>...........please like
...........please like
since jesus didn't exist but was made using the Kings Talmud this makes sense to me
Jesus is Jupiter
But Jesus hated Jews.
If you hate Hitler, you hate Jews.
The only time Jesus used violence was when he kicked the jews out of gods temple for scamming people out of their money.
hes not wrong.
>Jesus was a Christian!
Do you know why he did that?
Jesus gets mad at jews for running money changing services in the synagogue. Why would Jewsus get so mad? Well the bible says to tithe 10% to the church if people are wasting their money outside of the church before entering it. That would obviously piss off Jesus.
Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:26; Deuteronomy 14:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5; Malachi 3:9-10; 2 Chronicles 31:5
1 Corinthians 16:2
James 1:5
AIsn't it kind of weird that they are admitting now that Jews are race of people instead of just a religion? Funny.
The absolute state of Christcuck boomers
romans is jewish propaganda
>locking in the Jewish vote
This man is crafty
Doesn't the talmud say somewhere that jesus is in hell in a boiling pot of excrement?
Why do the Jews hate Christ so much? They are the children of the devil
Do they acknowledge Jesus only when they profit from it?
Reality is much more complex than just a simple black or white, yes or no, is or isn’t.
You are right yet you are also wrong, do you understand what I am saying?
Think in multidimensional holographic shapes instead of a straight linear stream of conciousness.
If you aren’t an NPC, this is the new level.
christcucks always have to filter their morality through christianity
maybe... like... don't hate jews.... because hate is bad sweetie?? like... why do you need jesus to convince you?... wow...
is what some bitch would say
fuck bitches and fuck Christianity
apex jej
notice how all of the retarded zionist shit comes from proddies
Have some respect for your elders. A lot of brave senior citizens fought and spilled their blood so you can shitpost at pol in peace.
So Jews hate Jews?
Makes sense
So this is what it looks like when someone is a schizo
>A lot of brave senior citizens fought and spilled their blood so you can shitpost at pol in peace.
they goofed off in far off lands for nothing
You got it Jeb
Christianity is a sect of Judaism that says the Messiah has already come, while mainline Judaism says he hasn't, so there is naturally conflict between them.
>hasn’t taken the schizopill yet
user you are like baby
>comic sans
Why do schizos constantly go back to this shitty font
>mfw the candidates for governor in colorado is a gay jew millionaire with a husband and 2 adopted sons or one of jeb bushes cousins
>being a chr*stian
So normies like you piss off
>hurrr muh font
um wrong even tho jesus was born a jew he was better than jews.. thats why they killed him
Oy, very low energy shilling
I hate jews because they killed christ. Among other reasons.
/ourguy/ Jeb! is going for that 2020 race. Trump is finished. No one can withstand punished Jeb! and his wrath.
Should read: "If you hate Jews you're literally following what Jesus himself ascribed to"
This is a retarded reason. Someone had to kill Christ, that was always going to be the case.
You shouldn't hate them that they killed Him. You should hate them that they still gloat about it and carry the spirit of anti-Christ.