"We were just informed that this morning's tragedy was happening during a Briss for a set of twins adopted by a gay...

>"We were just informed that this morning's tragedy was happening during a Briss for a set of twins adopted by a gay couple,"


Attached: shooting.jpg (780x1024, 113K)

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No proof the shooting even happened. Whole thing was a hoax

>during a Briss
what is that?

a jewish ritual where they mutilate genitals and perform fellatio on a baby.

Attached: mqdefault.jpg (320x180, 8K)

And then they claim they were Jews when obviously God doesn't tolerate faggots.

This cant be real....

>gay jewish couple's adopted son's dick mutilation ceremony

Attached: 1537901170516.gif (215x320, 1.97M)


Considering all the ridiculous things coming out about it, like this. I kind of wish it is real. Because it's so unreal.

Based and redpilled

Attached: 1540486897553.png (742x1277, 434K)

OK this is epic.
Based shooter stopped the Jews from cutting the dicks of two stolen children.
Did he get the homos, or are they molesting those babies right now?