White America

>future generations can see White America in history book

What do you feel?

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I see white America in old movies from the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s... makes me want to tear up. We are still at 66% or so. I’m already sick. Future generations will be pissed.

Nothing I will smile.

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When there’s no whites left in America, our only competition will be niggers. But they will have enough whites genes to be able to work and do the jobs while we get even richer. Fuck whites, they did nothing but fuck with us for 1,000’s of years, now it’s time for them to get what’s coming to them

Imagine thinking history books with portray White America as anything other than an evil Jim Crow dystopia

I feel bad for people who tried to make America where they live, failed, and then decided to come here; leaving their home country behind.
Sadly, that hasn't happened, ever.

It's strange how I feel. I am a living relic of the past. Both of my parents had ancestors in colonial America- I am anglo through and through.

It' weird to walk around and be looked at strange because you have pale skin, America truly is the land of muttism and the 56%. I only wish I had been alive generations ago to live with my people.

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And then theyll turn the page to see its death and balkanization into several himelands for each race, bible belt is black, northeast is jewish/italian, cali and other southern parts for hispanics, pacific northwest and midwest are anglo/germanic/average white.

That's not happening. Whites aren't going to start identifying as some ethnicity they have no connection to when they've be known only as "white" for over 100 years. Pan-Europeanism or nothing

This. I hope I live just long enough to see them destroyed

there's still white enclaves in amerizog, look up el segundo. it's just very expensive to live in these places. they are cleaner, safer.

>there will be books after the whites are gone

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They dont have to, everyone else will do it for them, theyll be ostracized and antagonized into forming an identity. Same with American blacks who came from very different African nations with little in common.


>Literal kikes openly being kikes

What happened the the hate machine of the internet.

I wonder if immigrants from 200 years ago talked about this but in terms of their own ethnicity. "Don't race mix with those French! Our pure Dutch blood should never be tainted. Future generations will have to call us 'white' or something stupid like that! White isn't an ethnic group!"

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White America died many years ago. The seeds for its destruction were planted by Woodrow Wilson and FDR, and accelerated by the CIA under the Bushes (and Reagan administration).

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>Did nothing for us
>He's living in a civilisation envisioned by the mind and built by the hand of whites
>He's shit posting using a phone, with electricity, connected to the wifi that the white man created
>Lul Theys did nufin


What are you? Jewish? Amerindian?

Don't live in non white America inside of your head. The real world is a pessimistic hellscape but whatever you do, do not succumb. Segregate yourself from mainstream society. Segregate your mental state from the 'diversity.' Do your best to not interact with the cultureless element of society even it means giving up many luxuries. I do not live in that world inside of my head and you shouldn't either unless you want to feel pain and suffering all of the time, because that's exactly what your enemies want you to feel.

>i am a self-hating racist meme

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nah people just hated irish and catholics because they weren't proddies

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irish and italians.. its why you never hear anti-welsh or anti-scots sentiments.

Not really. White was a typical designator for most Western and Northern Europeans and were not segregated from mainstream society like other folks namely natives and blacks. While most founding fathers were Anglo they did not hold much animosity or see any real issue with Germans or Dutch or Scandinavian or French fraternizing and intermingling. Much of early New England was Frenchies and English having sex with each other and really no old settler of the US really believed they would be losing much in the way of quality of life because they happened to have a half French child. This is a major false equivalency. If you seriously believe a Dutchman having a Irish half-breed is equivalent to a Mestizo infestation you are sheltered from reality

Try it nigger lover.

Italians are a relatively new demographic to the US. Not really a good point. A few Irish signed founding documents of the United States so realistically the animosity towards Irishman were not as severe as you were made to believe.

>future generations can see White America in history book

Future generations wouldn't be able to fucking read a book even if you could somehow manage to get them to care about it. What do you think interbreeding with millions of erstwhile hutdwellers is going to do to the collective average IQ?

This is the peak of human civilization. Iphones and Mars rovers are as good as it ever gets for us.

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They did they stuck to their own until they brought other germanic migrants that the englush had yo accept like dutch german swedes. But gave celts like irish scots n the latin Italians a harder time.
Hell irishmen use to be sold as slaves here.
You can kick out nonwhites now nbitll be same game again

people didn't like irish and italians not because of their race but because of their allegiance to the pope

And yet Irish Catholics were in fact legally allowed to hold public offices and one even was allowed to sign the declaration of Independence. Of course there was anti Irish sentiment but realistically a native, blacks, and mestizos would have never been given that opportunity. Anti Irish sentiment was more social than anything but on a political level they were not really seen as much of a threat to American values or ethnic make up. In fact, most anti Irish sentiment came later during the industrial revolution

America of color is future, sadly.

Feels good.
Make America Black Again.

We could have been reading this history book on the Moon.

Feels Good, voting RED.