" you are correct that it should be conscious, or "possesses an existence equal to a born human"

And you see some people are going for it now. Shitposting can keep it alive until that point :^)

No sauce fallacy

>Immigration all boils down to this. If you're a shithole country, bringing in more industrious and intelligent people is more likely to be beneficial than if people were immigrating into a highly civilized nation.
That's what jews said to America

You're assuming that birthrates can't recover. Why do you assume this? Hitler doubled his birthrate in less than a decade.

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>Abortion is not murder, and is therefore permissible, because there is no scientific way to determine if a fetus is living or not
This is a hard one for me. Obviously a fetus is life, it's growing cells. What happens in nature? Many animals will abandon their young if they cannot provide for them. Women are the gatekeepers of reproduction, is it right to take that from them? I think that allowing abortion generally leads to promiscuity and a feeling of 'no-consequences' and in an ideal society I would hope that we could all agree it should be outlawed (unless you feel like opting for the 'disabilities' or 'rape' option), if we can reliably limit abortion to those cases I don't personally feel like I would care that much, but I'm sure that some people would be opposed, honestly at that point I could care less.

>But the fact is abortion keeps millions of niggers off the streets so I'm all for it for the time being

side note: It's been theorized that due to a 'sedative-like' concoction in the amniotic sac, that likely a baby's first true conscious experience is at birth and it's first breath.

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Get birthrates above replacement and abort the defective. Hitler had it figured out.

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when a person is asleep are they conscious?
and if they aren't does that give me the right to kill them?

If not that is the same reason abortion should be illegal because it doesn't matter if they are aware or not, what matters is the potential for awareness it's the same reason we don't euthanize people without their consent if they are in a coma, because we know one day it will become conscious.

>calling out false dichotomy
correct, though you didn't provide an new argument. anything will do really...

>foreign immigration is nessassary to sustain the economy of a developed nation because, if left to their own devices, the original population of the country will begin to grow complacent to the point that they will actively avoid tasks needed to preserve society.
The issue is that foreign immigration doesn't actually fill jobs that are unfilled, it simply displaces domestic workers and depresses wages. Normally the lowest jobs would be filled by teenagers and general low income workers instead of cheap migrant workers.

Then what’s wrong with mercy killing everyone in nursing homes? How about retarted people who are basically vegetables?

>Get birthrates above replacement

Yes because just what the world needs is more people.

And it's incentive base. The dirty jobs don't have to be for the worst if they pay well. They will pay well in the case of Japan where immigration is limited

you broach a discussion about what the standard for a human to be considered conscious here. The same argument in OP applies here.
>can't tell if they are, can't tell if they aren't
additionally, its a false comparison on a societal basis when compared to abortion in general. you are comparing a young human with potential to a human with virtually no potential.
going the euthanasia route with this always seemed weak to me.

>buy dog from a breeder
>monopolise self as the only source of food and companionship
>cut off the dog's balls

Dog fetishism is based on a desperate desire for affection and since it's hard to get that from humans, the weaklings would instead get it from dogs even if it means abusing them.

it's fucking sad, really

>Then what’s wrong with mercy killing everyone in nursing homes?

nothing, really. if you are at end of life and just a burden to society you should have the decency to off yourself

It doesn't matter if a fetus is alive or not. A fetus, being a likely provider to the state in terms of manpower, is damaging to the state and society if it is removed. However, if a child's more likely to be a burden on the state and society as a whole (spics and niggers), it becomes ones moral duty to abort them.

Do you see mine?

Trump's a racist

>A fetus, being a likely provider to the state in terms of manpower, is damaging to the state and society if it is removed.

so birth control is damaging to the state and society?


Furthermore, the tax benefits of marriage are designed to help a family prepare a household for a child. In this sense, a couple that can not have children should not get married.

so basically humans are cattle for the state?

lost in the posts of honest argument.
thread got derailed a little bit.

this is an incorrect use of the word "conscious."
typically the use of conscious in regards to abortion isn't awareness as i would think that most people agree that it comes later, but rather "humanity" which is why abortion is justified to some as being not murder.
A person can lack awareness by being asleep or in a coma but be unarguably human.

That being said, the comparison seems to be logically consistent if you clarify the use of that term.

Yes, but for other reasons. Checked.

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O _ -> _ is a OP
F_ -> _ is a faggot


>providing the proofs
I appreciate the formal notation user

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Humans and the state serve as a partnership. The state exists to create law and order for the people, and the people exist in part to uphold the state. It is every mans duty to provide something to better his state and people, and those who do not and become a burden on the state are considered the lowest of society.
Removing population and potential from the nation is injury towards it. Birth control, while it does play into this, has another reason for being bad for society and that's it's support of hookup culture.

So we have to define what humanity is first because we can't argue with vague definitions, can you explain what you mean by humanity?

By consciousness this is what i mean.

the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings.

>>Removing population and potential from the nation is injury towards it
if you accept the reality that people are different, then there is no reason that a state should not strive to have a superior populace than your own if it exists. Immigration that brings in high-functioning people no matter the culture is beneficial, there may be initial conflict of culture, but within a few generations, this person's good genes will be blended into the greater genepool of the country, and the superior culture will have survived.
This is simple eugenics.

a better way to structure this argument is
Humans and the state serve as a partnership. The state exists to create law and order for the people, and the people exist in part to uphold the state. It is every mans duty to provide something to better his state and people, and those who do not and become a burden on the state are considered the lowest of society.
Removing population and potential from a dominant and powerful nation is injury towards it. Birth control, while it does play into this, has another reason for being bad for society and that's it's support of hookup culture.

(this argument only really applies to white and some asian countries (subsidized by whites) countries lol)

>Cognitive bias
>False statement

The most outrageous thing is that the politicians ooh and aah about how out of control housing prices are when they are the ones inflating their value at the behest of the banks by bringing in countless immigrants.

Thats by design buddy.

The majority of the banks assets are in mortgages and properties, if the value dips just a bit you get a recession which happened last time.

Next time they wont be able to bale them out so they have to bring in countless immigrants to artificially inflate the value of housing.

Western economies are literally a ponzi scheme which rely on exponential growth with no end

Literally all of our problems are tied to immigrants but nobody is allowed to talk about it.

Mass immigration means infinite demand for finite housing. Natives can't compete forever against global capital. Young natives are especially disadvantaged as they compete for entry-level properties against established couples from overseas who have more capital, saved over many years, to compete against the young natives.

Young natives end up living in shithole sharehouses or with their parents or moving away from their family and friends to areas with less economic prosperity and opportunity where prices for land and property are reduced.

The social effect of this are native-flight from the most desirable places of a country.

The only young natives who can buy are those who are given lump sums or loans from family. Some of these loans bankrupt the family if they go sour, some don't. Overall the rich inheritee young native ends up living in a multiculti city that is nothing like what his/her parents/grandparents/great-grandparents/great-great-grandparents knew.

>Humans and the state serve as a partnership
State agents are human. They're not something else. Your argument doesn't stand without a dichotomy, but there is no such dichotomy.

Raise the birthrate like Adolf. Checkmate.

>Jow Forums truly is a board for shitposting and nothing more
Lad you'd be better posting this on the other Jow Forums

Except that a state can not survive on another people. Its laws, its customs, these are unique to a people. To remove the original people would be death to a government.

>implying the original White Christian government hasnt been infiltrated and subverted by moloch worshipping demonic yids

You could exchange North Koreans with Nigerians - for each they'd both still be giant starving slave populations. Who their "leader" is or what particular edicts the state arbitrarily enforces on them isn't their issue, it's that they're being violently suppressed by people who command them and take their property.

Jow Forums masturbating class

That's commie talk. Babies gonna happen no matter what, if you think replacement populations are not necessary just off yourself now so my kids don't have to pay for you when you get old.

State agents are human, yes. But the state itself is more than just human. It is a collective. Acting upon the large scale and in broad strokes. It is no more human than a beehive is a bee. It is made of them, but they are not the same things, their actions, wants, and nature are different.

Isn't it funny how leftists frame population decline as an economic timebomb, then suggest the solution is immigration and that it is a crime to expect the native population to reproduce

>But the state itself is more than just human
No, it's just a bunch of people.
A composite does not gain qualities distinct or superior to its parts - it's exactly the sum of them.
4 is neither greater nor less than 1+1+1+1, but exactly equal to it.

>Removing population and potential from the nation is injury towards it

Why? The state has responsibility towards people. Therefore, removing population is removing responsibility from the state. This is the opposite of injurious?

jump into the circle jerk, faggot
but since the baby boom almost globally, and since most western countries and in a considerable amount of debt, we need more and more people to sustain the state. In the usa, and many other systems, money is collected and then spent. Later on in an individuals life, they must retire, and some of the tax money collected from them is given back incrementally to make sure the elderly do not die. Since these initial funds arent held, and the state doesnt have a surplus of money, we need an ever increasing amount of people to both solve the debt issue (something very improbable with a shrinking population), and support the social security needs of the old.


A world free from Asian/African/Spic overpopulation could be $8000 Octillion richer

It's proven that
>Society becomes infinitely more affluent and efficient when you eliminate overpopulation and free up resouces and wealth.
>It is more difficult to manage the burden of overpopulation than it is to quarantining overpopulating shitskins.
>People from overpopulated countries are a burden on the entire planet and block the progress of science, technology, and humanity by hoarding all resources to support the tumor in the form of Asia/Africa/Mexico.
>Only about 1% of humanity is against culling and/or quarantining Asia/Africa/Spics.
>Culling shitskins will result in less overcrowding overall since shitskins comprise 90% of the entire global population of 10billion
>The surviving shitskin females can then be sterilized and culturally enriched with white cock from around the world.
>There are solutions to prevent them from escaping and getting refuge and welfare benefits.

What do you think? The world would be a better place if Asia/Africa/Mexico is culled. Depopulation of overpopulating locusts is the future, globalism is hindering progress.

it is indeed very funny, but your debt is twice your annual GDP
if your birth rates keep declining but the gdp per capita doesnt dramtically improve, you cannot support the infrastructure that was made for your previous, more numerous population, and if your population is not concentrated, there will be an even degradement of infrastructure, not to mention a decreasing amount of funds for socail programs.
Many parts of your country will become a fucking ghost town, and it will cost more to demolish them.

This can be countered with the knowledge that apartments exist, people will just get bigger living spaces.
wont apply to non-skyscraper type places

And is the kike infested government the same as a white Christian government? I would say no.
You could swap them, and they would both still be slaves, but the means of their slavery would be different. No suprise they'd be shit, but that's what you get when you have a nation of niggers and chink niggers.
Because a government exists because of its people and each people are inclined to a different government. If niggers take over the US, the government would die out as the people no longer would want that government.
Think of it more as individual and mob mentality. People think differently when they're in a group, club, gathering, or the like. The government is no different. People join it and they begin to take on that mob mentality.

while this is literally true, most normalfags wont agree with this

how will jewish bankers make more money off of predatory usury against migrants?!?!?!

So long as humanity has progressed there have been population booms. If there is a correlation between population increases and tech/lifestyle advances could it not be proposed hat humanity will overcome overpopulation issues naturally?

>but the means of their slavery would be different
No, it'd be exactly the same - men with guns threatening to kill them if they don't obey/hand over their stuff. That's the essence of it.

>Think of it more as individual and mob mentality
A mob doesn't have a mentality. A mob isn't an agent with a will. A bunch of people have disparate mentalities, but they happen to be proximal to one another and doing things in a non-uniform but vaguely similar fashion (walking along a sidewalk, chanting, holding signs, whatever).

People do not lose their individual wills ever - their being proximal or having the belief that they're in common cause with others does nothing whatsoever to change that brute, unavoidable fact. As much as someone may WANT to be Borg, it is simply impossible in principle for them to become as such.

If this continued invasion of our living area by Asia, Africa, Latinos continues, we will be completely swamped. We already have the Clintonistas counting down in eager anticipation of the day sometime around the middle of the next century when we will be a minority in our own land and a non-White majority will be lording it over us. And of course, it will be not only the drowning of US in a non-White tide, it will be the destruction of the last of the rain forests and the last of the wild animals everywhere, as the Yellow and Brown population explosions continue in their own parts of the world. It will be terminal pollution everywhere on our overcrowded planet

How did this happen? What were we thinking of when we took our technology and medical science to Africa and Asia and the jungles of Latin America and reduced the death rates in those places so that their non-White populations could explode?

If we had just left them swinging through the trees and sacrificing each other wholesale to their various gods, instead of trying to get them to wear clothes and learn English or Spanish or French and wash their hands after going to the bathroom, they still would be happily making mud pies with their own filth and dying like flies, and their population density still would be what it was ten thousand years ago; the tropical rain forests still would be thriving, and the lions still would be eating as many of them as vice versa. Most important, we wouldn’t be carrying them on our backs now whenever we go to a hospital; we wouldn’t be subjecting our kids to them in our schools; we wouldn’t have them shoved in our faces whenever we turn on a television receiver; we wouldn’t be looking for parts of the country to which we can flee where there are fewer of them; we wouldn’t be watching our whole civilization being pulled back down into barbarism by their dead weight. We could be masters in our own world, a cleaner and greener and healthier world

>bringing the lowest tier of people and mixing them with the best instead of subsidizing the growth of the best ones is eugenics
Wew that’s some retarded shit right there

The average IQ here is probably 90 now, you're wasting your time

1. you didnt read the op
2. read my subsequent posts
i literally never said anything about bringing low tier people in
this isnt shitposting argument session this is the fucking effortposting thread
read the op and the entirety of my post
you are a stupid fucking leaf

honestly idk how a lefty would respond to this
"show proofs"
i literally always use the environmental and advancement of humanity argument against lefties
then they just try to call you evil or whatever and you talk about how what they advertise for is ACTUALLY fucking evil

>Your debate skills have grown dull Jow Forums

utterly spurious and nonsensical argument, founded on no evidence, examples, or even a cursory cherrypicked example.

how will OP ever recover

good idea though op
im going to make these every once in a while if i never see them

>how will OP ever recover

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prove it faggot
cite your sources

Shitskins reproduce and spread human suffering globally, with their irresponsible breeding that multiplies their archaic geneology which relies on the, ever diminishing, charity, welfare, and sacrifice of Whites to uplift them from their own biological misery.

Buddhism is halfway right; while self annihilation is preferable to existence, annihilating other people who make existence less appealing is preferable. Existence is a miserable thing, but as an afterlife or higher powers cannot be proven to exist, or if they do exist could be hostile and antagonistic, ignoring reality as a whole is not preferable. Hence, existence, if it needs to be experienced, might best only be done by a few thousand individuals in some bunker somewhere in comfort, as apposed by the billions who do so today.

>prove it faggot
>cite your sources


You have provided no evidence that genes determine the nonwhites current state of affairs. There hasnt been a historical situation where nonwhites have not been oppressed, nor have they been in an affluent area in a big enough sample size to indicate that they wont take up perceived "white" values

self referential sources are illegitimate
empirically prove that the joke went over my head with at least 3 independent sources

going to bed soon, see you fags later

Shit isn't just stone cold logic, because guess what? No one gives a shit. Most of the population are dullards, they respond with emotional appeals more than cold logic. Liberal beliefs sound good, but examination destroys them. It's like John Oliver, who rapid fires headline, joke, extrapolation repeat over and over again. There's no room to actually think about what he's saying. He's conditioning people to laugh at him, so he rouses emotions overall. Serious headline makes them feel anxious, joke to cut down the anxiety and then conclusion to make them feel safe, smart and assured. His show is full of non-sequitir, adhom, ad hoc, strawmen, etc. Anyone with an intellectual capacity to avoid his bullshit can clearly see what he's doing it.
When you debate online, it is not enough to lay down facts, response facts, because no one reads them. The population tunes it out. You've seen those threads on here
>giant paragraph
>giant quote
>giant paragraph
No one reads that. The posters do, obviously. But what about the lurkers? The other posters in the thread? They're more likely to skip all that. Maybe 5 people would read it out of God only knows how many itt. Right wing dominates the social sphere because all leftists can do is be prissy sarcastic twats in between fits of "anxiety". Leftists do not base their arguments on truth then incorporate emotions. They work emotions first, truth maybe later or never. Hence why it's easy to set them off.

The more emotion you can invoke powered truth, the more like your arguments are to succeed. Lefties? "UR DUMB UR STUPID UR RACIST. LIE. DOUBLE DOWN. PROJECT." People aren't super geniuses reading tl;dr, but they know goddamn well when someone is reduced to namecalling and they know goddamn well that horseshoe theory is bullshit.

>what is oxytocin mutation in poos, mongoloids (hapa spics included), asians that manifests as inherent biological and cultural sociopathy

genes control the entire state of affairs of ants, mice, dogs, and man

Why do so many chinks seem to take pleasure in having control over the suffering of others? How are they completely unaffected by the obvious pain they are causing to others, or completely indifferent to suffering occurring around them? The answer lies in their very DNA

Let's look at the rs53576 variation in the OXTR gene--which encodes the receptor for Oxytocin--also known as "the love chemical". This mutation alters the way the receptor is shaped resulting in Oxytocin being unable to bind to it effectively to produce an effect, and has been repeatedly associated with lack of empathy (especially regarding pair-bonding and parental empathy to one's children), and the deleterious mutation ('A') is found in Asians at several times the rate of Whites--with east Asians having the highest rate of this mutation in the entire world

Ever wonder why the stereotype for "over-bearing Asian parent that treats their children harshly" is so common?
Ever wonder why there are SO many different examples of Asians acting sadistically towards animals and one another?

The majority (but not all) of them are literally incapable of experiencing natural and normal Human empathy

They literally live their lives without knowing innate love

I hope we can cull or deport and quarantine them one day

1. Altruism is immoral because it disregards the sanctity of the individual. Altruism is thus self sacrifice, as there is no limit to how far and how much of yourself you should be willing to sacrifice to others.

2. Capitalism is the best system because it is the only system that protects and upholds an individuals rights.

3. Taxation is theft due to the nature of coercion and force involved if you do not pay.

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while this is true, the more prevalent )))our((( ideals get, the more 'alt right debates' you are going to be seeing
beyond that, we dont want the stupid people here
if i was an emotional creature, the nazi shit would have scared me off Jow Forums for good
we already know that we as a board have a high population of 'certain' characters, and this helps in our memeology, our ability to plot and plan shit out for us, and ability to subvert (((Them)))
the point of this is to gain the intellectuals, the smart people will at least acknowledge that they are lost after debating us, and that's how it starts
when we have the mega big-brained hivemind called Jow Forums, then we can use our propaganda and comedy to win over the brainlets

well done user

going to bed, see you fags later

not only is it proven that the manifestation of socipathic culture is based entirely on inherited racial geneolgy, so is intelligence and the ability to create a thriving modern society

It is generally assumed that there has been a more or less continuous worldwide selection for intelligence amongst hominid species and subspecies, although its strength may have varied with climate. Intelligence gradually increased, as reflected in the sophistication of the human tool kits. This increase was caused by intelligence-increasing mutations, and selection operating on both individuals and groups. When Australia and the Americas were settled the original populations lacked certain alleles because the relevant mutations had not yet occurred, or because these mutations had not reached the relevant parts of Eurasia from which the settlers derived. The descendants of the original Australoid and Amerindian settlers were largely isolated from subsequent genetic infusions from the larger Eurasian landmass - where any mutant genes that favored higher intelligence would tend to spread. This could occur as a result of interbreeding between neighboring demes or by the expansion of the carrier population into territories occupied by less advantaged proprietors, supplanting the latter or at least admixing their genes with them. The isolated Australian and Amerindian populations, with a total population not comparable to that of the Eurasian landmass, would have experienced a lower total number of intelligence-favoring mutations and due to their geographical isolation were prevented from receiving such alleles until the arrival of sea-born Caucasoid migrants in recent centuries. The literature on Australian aboriginal intellectual performance is reviewed, being shown to be low as postulated.

Capitalism is the best system that we know of, their might be something better, but we are yet to discover it.
Loonies might try to divert it using this

Northwestern Europeans were exposed to certain selection pressures that others weren't.

It is only in Northwestern Europe that people evolved to enforce norms primarily via guilt.

Obviously because the soul is contained in the penis

Wtf get the poos out of their, bitch. Also they kill dogs but you guys kill piggies and cows. That's hypocritical.

>OP makes purposely shitty arguments so the retards on here can BTFO them and jerk off to their own brilliance.
This is the saddest thread I've ever seen in the 12 years I've been using this site.

>while this is true, the more prevalent )))our((( ideals get, the more 'alt right debates' you are going to be seeing
A small problem with this, a debate is not just simply just expressing ideas. It is a show between two performers. Dances of logic are lost on the normal person, they simply cannot keep up. The two sides will simply try to dress themselves up. Ignoring the emotional draw is suicide. Right wing memes work because of their snappiness, emotional draw (laughing) and kernels of truth in them. Beyond merely dressing their ideas in a nice little bow, debates do little else except bore people.

I can ask you, "hey remember that one Pepe pic where it looks like he pissed his sweatpants?" And you'll flashback to that picture in its entirety. You mean even think of that screencap talking about memes. But a debate between Bill Nye and a creationist? You might not remember anything beyond soundbytes.

>beyond that, we dont want the stupid people here
Well we aren't so lucky in the real meatsphere. Not everyone is >tfw too intelligent to feel feelings.

poos are a race of sociopaths

Exhibit A

Exhibit B: Gypsies

Exhibit C: Thugees

Exhibit D: Bobs n Vagene Rapey poos

Exhibit D: creepy, incompetent H1bs diversity ponzi scammers, call scammers, killer poojeet doctors w/ fake qualifications

Poos are a race of psychopatic apes. I never saw such cruelty to animals as I did when I worked in India. They don't even think about it, its like a reflex. When they see an animal they can get away with torturing, they do it automatically and nonchalantly. I even saw mothers hold their little babies by the hands and swing them so their feet would kick puppies and kittens begging for food outside their front door. Every little kid you see tortures animals. Every adult does too. They also torture other humans mercilessly, especially poor ones or if there's a perceived class difference. They lack the kind of empathy that event the worst Europeans seem to display. Its obviously a difference on a genetic level, nothing else could explain the xtreme uniformity of that soulless behavior.

Ad hominem. Atleast read the sticky. Thugees were a community which didn't let the British plunder, hence were vilified.
The rape rate of India is lower that us and many euro countries.

I wouldn't call Indians incompetent as today they lead the tech industry by providing labour and were pretty good mathematicians and philosophers. Also we never followed the shitty book based abrahimic religion which contradict simple logic.

Being 1.4b makes it easier for more psychopaths to exist but the historical records say that the Hindu civilization never attacked outside its region, we are a regional people and don't care about conquering anything, still returned alexander, was napoleon's dream to conquer it one day, and the Mongols couldn't enter (this was thanks to the Muslims invaders so cannot take credit for it)

The majority of "people" are indeed animals. Aka "goyim". The jew actually dindu nuffin wrong in the end

>more gypsy lies

incompetent h1b diversity scammers
>A new report by Aspiring Minds, the world’s largest employability assessment company, has revealed that over 95 percent of all IT “engineers” in India are incapable of basic programming—shattering the myth of Indian “IT expertise” and destroying the controlled media’s often-repeated claim that engineers from that country are urgently needed to “boost the skill sets of Europe and America.”


poojeet, the misery is within you and your race. check your dna

Thugees, are poojeet organised gang of professional scammers, robbers and murderers

the Thuggees was responsible for more than 2 million deaths

>h1b gypsy fraud

The immigration lawyers admit to the fraud scheme here.

poojeet, the misery is within you and your race. check your dna

stay in your shithole and eat your own filth, instead of spreading your misecry in the form of the poojeet virus

tldr, kys faggot.

How are they incompetent you they scammed you? I told you about the origin of the word, just to broaden your mind and come out of your "better" race argument.
The incapable engineer discusses the fact that local college students aren't well equipped with modern programming languages, did you even read the link? Why did you conveniently choose not to reply to other arguments you threw?

If they scammed you *


Refute this
>Earth is flat, and moloch and wars spirit is real.
>Pro tip: You can't