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buddy fuckin israel
Airbus stock will go up tomorrow.
>Airplane food so shitty. I crashed the plane.
The news is exploding that Trump shared intel with Russians from an “ally” in the middle east and the ally is very upset. This is in regards to an Isis plot regarding airplanes and laptops.
A: The “ally” not being named is Israel, and they are mad as hell at Trump. Israel is furious because they got caught with their pants down. Lets get to the point. Isis was created by Israel and the US to weaken Iran and topple Assad. Billions in profits at stake. Israel has developed the technology to remote control airlines via laptops. A false flag was being prepared. Trump discussed it with Russian officials,exposing the “plot” McMaster pitched, and now all hell has broken loose. Trump did a wonderful thing in my opinion. We do not need anymore Isis false flags.
If Isis is eradicated, it will decrease CIA and DOD budgets, limit the amount of “support” Israel receives, and cause disruptions in the grand scheme to build a massive pipeline through Syria and ultimately cause the downfall of Iran and Russia. This is why “Isis” is being kept alive by the NWO. This is why such “bold” and “frightening” plots must be continually fed to the people. To justify larger budgets, and bigger hegemony.
Russia is actually our only hope, along with Trump, that this diabolical system can be broken, shattered, as JFK once said, into a thousand pieces and scattered to the wind.
The technology to remotely control and crash commercial airliners was developed by Unit 8200, the Israeli cyber command. Does any thinking person actually believe rag tag militants would have the know how and resources to develop this technology? Give me a break. While we are at it, you may want to see how close the Russian MetroJet 9268 was to Unit 8200 when it went down. Tensions between Israel and Russia continue to grow by the day. Putin knows every trick in the Israeli arsenal and he just happens to be a much better chess player than Netanyahu.
da joos
Crashing the Boeing share price, with no survivor.
Is anyone surprised? I blame chinks. pajeets, and women in STEM.
I wonder if it turn out to be like the "diversity walk bridge" that collapsed recently.
Hey you Israeli motherfuckers. You're gonna burn.
I get that Israel is frequently up to no good, but is there a specific reason that this crash is being blamed on it?
Big if true...
Likely somebody's work for sure.
Imagine the body counts from gross incompetence in a few years.
What other semiconductor shareholders just got whacked?
haha, nothing is going to work in the future
Not surprised at all
I imagine the Indonesian high-ups right now trying to figure this shit out, reading this then finding Jow Forums kek and becoming psycotically right wing because of it
not surprising.
kikes cut corners on everything they can. they hire chinks and poos who then cut more corners because they are lazy incompetent bastards.
the result is shit that breaks instantly.
if there are valuable people on board then it's just more of the same
Hey Jude
Its gonna be like the rudder hard-over problem the old 737s had back in the day. More 737 Max's will mysteriously go down before some massive engineering flaw is discovered and Boeing is sued into the ground for electing to use the 737 instead of the 757 as a frame for their next gen narrow body semi-composite aircraft.
fun factoid: Le Arsi means "that which you should burn" in Romanian
>The news is exploding
that was a year ago
that's from a Q&A
Crashing the economy with no survivors
I'm not an anti-semitic so I won't say it was Israel but if a proper investigation was allowed to proceed and factual evidence was not impeded I'd say the culprit would likely be Israel.
good. as somebody working at airport, i can assure you 90% of passengers on every flight deserve to die. hopefully there were some middleaged uptight bitches who complained at the check-in desk about their stupid connection they're gonna miss and yelled at check-in desk agent as it was his or her fault. fuck passengers. i hope every plane ever crashes. too bad about the innocents but the sheer joy and delight of knowing some dead whore got it is more than worth it.
Now the plan will be to shift the blame onto the pilots as quickly as possible before boeing stocks drop
What were those finance officials planning on doing that got them killed?
90% of people dont deserve the air they breathe desu
Cool fact, if someone at my work were to steal these, they would be greenlit to be shot and killed.
These bad boys go up to 50km/h
just in time for the monday morning astockalypse
It might have been Israel
Picture of some of the recovered wreckage. You'll note the back of a smartphone showing one of the couples that died.
lots of bitcoins there, desu
This is like one of those rebus word games
189 deaded.
The number of people on board has been updated to 189, according to officials.
178 adult passengers
1 child
2 babies
2 pilots
6 flight attendants
I'm not sayin' it was Israel, but... Israel.
baste ragie wagie
the true blackpill is that 99% of humanity needs to die out. overpopulation, weakness, low quality people = shitty.
I was ready to laugh because the thumbnail looked like one of those hoax-bomb pictures people have been memeing lately.
I can't wait until airport employees are all replaced with robots.
t. disgruntled Air Croatia baggage handler
Thanks for reminding me, this all seems to be coming together now.
I saw those planes at Boeing field before they shipped. out. Beautiful regalia.
Maybe it was another suicidal pilot.
Indonesia flies their ministers on low cost flights?
>nonwhite pilots
Got a feeling that this has something to do with the upcoming financial reset that is rumored to be in the works right now.
Looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays
The only reasonable explanation: Israel.
Israel did this and I want them fucking dead
Don't kill them. Break the military alliance and remove their lobby. Much more cruel. In fact, I don't understand why the western world has lobbies for foreign nations at all within its domestic affairs. It's insanity. Your country should be yours and their should be theirs.