Abortion Doesn't Just Murder One Life

my ex was 16 weeks pregnant when she decided to run off and have an abortion. it's completely fucked my life up. Since then i've developed a drinking habit, got caught drink driving, lost my job, stopped talking to my family or friends and become a hermit. Basically i'm just waiting to go to hell now

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good times.

Maybe don't be gay

Get over it faggot

You either let the pain crush you, be weak and pathetic, or you TAKE HOLD OF IT. Make that pain your driving force. Choose to rise above it, or choose to be a faggot. Either way you are the one making the decision.

I’m sorry dude, I’ll pray for you

Abortion is the #1 cause of death for NIGGERS in America.

Abortion kills 25% of NIGGER babies every year. Without it the NIGGER population would quadruple within a generation.

Anti-abortion = Pro-NIGGER

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>Basically i'm just waiting to go to hell now
You're not the one who murdered a baby

My cousin got an abortion and she tried to kill herself because she thought her boyfriend would stay with her.
He didnt. Lol. She got a car because her parents felt bad.
I think she has a few kids now with some other dude. Idk I hate that side of the family.
I got misscarige once and then pregnant again about a year later. Everyone wanted me to have an abortion and since then I cut 99 percent of them out of my life.