Are boomers a problem specific to US, or do they exist in other countries?

are boomers a problem specific to US, or do they exist in other countries?

I thought what made our boomers trash, were because usa was number one for so long... and that ingrained a sense of entitled superiority in our boomers

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apple user that girl is like 21... she is not boomer, unless you are 12... which would explain the boring thread.

Im turning 19 in a couple weeks, just wanting to know what reaching the boomer stage is like

Most western countries have boomers, UK, Canada, France. Yknow places we aren't allowed to culturally identify with even though we culturally identify with them. Japan does too

>A problem
Fuck off, you stupid little entitled piece of shit

I'd say Australia and New Zealand too except theyve been replaced

They are tho, they ruined youtube comments. It’s all boomer comments now. Instagram is getting boomer bombarded as well

Boomers flooded in when the Illuminati shit got popular except they weren't meming

Instagram boomers post Christian quotes and low quality snapshot pictures of sunsets, sky, and grasses to spam up the hashtags.

Brazilian boomers are turbo NPCs with IQs lower than a chimpanzee.

kys stupid yellow microdick insectoid chink

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Fuck off old man, stick to wrinting comments on news sites you faggot boomer fuck

t. old boomer fuck

Worldwide this motherfuckers had the greatest civilizations at the best time in history and ruined them.

In Latin America boomers pushed for socialism and antistate when they were young and brainwashed generations.

Venezuela is their top success history.

Of course Boomers exist everywhere. Guess what? They own the vast majority of houses in the UK along with landlords and they are all working way past retirement or dropping down to just 2 days a week and never vacating the position. They all have about three pensions and they still want more money and fuck everyone else

Don’t forget the boomers that infest Amazon product Questions and Answers section

> ask question about X
> boomer: “I don’t know. Sorry.”

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Don't let the kikes divide us along generational lines. Our highest priority should be to extinguish the kike menace, not to waste our time engaging in a generation-based pissing contest. This is pure divide-and-conquer bullshit at its finest and, unlike other dividing lines that are based on TANGIBLE AND UNDENIABLE THINGS (like race, for example), the concept of a group of people being similar to each other simply because they were born in a certain period of time and simultaneously different to another group of people simply because that other group of people were born in a different period of time is nonsense when you realise that the periods of time each generation fit into are ARBITRARY. There is NOT ANY UNIVERSALLY AGREED-UPON period of time for ANY of the so-called 'generations' you people talk about - it varies from country to country. Not only that, but even the NAMES of different so-called 'generations' vary from country to country. For example, in the Western World, there is a generation known as the 'Millennials' that was born in the 80s and in Taiwan, there is also a generation that was born in the 80s known as the 'strawberry generation'. I can easily imagine the (((global elites))) laughing at us saying "The goyim are SO STUPID that they even fall for being divided by arbitrary things like certain periods of time that people are born in that we randomly pull out of our ass!". It doesn't matter to me what so-called 'generation' you were born in - if you live virtuously and work hard, I stand with you.

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You have to go back

Sites with facebook commenting plugin are boomer magnets


Everybody can see what you are doing here daily, Tenda.

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Fuck off, traitor.