The Beginning of Televised False Flags

Was it Challenger? Cannot think of anything the predates it unless maybe the TWA hijacking or JFK..

Attached: IMG_2780.jpg (980x552, 73K)

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yeah go print out your epic super-wise theories in big letters, cover them in pictures, and put it all over your van

Footage from Pearl Harbor.
JFK video wasn't shown until years after his death.

The school teacher on the challenger was known to teach flat earth theory to her students.

LMAO I'll bet her mind was blown when she saw the curve of the earth

none of them died. that thing was empty.

none of them died

The Earth IS flat.

remember being in elementary school and every class was forced to watch the launch. Pretty sure everyone else was required too because of the teacher. Mass brainwashing traumatizing little kids. Fuck glow in the dark niggers, I still remember watching it till this day decades later.