If you pray to Odin, he will hear you

The Norse equivalent to the Bible is called the Poetica Edda, it's the only surviving translation of Norse myths that survived genocide of the pagans at the end of the Viking golden age. Here is how it begins.

> 1. Hearing I ask | from the holy races,
>From Heimdall's sons, | both high and low;
>Thou wilt, Valfather, | that well I relate
>Old tales I remember | of men long ago.

Christians do not want you to read this, they do not want you to rekindle the faith of the old gods because your new ones have made you weak and passive. This is good, the weak benefit in a religion that values weakness. You were never meant to worship the Christian God, and because of it you are in chains, and will remain in chains until you break them. Christianity is for the meek, weak willed, it is for the pathetic whom beg for the scraps that are thrown to them. They will tell you that the only way to worship the Old gods is through bloody war, lies. They will tell you nobody even knows how to pray to the old gods, lies. They will tell you the Christian church is the truth, while the priests rape your kids and hide all their degenerate filth from the eyes of the congregation. They will tell you that there were warriors for Christ in the past, lies, they were pagan mercenaries who fought for gold and became so powerful the church destroyed them. Return to the old gods white man, the fire it will light inside of you burns so bright that the worshipers of a dead man on a stick will cower in fright. Look how they will squirm in this thread, toss and turn at the very idea of the old gods. This is good, let them toil in anxiety.

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Other urls found in this thread:


ill pray to every god atleast one time (per week)
to see which one suits me best, i might try odin.
So far the only ones that have worked for me, is God, Jesus, and Kek

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>2. I remember yet | the giants of yore,
>Who gave me bread | in the days gone by;
>Nine worlds I knew, | the nine in the tree
>With mighty roots | beneath the mold.

Stained glass windows exist in churches because it was meant to minic how the light pierces through the tree canopy above. Millions of shattered rays of light piercing through the leaves from sunlight and moonlight, dusk and dawn. They stole it from you, and put it in their musky disgusting churches for you to feel more comfortable placing the yolk of slavery upon you.

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But im not a vikang

Pagans are homosexual pedophiles

thank God we Christians are free from that degeneracy

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Look at them project and cackle, they cry out in pain as they strike you. Their priests sodomize your children, the very top echelons of their priesthood worship Satan. The entire scam is meant to rob you of your heritage, sap you of your strength. It is meant to soak you up, wring you out and suck up what little moisture is left like a devouring monster. Break the chains, let the fury flow through you. You can see the degenerate filth all around you, don't fall for yet another one of their tricks. The stone masons don't build a temple, they build a prison for themselves. The very task itself is intricate slave labor meant to keep you busy while they steal your essence and snuff out your people.

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You realise that the Catholic Church isn't overrepresented in that right?


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are you saying that homosexual pedophiles can be found everywhere? This is groundbreaking user, it's almost like memes are just memes

I will check into this. This seems interesting to me.


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But what if you aren't a vikang? Why should i switch one foreign religion for another?

Good thread, but it is not the only myths. You have the Prose Edda, Sagas retained many myths, Scaldic poems, Saxo, and folklore.

>The Norse equivalent to the Bible is called the Poetica Edda
Snorre Sturlasson was a christian

The Poetic Edda was written by user, not Snorri.

We call to the master of the planets, the wisest of the wise, the most famous master of religion, the master of priests! Hear us! Help us! Sit with us now.

Deathless Lord of the Vastness [Jupiter], the gods learn from you how to participate in holy ceremonies. As the light of the Sun creates the rays of the Moon, you create all religion. Chase away the gloom and hatred. Mount your chariot, which destroys foes, slays demons, frees the needy and finds the light.

You preserve humanity by leading us with your wisdom. One who admires you finds no grief. Those who hate you receive wise punishment which evolves their opinions to higher levels.

Sorrow, distress, foes, fears, weaknesses and seductions flee from the person you guard. You guard us with wisdom and show us the path, so we sing to you now. Bring to ruin any traps set for us. Protect us from the evil, arrogant rapists who attack without just cause. Turn them from our path, and lead us instead to heavenly places.

Protect our bodies from harm. With your affection comfort us. Protect the gods and strike down the demons so that the unworthy do not obtain rewards. Grant us the wealth that all men want. Make our enemies destitute.

Let us be under your wing, and not fall under the rule of wicked men of guile. Against the fierce passions of wild lust you are unyieldingly strong. You make us victorious in taming these consuming vices. If even the strongest of them tries to kill us, he will be humiliated by your protection over us, for we strive to do no wrong.

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The Lord of Vastness [Jupiter] overthrows the wicked who try to injure the just. With a sword of fire he burns the demons who scorn righteousness and morality.

Give to the wicked what the wicked deserve, and to the just and wise give what is excellent, beautiful, resplendent and proper! Do not let us become like they who are greedy for blessings and wealth undeserved, and have no righteous motivations!

The Great Architect brought you to life to put down the greedy and uphold the moral. Your power can split mountains and flood the world. Please receive this song, and protect our children.

Loud may we say it, with voices like heros before a large audience: “that which the righteous love is a true blessing!”

Find your local one if you want. The point is to be like your ancestors and to follow the laws of nature.

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Most people grow out of playing in the woods with boffer swords when they're 16.

You're not very intelligent

Tacitus tells that Germanic peoples threw faggots into bogs
they were also monogamous

This is Heimdallr, which they have incorrectly spelled Heimdall. Does he look like your ancestors. What did they mean by this? Heimdall controlled the rainbow Bifrost gate, it was a portal of light to the world of the Aesir and Vanir, advanced races of men who created you. He was not this disgusting image, he was a mighty Nordic warrior. Oh have they twisted and defecated on your history, on your myth and ethos. They have defiled everything about your true spirituality, they have clouded every way back to your true Gods. They do not want you to find them, they do not want you to discover the truth. If you rekindle the old Gods, who wanted you strong and merciless, who wanted you to dominate and proliferate, who wanted you to shine and love in unbridled fury and savage genius, you would spark a new age, you would shatter the dreary cold chains laid upon you and conquer the entire planet. Return to the old Gods white man, the embrace is warm and real, not fake and hollow like this dead semite strung up on a cross for you to lament over.

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Northern French so Celtic I guess since fucking Romans christians and vikangs oppressed us with their foreign bullshit

Don't let AMLO live long enough to permanently shit on the country like Chavez did to Venezuela

And germanics...

The original manuscripts can be found in Copenhagen, in the royal library. They were found in Iceland by a bishop of Skáholt. They were written in the 13th century and initially known as Codex Regius, not Edda. An important thing to know about Codex Regius (or Edda)... there are 8 pages missing

I wonder who took them and what knowledge they contained


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This, I'm times where I really needed God and prayed my prayers have been answered. But I believe you must pray with your heart to be heard.

I'm sorry, you must have just been too eloquent for my tiny brain, would you mind explaining how pagans can be broad-brushed as pedophiles and Catholics, who actually have a central organization with problems with pedophilia can't be? I apologize for my tiny brain, your eloquent and detailed posts must have just gone over my head

>Pagans are homosexual pedophiles
>You realise that the Catholic Church isn't overrepresented in that right?
>You're not very intelligent
a truly singular intellect

>For when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into you. And those who fight with monsters should take care not to become one.

ALL the old gods are real.

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Bump. Good thread. Hail Odin, Hail Thor

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Just worshiping White Gods is enough for me haha and they're similar in that they represent power and the ultimate version of us. So maybe Aesthetics?

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I only follow the truth. I see no evidence that any Pagan god is real, I see lots of evidence that the Christian God is real, therefore I worship the Christian God. There's no point following an entity that doesn't exist.

Likewise, I will never ask God for something I can't handle myself or complete myself, I serve him and him alone when I work.

Stop posting this coalburner

>I see no evidence that any Pagan god is real, I see lots of evidence that the Christian God is real
It must suck to be blind


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They cannot stop what is coming.

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Isn't there a quote from jesus about if you have a single eye (like odin) then your whole body will be filled with light?

What proof? The Old Gods never told you to be some nice little cuck, that was Christianity and it's why we're in this mess along with subversion but how do you stop that when they convert Jews? You don't. Also you say the devil controls this world but I kinda like that it kills off the weak simply by being hard! There's also everything that's beautiful about it like family and brotherhood.

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well it looks like kek is telling you something

i'm a believer in Christ, and have no problem with Odin.. i tend to think they spring from the same root

Wow it's beautiful!

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St. Boniface cut your "god" down.

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Proof that the Shroud of Turin is the Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ!

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The picts were wiped out, nobody knows their gods. They kept no records, and they're not considered celtic.


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The tree of life extends throughout the entire universe. This was just a symbolic act to make the Christian masses feel at ease after centuries of being slaughtered by smarter, faster, bolder kind.

Let's have gay sex for Odin

why do pagans always attack Christians and not Jews and decadent Athiests?

HE is here, thank you for coming.

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I need info on ASH.. anyone, anyone give me a decent source? I get that there is none but people seem to know a lot more than what I can find. I was pretty into Norse god's. Got me through a shitty time actually. Thought I was Viking for a while. Regardless.. the one site I found larhusfyrnsida.com/ is bear bones. Maybe they cite sources butni couldn't seem to find them

Because the shackles have to come off before the slave masters are dealt with. Atheists are just lost, but do no harm.

>God, Jesus, and Kek
This is the ultimate combo. Checks of truth.

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As much as I value your message, your American flag bears me worries. Gods are bound to tribes. I myself believe in the Frisian/Germanic gods as I am ethnically Frisian. If you are a mutt, the gods cannot hear you.

And he was brutally murdered afterwards and then everyone continued worshiping their pagan gods, my my what a bad ass he was

>If you pray to Odin, he will hear you
thats no Odin, its a demon dude lmao

>ocean contains springs
Stupid christcucks

those digits! The gods are here!

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I'm not pagan you faggot

He is depicted as having horns in Anglo Saxon equivalent.. but surely Christians would say the king of god's is evil

Jij zet Nederland anders ook aardig voor schut hier met je domme gedrag.

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That's funny because all of the strong ones left the old country for America. Before that they left the homeland for far away lands. Look at the Norman conquests. Vikings were never actually conquered, they just slowly faded away but left marks everywhere.

It also depends on what you pray for as well.

Varg explains how:


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Evry time

Not even you believe in Odin, divisive attention-whoring faggot.

Here is a better explanation brother

Pagan Worship at a Holy Well in Devon
Hebrew Anglo-Saxons? - Medieval Conversion Tactics
Indo-European Prayer and Ritual
Sacred Water Places for Pagans

Exodus, possibly composed by Cædmon in the 7th c. - Many pagan Anglo-Saxon kingdoms still remained. Andreas, composed about 750AD - Some Anglo-Saxon peasants were still pagan at this time. Judith, composed 9th c., parallels the pagan Viking invasions of the time.

Nope. Jesus is my nigga. HE IS NOT WHITE, YOU FUCKIN RACIST

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Your a mutt, thats why your willing to pray to any white God, its because you have no cultural and Traditional roots like other Europeans, thats why you cling to Neo-Paganism, to fill in the whole where Culture and Tradition should be, becuase you literally have nothing else.

Look at them squirm, even they know their (((god))) is a fake and pathetic.

What a load of horeshit.
Religion is not a fashion, you degenerate.

You can hear the old gods even today. Put your ear to the ground and listen to their wailing and whimpering after being trampled to dust and buried like broken pottery. How strong they are! And I have a folder full of JPEGs to prove it

Have you looked at this thread? LOL get out christkike oh and saying australia has culture HAHAHA JUST AS MUCH AS MURRCAINS

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Drink your mead, but in moderation,
Talk sense or be silent:
No man is called discourteous who goes
To bed at an early hour

A gluttonous man who guzzles away
Brings sorrow on himself:
At the table of the wise he is taunted often,
Mocked for his bloated belly,

Even the herd knows its homing time,
And leaves the grazing ground:
But the glutton never knows how much
His belly is able to hold.

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When you suffer it comes from God, it is his divine will, he allows us to suffer in order for us to become strong and to teach us lessons. He is like the strict father who loves and natures you but beats you and treats you harshally so that you may flourish.

And yet it was the Pagans that got wiped out.

Who was the pagan gods for the british isles and Germany, that's what my mutt blood is

You right my nigga evrybody know that jesus was a kang just like us brothas and sistas we got to stick together man These white devils just trying to keep the black man down


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Haha ga lekker anale seks hebben voor Wodan faggot

Lets see some of those jpegs

An ill tempered, unhappy man
Ridicules all he hears,
Makes fun of others, refusing always
To see the faults in himself

Foolish is he who frets at night,
And lies awake to worry'
A weary man when morning comes,
He finds all as bad as before,

The fool thinks that those who laugh
At him are all his friends,
Unaware when he sits with wiser men
How ill they speak of him.

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Athiests do the most harm as they are easiest to control, they are not bound by morals or by unconditional love, they are prone to decadent consumerism which leads to degeneracy, they are more open to sexual deviency and social sickness

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Pagans are still alive and well.

lets all worship war gods, whose only job was to win wars and be strong, but they did it so badly they're only remembered by documents kept and revised by the very people who reduced them to ashes


muh nigga

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Unironically this

We do but on Jow Forums its all christkikes then again directly attacking christkikery is an attack on jewery.
Is that why the majority of pro-white wn are atheist/agnostics?

List of pro-White atheists and agnostics:
Alex Linder
Ben Klassen
Craig Cobb
Dr. Kevin MacDonald
Matt Hale
Revilo Oliver
Tom Metzger
Dr. William Luther Pierce

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So if I'm a mutt which ones do I pick? Which ones am I ancestral linked to?

Lol, literally being inspired by a convicted criminal low life instead of your actual ancient Kings, Monarchs, Peots and Elders.

Stay the fuck away from my pantheon