How do we fix white men?
How do we fix white men?
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>having the audacity to suggest you wouldn't suck a thousand dildos just to have that girl sit on your lap and spend time with you
Get the fuck off your high horse.
Oh god why is she with him? She's so cute
Have him kill her for a first step becoming a real man by giving no shit about others but yourself.
That's hot though. I'd be him any day.
convert this one into a woman
She's getting fucked by two others guys (Chad's). She's one of those chicks with a fetish for humiliating non Chad's.
Seems like the purpose of transgenderism is to remove these "men" from being called men. Let them chop their dick off so we don't have to be associated with them anymore.
Oh okay well I'd rather be her humiliated gf than that loser. I'm quite a bit hotter than him obviously.
gtfo of my country you degenerate faggot
unironically kill yourself
That "girl" has a dick
>that pathetic smile after she kisses him on the cheek
god i wish that were me
Substantiate your claims
Otherwise there's nothing wrong going on here. A bit kinky but not necessarily cucked. I mean she's way out of his league, but I've seen 8s and 9s with fat ugly bfs before so you never know.
>How do we fix white men?
By inviting third world savages to the west. Either white man fix their shit or get beaten into submission. I for one prefer a quick death over this slow shitshow weve been seeing
I see almost no real answers in here but for him to either go MGTOW, become a transexual or to take her life for revenge. Come on pol, you were more savage in ye old days
I want my western culture back.
By shoahing yourself, Kikecuck?
White men can start by re-learning to not take photos with their mouths gaping open like they just got their throat fist fucked.
Eugenics, redpilling, and fixing the setup of pulic life.
No dude, I won't. Even if she is the only beautiful woman left in the world.
Can you not get girls?
Because as long as you pass a few dates, you'll have a girl sit on your lap and spend time with you.
No dildos required.
What's this "we" crap, Jamal?
By fixing em like a dog
post your tits you self-aggrandizing moldy sandwich
Finally someone says something smart.
sauce on this
Well ur high t n brown with trad upbringing
Ur weakness is being an umcle tom here.
U should on fit n fa n learning game from roosh n krauser
I'm into femdom though. It's not the only way I can get off, but I would never turn it down. Problem is that 90% of girls into femdom are ugly or fat. Where can I find a bratty domme akin to Rebecca Stilles
>Speaking like a true Catalan
>Otherwise there's nothing wrong going on here.
They are literally producing degenerate porn and you have the audacity to proclaim that nothing wrong is going on.
i cant wait to wh*Tes to go extinct so the rest of us dont have to witness this anymore. there has never been a greater rise and fall than the wh*Te man.
Offer them something better.
protip: You can't.
You application for the ethnostate just got removed.
Why you talking shit about fat Harry Potter and the hairy chub?
Oh the video is on pornhub btw.
*your, fuck this phone and fuck you too
This faggot isn't a man. He's a faggot. Men don't suck cock, real or fake, that's what faggots do.
Same Bulgarian faggot making these threads
That's a fair argument, but I meant the act itself. If not for the camera it would just be a white heterosexual couple being a little bit kinky together.
>phoneposter thinks he's going to get into the ethnostate
So you like sucking dildos for your girlfriend in general? Get the fuck out of here, you gay hoosier faggot
>sitting on a couch without a clean butthole
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I fucking hate americans why you fat disgusting fucking niggers do this, go clean your smelly poopy ass with a hose right now!!
Unlike you, yes.
Notice how ugly white guys with cute girls always remind you of Asian boys with white girls.
The average Asian male is basically equivalent to a very ugly white guy.
>all the white incels ITT who have never seen a pussy in their life so they would do everything like sucking a thousand dildos only to spend 5 minutes with a 6/10
Just lmao at the white race
Every time you see that basement dwelling Elliot, Tenda Spencer, post AMWF, it reminds of this.
Look guys, I'm spamming AMWF too.
The average Asian male = a very ugly white guy.
Get them to quit pining after maryjane rotten crotch from their highschools.
I had the biggest crush on a girl named Melissa. but it was all for naught. A life with her would have been mediocrity at best.
She still lives in socal, with a noticeably older man. And me? I'm free to chase my wildest dreams, while she gets fat in a shitty suburb.
Congrats, Melissa. You've moved literally 2 miles from your family home. That is your life's greatest achievement...
The average Asian male standing next to a white girl. Courtesy of EurasianTiger.
>getting with a woman
>in doing so ou surrender all power to her
90% of the attraction for me is a need for dominance
if a woman has power over me then she isn’t attractive
>Indian flag
Pajeet please. If you had an even slightly remote chance of hanging out with a white girl for the night, you'd let her peg you 100 times just so she can come over to your house and make fun of how tiny your penis is and leave.
Sounds like you're not quite over Melissa yet.
No! He's definitely over her! That's why he's still posting about her while she hasn't even thought about him. Notice he only says "pining after". This faggot didn't even date this girl. But he's off chasing his dreams by posting on an anime political board
If I destroy him can I be her new cuck? I want to feel her soft hands all over my lumpy body like he gets to.
thats hapa but yes us yellows are fucking ugly
That's western culture. Don't confuse it with European culture
Tell that to this delusional guy.
hes high or some shit but id do this
She looked like Gwenyth Paltrow but hotter.
I'm over her in the sense that I enlisted and got the see the world and she married a beta and got fat.
I've outgrown her. but my dick will always remember the pussies it didn't get to fuck.
ok redpill me on this guy. i keep hearing his name around here. what's the deal?
He's been plaguing this website for over 10 years now. Consistently spamming it with interracial, either black males with white women or cherrypicked Asian males with white females. He has about 10,000 sock puppet accounts around Internet (no joke), from Youtube, Reddit to every comment section you can possibly imagine, where he talks to himself under different aliases trying to create a narrative where white males are evil losers and Asians are superior to whites in every way.
He's got nothing else going for him in his life so that's what he does daily every single minute of his waking hours.
Has eggy finally got a gf?
Stop posting vids like that for one. Sage.
Also, one last thing... 99% of the shit he says is either a projection or a lie. He doesn't have a wife and he doesn't live in China. He's in New York sitting in front of the computer 24/7.
>Being this thirsty
Dude,I can't even bring myself to knock you down. You're already lower than I could ever put you.
This is what you don’t understand.
Most Indian men see white women as nothing but whores and sluts. That’s why they’re so quick to go the “bob and vagene” route.
White women in Bollywood are used as half naked props, just go see an Bollywood song, the main dancer is Indian but all the backstage dancers are white.
Getting married to a white woman isn’t considered an achievement, it’s considered a fucking downgrade. The rest of the society thinks you wifed up a whore. Only Westernized Indians fall into the white bullshit.
This is why I'm afraid of going to mexico
You do realize that she is his sister right?
That's pretty hot but also pathetic af. You can tell all he wants is some female attention. Public humiliation probably isn't worth it.
I would suck her pussy juice off the toy just to experience this kind of ecstasy
What the fuck you denerate pig?
Look at that fucking bruise on her leg. Shes disgusting, that alone makes her 4/10 would not fuck.
first all that does not represent all white men. That is a a faggot. Clearly the woman in this video is alpha.
It literally says @Porcelain_elf on the webm you blind retards.
Hope this is b8, but so long as you dont look or act like the guy in the video its incredibly easy to get girls once you mentally take them off of a pedestal and just consider them as stupid men. Chatting up dumb chicks while simultaneously not giving a flying fuck about them makes most of them incredibly attracted to you. They know they're dispensable deep down
ya, but what website?
Can't find the video itself moron
just google it you dumb mutt
eggman got himself a gf?
You pajeets literally gang rape 12 year old girls on the daily because not even your women want to fuck you street shitters.
She's an average slag in a cheap wig using a dong as a tongue depressor. You might be pathetic enough to let a woman degrade you for her "attention" (if you like being treated like a dog/doormat), she'd be out of the house the moment she even looked at me that way.
Some of us just don't like being used, my dude. Grow some dignity.
By being better White men.
b8'd. it literally says on the image, you faggot memeflagger
eggy looking P R E S E N T A B L E as fuck
Because no real man would allow any of this on him, so she's forced to choose from the market of beta and soiboys.
Asians = a race of eggmen.
>>how do we fix white Men
pretty tough to do in my opinion, I can only speak for the situation in Germany (since I lived there all my life and am currently on vacation in Russia, half Russian half German FYI, father being German):
What you need the most if you want to have real men are real fathers/ father figures. The other part is having women which encourage being a man.
How to fix women is another topic and maybe more difficult in theory, at least I don't know what could fix them, I see most of them broken beyond repair in Germany. Sexual Revolution of 1968 hit us pretty hard desu.
Beginning more than hundred years ago in Germany, the state took part of the man's role in education and being a father figure on itself. Meaning the father was primarily working and abstinent from family live, and the government stepped in and filled that hole with patriotism/nationalism. But after the 1st world war the whole system came crashing down and people lost their orientation, since all they believed in (the glory of the German Reich and the Kaiser) came crashing down.
While those who potentially could have been a voice of reason and orientation/education were silent because of the trauma of the lost war(and the personal incompetence to defend the Vaterland) or dead, others either put all their believes into Marxism or into nationalism and further encouraged the believe of a strong state. Problem was that many good fathers were lost and those alive only saw the pity of the afterwar Germany, Versailles and the financial crises, not really teaching what's important for a man.
Fast forward after 2nd world War and now the second consecutive generation of fathers was lost, either dead of POWs. And those surviving didn't really spend much time with their families (many talk about how resilient fathers from that time where).
Then the cultural/ Sexual revolution of 68 came and destroyed everything left of family life we had 1/2