Why isnt there a free Back-To-Africa Movement In 2018?

Just why? I'm sick of all these fucking Afrocentrist monoracial 11:59pm turdboi niggers. "We should move back to Africa, We should move back to Africa, We should move back to Africa." and YET, they provide NO SOLUTION or way to get there. They are so fucking disorganized and so retarded. I'm fucking disabled and poor so I can not get a job. I want one so bad because I need money and I want to leave the USA. I have a bad back.

I'm sick of all these African governments that just want fucking money:
info-ghana.com/Articles/Ghana Loosing its Appeal.htm

The Africans just want tourist money and they are so fucking retarded, they think someone wouldn't eventually find out.

After seeing this it is clear that my only solution is to get a law changed so that the US Government supports this. I made a petition, no one wants to sign it. Four White Nationalists signed though:

I've emailed Donald Trump twice, Patrick Little, David Duke, The Nation Of Islam, The National Socialist Movement, the South African Cape Party, the Ghanian Ministry Of The Interior and Senator Cory Booker.

I've posted on Stormfront about this on Page 6 and Page 7:

People do not want us here but will not help us leave. I'm fucking sick of this. Where the fuck are the freighters and the planes at?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Too much free shit in the US, why move?

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After seeing Liberia's current condition, I snapped.

For you anti-Hybrid Amerimutts and foreigners who aren't aware, Liberia was the first minority rule nation in all of Africa. From 1848 to 1899, we enforced minority rule on the Africans and kept Blacks from political offices. We had a Masonic Order in Monrovia which functioned like all the others but with a twist: You had to be a Hybrid Americo-Liberian. Later after competition with the rich, predominately Black True Whig Party, they were allowed in but no African could join. After Reconstruction in the USA, a secret order for the Hybrids were created. The Blue Vein Society. You had to be fair enough for your veins to be seen and have Hybrid features. They helped their own out and those who owned businesses hired their own while the Blacks, who could not see their veins, were obviously fucked and had to do their own thing like Black Wall Street in Tulsa. The Blue Vein Society dissolved and did not survive Reconstruction.

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Fuck the US and fuck Liberal gibs to keep Democrat votes. You're not one of us so you wouldn't get it: We want our property back from the Africans.

Liberia was long before Rhodesia and South Africa. It did not need foreign aid until 1920, 21 years after the Hybrid party (Republican Party Of Liberia) disappeared and Joseph Jenkins Roberts died.

Some of you who are French already know about the War Of Knives in Haiti in 1812 after the revolt against the French so that makes two countries we lost to Africans.

I went off in the comments when I read about a Liberian police raid that resulted in 30 arrests, due to "red cloth witchcraft."

I want minority rule over Liberia again and I need to get into Liberia to get elected and then open the borders, buy boats and send boats to the US to exfiltrate my kind to Liberia to build a new system.

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Now, who am I exactly?

I am someone who wants to do a few key things:
1) Recreate the Blue Vein Society in this century. No holds barred, no sugar-coating.

2) Build a borderless National Socialist Africa

3) Build a state in land with seasonal variation and deadly winters that my kind may live in to enhance biological traits in this environment over centuries whilst using genetic engineering and eugenics to allow only the fastest or smartest or strongest to breed. This environment with divide the wheat and the chaff.

4) Exterminate all Jews and Hybrids who are at least 1/8th part-Jewish

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Here's a photo of your black wall street niggers. It would seem your story don't add up.

Attached: The-Black-Wall-Street.jpg (1000x603, 147K)

They keep Wakanda hidden to keep the niggers out

I've come here many times and gotten a lot of support from Hybrids and Nationalists alike who support my ideas. Despite the anti-Hybrids from Meltingpotmerica, many do agree we =/= Kaffirs.

I'm launching a website soon for my movement and currently writing a book on my values and beliefs to reach out to others by the thousands.

I've extensively studied the sciences on race, race realism, hybridization results, trans-racial adoption studies and Black intelligence stats and all evidence concurs that my theory on racial alchemy is feasible and has demonstrable results, despite anti-Hybrid Amerimutt cries.

Without the Jewish threat, I can organize an effort trigger haplogroup divergence in Hybrids with a specific mix and ration of admixture. I'm looking for people specifically of a Eurasian-Negroid (Nordic x East Asian x Western Capoid/Congoid) nature to be the group I work with as I am one and they are the smartest type of Hybrid of the diaspora. With enough genetic engineering Dr. Jekyll fuckery, I can perfect and refine my kind genetically and with an environment like the Yukon or Antarctica, the Patagonia or Siberia, they'd evolve fast under evolutionary bottleneck pressure and considering they'd have significant Eurasian DNA admixture, my work wouldn't take thousands of years, just centuries.

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No, your abstract thought isn't adding up. The Blue Vein Society phased out long before the 1900s, lasting some 20+ years. There were Hybrids in Tulsa as well, obviously.

Three Octoroons, one Quadroon and one Mulatto, rest are niggers. In the days of the societies, there were massive numbers. It phased out, Black towns like Tulsa and Rosewood and Elaine rose and Hybrids just joined those, rather then continuing the idea of a Coloureds-only town.

Rather than*

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Fuck all mutts
Go to South America, but fuck off

Abstract thinking is for liars and retards. Facts and evidence is what's dealt with. Niggers are niggers and you all swing from trees nigger.

Where is your proof of this retard phenomenon? Because that isn't what happened.

Sadly, over 100 countries would see me as a Hybrid, not a Kaffir. On top of this, you're the Mutt in these lands.

Come on, dude. There's a book and a movie about this "retard phenomenon."

Over 100 countries. Except for the one you are in. How unfortunate for you. Is Fantasy Island included on that list?

Highly documented, not really talked about.

Happened severely in Louisiana

I'm not talking about what you niggers do in your ghettos. I'm White. I don't give a fuck about you. The retard phenomena I was referring to is your claim of:

>In the days of the societies, there were massive numbers

Name them. You're full of shit.

Let me give you some advice: No one gives two fucks how the USA views race and they don't recognize Hypodescent because they know how retard you people are on race.

Oh, I know, that's why I call you people what you are: anti-Hybrids.

The reasons why "it happened" in Louisiana are the reasons why it didn't happen anywhere else. The french were race mixers who created a race mixed culture and society. Not that it meant anything. Dr. David Duke is from Louisiana. How does he feel about "creoles" or if you prefer "cirollos"?

Then why are you in the USA nigger?

For the uneducated Amerimutt people who like to say that (Mixed Race) people are black I will say this:

By your own logic, it would mean that all Black men around the world could marry white women and other non-Black races of women and claim to be doing it in order to preserve the black race and not racemixing since the end result is just more Black children. See how fucking stupid you look now. Green is equal parts Blue and Yellow and if retards like you thought Yellow was an inferior color to Blue, propting you to call all Green objects yellow due to being part-Yellow, people will view you as a dumbass. In reality, they would really be producing lighter-skinned mixed-race children who have the traits of both parents but are neither parent's race, instead of dark-skinned Black children. It would also mean that Biracials who marry white people could also claim to be doing it in order to preserve the Black race by reproducing with Whites, because according to your logic Biracials are also supposed to be Black. And then, if the Quadroon children of those Biracial people and White people grew up and married White people they too could also claim to be doing it in order to preserve the Black race, because it's not racemixing. It's Blacks having Black children. And then if the Octoroon children of those Quadroon people and White people grew up to marry white people they too could also claim to be doing it in order to preserve the Black race. It would go on for generations and for centuries, ad infinitum. So basically, we would then be calling pure White looking people Black, according to your retard racial views. This is all based on your own logic and on the logic of anyone who claims that mixed-race people are Black.

When those Quadroon kids from White and Mixed parents go on to 'procreate' with another White person those new Octoroon kids basically look 100% White.

So, if black genes are sooooooooooooo dominant, then shouldn't all of those kids still look predominantly black?

That is where the logic gets thrown out the fucking window in the USA. This process is completely erasing Black people out of existence and Whites, as well as creating Hybrids. These 'one drop' plebeian cocksmokers are too ignorant to accept what is going on. When Black people procreate with Mixed people, it does not increase the Black population it actually decreases it because now their offspring has got some Hybrid DNA and ancestry in their bloodline. It phases out their racial continuity and turns it into something else. The race views in the USA are a worldwide joke because everyone knows the truth. You people strip Hybrids of an identity because you barely have one. You have no culture beyond "muh fries, muh freedoms, and muh guns." You have no ethnicity. Some of you people are mixed up like Rubik's cubes and are lucky enough to not show it on the exterior. Part Indian, part Spic, part-Chinese, part Nigger. Even if not with interacially miscegenated ancestral admixtures, you are intertribally miscegenated and are 1/3rd German, 2/8th Spaniard, 1/38th Roman and then 1/16th Cherokee.

Stormfront and the National Socialist Movement does not even accept it and they are in the USA. Lmao. What it all boils down to is two things: Your ancestors hated and feared us because if we bleached our bllodline enough times, our descendants could infiltrate your ancestor's racial caste system and that would fuck up the White domination plan instantly becuase more Hybrid families would bleach their bloodlines and just become White over generations to escape the life of a Hybrid. The One drop laws varied by state so some were White in Georgia but not in Texas, or, White in Florida but not in Alabama. The shit was so retarded and confusing it was dropped as a law but today, it's still a sociological practice. Meanwhile, Hapas and Hybrids who look White, of which part-Negroid Hybrids are few, are acknowledged as mixed-race. Otherwise, "HURRR DURRR NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!!!," which brings me to my last point: Many Amerimutts are afraid and insecure about their lack of ethnic identity. The Afrikaners, Austrians/Germans, Serbs, Croats, Celts, Slavs all have an identity, language, culture, uniform ethnicity and solid ethnic identity, forged thousands of years ago. Amerimutts fear that the ethnic Europeans will not see them as fellow brethren or as European enough or good enough. In summation, American snowniggers have Mutthurt syndrome, they're so stupid they've attempted to change logic, and they're still practicing 200 year old bullshit and don't even know why. 'Murica. And, in many countries, some even European, I'm a Hybrid. So, Amerimutts, your opinions of race never mattered, suck it.

He sees them as Hybrids but still non-White and he is correct on both points.

Go back in time, be born in Zimbabwe, have no money, be disabled, be stuck in Zimbabwe. When you can answer to me why you're still there, you will know why I am still here.

Even Stormfront acknowledges facts.

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Fucking nigger retard. All niggers in america are mixed. Your fucking concept is irrelevant. Is this bitch black nigger? It's a yes or no question. I don't need a response coded in a 50 page nigger monologue.

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>He sees them as Hybrids but still non-White

And where does this statement come from? Proof please.

So defensive. Jesus, never say facts to nigger mutts in long retorts, they get so triggered lol.

Blacks have ancestral European admixture from slavery rapes but are still over 80% Negroid, making them Blacks. That girl is Black and delusional. When rounding a number, if it's below .5, you round down; above, round up. Anything 50%+ non-Black is not-Black but gg no re for subverting my thread like a good little mutt with flawed logic based race opinions.

I have something better than that.

This is my email to the NSM. Pay attention.

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Really long ass email and I got two replies back. Guess what? They totally agreed with my ideas, they believed in a Hybrid separate identity and guess one more thing?! Guess, user!

Yeah I can fake emails on an anonymous email account as well. I'm not interested in your stupidity. xDDD

Guess what? The NSM chief of staff thanked me for my ideas and asked me if I was coming to the rally and said if I could come, they'd welcome me there.

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Second email:

"Looking forward to seeing you there if you can make it. My contact number is _____________ Call or text anytime and if you make it there, make contact and upon arrival I will tell you where to meet. 88"

Mixed is mixed nigger. Seems to be a flaw in logic. But tell me something then. How about this one nigger. Is it not mixed as well?

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You're a pleb and a little troll. It's a sad little life you live but we actually want to leave the USA and build our own nation, bud.

Of course he has significant admixture, but, guess what the Blue Vein Society also was? Colorist. As am I. Dark Hybrids would be killed off in a perfect world or in this one at the least, discared and exiled from our respect of their identity as mixed. We want the best, the brightest and the fairest skinned. We are building a new racial group after all.

Discarded and exiled and shunned to the brink of suicide. I thank the Void I never came out like that. His mother was a part-African American mutt and his father is Black. Shittly little first gen mulatto lost the genetic lottery.

Fucking nigger reject they are brother and sister. xDDD KYS. xDDD

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"Of course some people are Coloured but they are dark skinned and have 15% significant admixture"

So why don't you leave the USA? What's preventing you?

Baiting proves your points? Ooooooh c:

Some Cape Coloureds look like that fucking Kaffir which is how I thought he was mixed. It's a fucking Negroid. It's further proof of the inefficiency of judging who is mixed-race and who is not with the eyes, if anything.

Do you really want me to do it? do you want me to setup a tutanota account and create fake emails from Adolf Hitler and screenshot them? xDDD

Oh trust me, I have tried. I've written Patrick Little, Trump, Birthright Africa, applied for the US Army and the Air Force, signed up to volunteer in Africa and all have failed. The same green cloth and the lack thereof that can prevent anyone from leaving the USA.

Point is mixed is nigger. Your retard bullshit serves no purpose. xDDD

It would seem that cape coloured is just a fancy word for nigger. Is not "Wiz Kalifa" cape coloured?

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You think it's fake? Okay, you're entitled to believe that. This is real. I'm hoping to meet Commander Schoep and tell him I support his movement and hope he will support immediate Africa repatriation if his candidates win.

A Cape Coloured is a Khoisan/Dutch Hybrid from the South African Cape. A buffer race. They breed with their own. Regression to the mean occurs because they breed with other Hybrids and also Blacks. They get and recycle too much Black DNA. If you read the email, you'd have seen me mention this to Schoep. Hybrids can not breed with Hybrids yet. They are not ready to do so.

Why would you write Patrick Little to leave america? Why don't you get a job and save money and leave $700 and your on your way. Why are you emailing people for gibs Tyrone? xDDD

Also, why did the army and air force turn you down?

Attached: - plane ticket to africa - Google Search_ - https___www.google.com_search.png (744x449, 91K)

Shut up nigger. I know what they "are". They're fucking niggers. xDDD

Wiz Khalifa is a nigger ape. When the racial alchemy takes place and the genetic engineering of our control group begins, we can prevent re-niggerizing when Hybrid in-group breeding occurs. We can weaken the bonds of the Negroid DNA and reduce the amounts.

So if "hybrids" that breed with "hybrids" end up becoming niggers, (because that is what happened in the united states in the first place. Hence Treasure and her brother) Who is it that you suggest that they should breed with?

He wanted to give Kaffirs $1000 in gibs from 10 years worth of Israeli aid. I told him niggers are too stupid to handle $1000 in reparations. So I said, "open up the possibilities of African repatriation and give them a repatriation passport and a plane ticket instead." xDDDDDDD

So you're telling me Wiz Khalifa is without White admixture?

>He wanted to give Kaffirs $1000 in gibs from 10 years worth of Israeli aid

I didn't ask you that nigger. I asked you why are you incapable of earning $700 yourself. Why are you looking for gibs? Why? Because you're a nigger. xDDD

You're cherrypicking. Genetics have a lottery in a way. When you mix genes, your traits, your mother's/father's traits/your great-great grandpanrets traits may go to your progeny. It can go any way. It's completely randomized. Same with your partner's genetics. Whatever happens, you both contributed 50% genetic material.

In our case, we have some and I believe way too much Negroid DNA. With two hybrids creating progeny, all these variable of Negroid DNA comes into play. The kid may be smart but too dark, look amazing but be stupid, take the male's black grandfather's genes or the female's white great-grandmother's genes.

The difference is significant. The child could be a Halsey or a Kidada Jones. Like Eartha Kitt's granddaughter or like Paris Jackson. Like Rasheda Jones or Mariah Carey. We'd need to genetically edit this type of problem first before in-group breeding. We'd have to stabilize that issue. xDDDDDD

Because I'm too disabled to work a job like construction or plumbing and make decent money or is your ADHD so bad you can't remember the start of the thread where I say this.

LOL $700

DS-11 form for expedited passport: $150 + extra fees

Economy flight, one or two layovers: $1,500 +

Visa fees for Ghana: $150+ range

Actually staying somewhere beyond that point so I have residence and don't get sent back: ???


Shut up nigger. Your retard bullshit bores me. And your knowledge of nigger pop culture turns my stomach. Kill yourself.

I asked you Who is it that you suggest that they should breed with?

Yeah that's not my problem nigger. No matter how you slice it you're a nigger looking for a handout. Why an expedited passport nigger? Why can you not just wait the 3 or 4 weeks? A nigger and it's money are easily parted. xDDD

>Because I'm too disabled to work a job

I know Tyrone. I know. You're too disabled to work a job, but not too disabled to join the army or airforce right? Why don't you go work in walmart nigger?

Essentially, the state is simple. We take in fair Hybrids of Afro-Eurasian descent who have Nordic European and East Asian Admixture. We take Mulattoes and Asian-Negro Mixtures who fit the paradigm we want as well. We also allow any White and East Asian fugitives who are high in intelligence flee to our nation and we will never extradite. We will be a tax haven and eugenics and genetic-engineering is enforced on Hybrids at every level. Basically, it will be so appealing, no one can resist without thinking twice or even thrice about what it could mean if they didn't go for it. Lastly, this country I intend to create would exist only in a highly cold place with seasonal variation so my kind will evolve anyways if they stay, even without all the genetics work.

Since when does the Army see combat? I can just get stationed in Africa and apply for citizenship there and just get discharged.

>We also allow any White and East Asian fugitives

Fucking niggers every single time. WHERE DA WHITE WOMEN AT!! Amirite. xDDD

You are one dumb nigger. You are too disabled to work a job but not to disabled to join the military. Is this statement correct?

Because I want to get the fuck out, ASAP. You're trying a bit too hard with the edge, pal. I know you're an anti-Hybrid but you're letting your edge overpower logic. If you think the JEWSA or Israel would allow a NS pro-eugenics state thaat will not tolerate Jews, think again. I'd probably be fucking killed by Kikes who want more non-Whites to stay so they can have more Democrats and Brazil 2.0 the longer I stay here.

>you are a fucking faggot. no1 uses the word comrade

Shut up nigger. xDDD

No, you fucking retard. Whites and Asians evolved their amazing traits from being in land on an East-West axis that was extremely cold. They are adapted to ice. If you're going to be retarded, I'm done wasting my time with you. Having Whites and Asians in your country significantly increases the chances of your country's success and survival for the time being so if you think I'd ignore that, you are the idiot here.

You'd be surprised. But by your logic, I'd be too dumb to fake an email.

Yes, I can't do strenuous work and I don't know how to drive. I can not do push-ups. At all. They are still thousands short of their recruitment quotas for the army so they may just take me in. Quantity over quality. They have waivers for a lot of things nowadays.

You're the nigger and you're probably a fucking Kike. You're fucking trolling and clowning me to subvert this thread and you type like a fucking little kid with a sugar rush xDDDDDDDDD lollololloolloolol

You need a pastor. One of those preachy loud ones. There must be at least one who wants to Wakanda

Yeah, you are a fucking kike and you are trolling this fucking thread. I get more respect on Stormfront, for fuck's sake.

Finally, someone with sense. Al Sharpton or that nigger pastor that grabbed Ariana Grande's breast, as well as Rev. Jackson + any Atlanta pastors would be viable candidates, however, all negro pastors are race-baiter poverty pimps who want "mo' money fo' dem programs" so they can pocket the money for their megachurches. They would never go to Africa. That's why I contacted White and Black nationalists.

I know! I'm loving it. You're a fucking retard. What a dumb nigger. xDDD This shit is hilarious. xDDD The army turned you down for psychiatric issues. Admit it. xDDD

If I got to Africa, Id take over the government after gaining some "political revisionist" support from locals, promising change. I'll procure boats, pilots, captains, planes and I will immediately open the borders up to Hybrids and Diaspora Blacks. We will come pick them up and exfiltrate them from the beaches and the harbors if we have to. We'll pay whatever or match them halfway to get the viable candidates here and we will establish a NS minority rule government that will change the whole nation, down to the daily lifestyle and culture. We will be colonizing them and cleaning up the place.

We will make this nation prosper and sell resources to expand and to save up for territory relevant to our other plan: The state for my kind in a colder place than Africa. Terra nullius or the some of the Patagonia.

If I was so dumb, you wouldn't have to troll. I knew you were trolling from the beginning. I just wanted to make my points very clear. And, it would be foolish to assume Hybrids are not predominately mentally ill. Virtually all hybrids have mental issues, either genetic or trauma incurred, sometimes both and are incompatible with organ/marrow transplants. I've been through a lot. I have traumas. I have issues. But, I can't do a push-up, my right knee is royally fucked and my back is bad.

Dude I'm sorry. I got it all wrong. I was very rude to you before and that was wrong of me. But I just realised you are trying to contact the wrong people. There are people out there that can and will help you. In fact, they want the same things that you do.

I am a perfectionist and a loner, as well as an incel. I don't trust people due to being abused at and sexually assaulted by a female at school when I was a kid. However, my psych issues wouldn't be a factor.

No, it's fine. It's what I expect. I've had worse. If some is like-mindedd enough, I'm not making significant waves to get their attention. Short of diving in front of a national TV livestream and dropping redpills as well as requesting like-minded people to join my cause, I've exhausted my options.

You're a revolutionary and a visionary bro. You just need help to make your vision a reality. I know bor. It's cool. Trust me you should really get in contact with them. They can help you.

I'm sure there is one option I'm sure you never even realised was open to you. This isn't the end bro. You can make this happen.

On the bright side, 7,300 spics are coming. And if 7,300 can get here, I can go in the opposite way there. Of course, I may be killed by spics or get deported but It may get me to Brazil or the Patagonia with convincing enough Portuguese/Spanish and a cheap hole-in-the-wall, lay-low, devil-may-care shack & work somehow to be paid under the table

Most black families have been in America for hundreds of years longer than most White Americans.

At this point Blacks have a greater claim to the land than whites

From there, I could influence some Brazilians but Brazils pardos are contaminated. They're not the group I want, but, still. Night Of The Long Knives 2.0???? Not really sure.

Spics? Fuck those nigger tier subhuman shitskins. You're a conqueror bro. You deserve the best.

Because, to give credit where it's do, the Black Supremecist racial leaders KNOW that their ancestral land is a shithole, and it would be too much work to move back there. Better to stay here and get the gibs from whitey and leech off of his infrastructure and cultivated lands.

>Be me
>Plays some FPS games
>All nigs have for emblem the Liberian flag insteand of the American one
Niggers hate America

sick quads bro,
not sure if you're LARPing or just really autistic
have a bump anyway fren