Is light a set truth?

Think about it light being electro magnetic radiation we simply perceive colour or this electro radia through our limited eyes whcih bases this electra radio waves on our cornea which can only see blue red and gold and mixes between such. Now look at the possibility of an alien animal that sees in such electro magnetic radioactiveness but a different form or type of coarse and smaller fsactors that would suggest such alien life forms would see that light in different colours now appropriate this metaphor to Earth how do you know what is coluer and what is reallity if we do not know if one trully sees red when I see red is color set or is it the whole 3d object casting shadow thing?

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I see the inferior life forms can't muscle up a response in their pathetic minds while really it would be a stretch to call such a limp muscle a vestle for such an advanced organ or energy which such lacmeers clearly lack.

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these Jow Forumsacks but limp fish as fishermen fish.

you might find the double slit experiment as well as its implications interesting.

Already seen it I have a doctorate in quantum physics with a speciality in sub atomic randomness, it can easily be explained by the rays that are expressed through the action of viewing and the ability for sub atomic particles to express both wave like and solid attributes come from the quantum randomness which do not abide by the laws outside of the quantum world.

Imagine talking about light as set truth without mentioning quantum mechanics.

So does observing collapse the wavefunction?

Quantum mechanics govern their world alone ya ding dong.

essentially... yes.

But we are not quite sure whether or not this occurrence is unique to the wave attribute.

Everything that exists in our plane of existence is electricity.

When you break down the atoms its nothing more then positive abd negative charges

So what does “observing” mean? What is the “wave function” ?

Positive charges, negative charges, mass, and quarks that have their own short range attractive / repulsive forces that are distinct from the electromagnetic force.

lol actual QM phd here go back on wikipedia or to your cult

I think you mean Male and Female and the neutral, but just because something is made out of something does not mean it is that something.

That's some nice gibberish. 2/10.

Hahahahaha I was asking him questions so that’d he slip up enough for me to definitively call him on it. I have a Master’s in Chemical Engineering which was enough for me to know he was full of shit... but I was trying to get him to elaborate enough so I could prove it.

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this is the kind of shit my friends and I came up with when we were trying really hard to sound deep in 5th grade.

>with a speciality in sub atomic randomness

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Sure. But all that is is “electricity”. You can break it down all you want.. it’ll return the same thing.
No, I mean a proton, electron, and neutron. Its all the same, just arranged in a different formation.
Everything is “electricity”

The almost perpendicular idea somehow seems like the most logical though I have come up with it myself I have lack of funds to publish the book and have not finished writing it yet so do not say too much it is revolutionary and could break the current idea of what the basis for quantum mechanics is.

Essentially ( i don't want to say too much but)look at it this way if a force based on gravitation function which to an extent is enforced by a certain energy could channel through the Aether than this theory would be allowed as a possibility.

This may not even be allowed out for it would most likely intrude with the current scientific model.

We have been going down the wrong path for science for too long my friend.

wow the new venom looks great

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keep going down this soulless path that science has been travelling for years, we have reached this mediums potential for knowledge the truth will be known even if you inferior beings cannot understand it.

Did you even question your professor or did you just blindly follow what he calls "science".

I being an ENTP ma on a revolutionary verge of science.

Look at it as a partial continuation of Tesla's vortex math.

oh wow you're so smart OP
you've invented Qualia

Dude did you literally come here to feel special.

No. It’s not “electricity”

Technically speaking “electricity” is electrons that have disassociated from their host atoms and are moving in a current.

Theoretically it could be protons doing the same thing, but that configuration is not stable in real life.

I would not view it as accurate to say everything is electricity, especially since 49.9% of mass is neutrons. Neutrons have no charge.

>No, I mean a proton, electron, and neutron. Its all the same, just arranged in a different formation.
>Everything is “electricity”

I understand but you are missing the greater picture there is this common expression that the universe uses which is the universal concept of male and female and conception, the proton and electron are not repeated on a grand scale while gender is.

Why is what something breaks down into is more important to what something builds into often they are one and the same and express such same universal truths.

Ha! Got you! I’m writing the book right now and I’m going to take all the credit and money you gigantic faggot.

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>t. this fag

I know get over it .

I suppose he means everything breaks down into energy.

Well duh. That’s not what he said though.

>Ha! Got you! I’m writing the book right now and I’m going to take all the credit and money you gigantic faggot.

nooooo gib back idea reeeeeeeeeeeeee

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I know but we must give leeway just out of pure niceity sometimes in life.

>PhD, can’t string together a proper sentence
Are you sure you didn’t get a doctorate in gender studies by accident?

Ok so our view of colour is just set as a function of comparison of our perception of it. There are probably pure colours that we construct in the brain to begin with, though, and it’s modulated by that comparison within the immediate field of view to other pure colours.

Did you get your degree from the university of didgereedoo?

Red, green, and blue

The 3 pure colors we construct in the brain.

>Are you sure you didn’t get a doctorate in gender studies by accident?

hur dur mUSt WOrlK InToo rOnGG KlAss

>Ok so our view of colour is just set as a function of comparison of our perception of it. There are probably pure colours that we construct in the brain to begin with, though, and it’s modulated by that comparison within the immediate field of view to other pure colours.

Essentially yes our perception is based on our unique peculiarity's and our needs on this planet.

Why would there be a pure colour perhaps some colours may appear to another lifeforms if they see the same form of electro magnetic radiation.

I disagree with such an idea of coarse there has to be some sort of base line color, but to take any sort of guess is pointless.

no the wombat one.

in our eye you mean.

Hey kid, ever seen a color that wasn't real?

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No, I mean in the brain. The is just a receptor. The colors are constructed in the brain.

Stop being this retarded if you want me to believe you have a PhD in quantum whatever

The eye*** is just

no you faggot because the only colour that is currently real are the colours we see.

I like you but I'm Aussie so gotta be a cunt.

go back to /ic/ with ur gay painting.

No you fucking idiot do you think the possibility of an animal seeing other forms of electro magnetic radiation comes from their brain processing it, the eyes allow the sight while the brain does process it is because of the eye that gives colour. Although damage to the brain can interrupt color this is because of the brain connection to the eye and it's process of allowing us to see color.

>of coarse

>in the eye

Oh no, it's retarded.

Why the fuck did you bring aliens into it?

As you know, the electromagnetic spectrum is measurable, meaning wavelengths of colour are measurable.

Did you do your degree in Zimbabwe?

go fuck a womabt if ur just gonna criticise.

>Why the fuck did you bring aliens into it?

did you even see in what context I mentioned them. I never said them to be real.

>As you know, the electromagnetic spectrum is measurable, meaning wavelengths of colour are measurable

whats ur fucken point wog.

Color is generated by the brain. Rods/Cones only detect the intensity/wavelength of the light. The qualitative descriptive of the intensity/wavelength is color. Color is created in the brain as a way of interpreting the data that is streamed from to eye to the brain via the optical nerve.

Stop being retarded. You can’t even science.

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'Red' is a measurable wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum. The colours we see are thanks to the cone cells in our eyes, they are a 'tool' to give 'labels' to certain wavelengths that pass into our eye. These labels are what we express as colour. Animals have different 'tools' to digest the electromagnetic and 'label' certain wavelengths different from us. The same applies to any aliens.

What you're trying to figure out is the inner working of the brain, which humans will never work out. Colour is objective, but we see it biologically subjectively.

Does that make sense?

He doesn’t need splaining he’s got a PhD in quantum silliness bro

The electric universe theory's a thing

Not as interesting as the quantum eraser experiment.

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yes but you see our eye has the ability to separate different base visual intake in this case colour.


Double-slit: Light is a wave when measured, particles otherwise

Quantum-Eraser: Light is a wave when you know the path the light took. If the path is measured and you destroy the information without observing it, the light was never a wave, even if it was a wave when measured. That means the future act of destroying the information affects the past state of the light.

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>Quantum-Eraser: Light is a wave when you know the path the light took. If the path is measured and you destroy the information without observing it, the light was never a wave, even if it was a wave when measured. That means the future act of destroying the information affects the past state of the light.

Interesting this I gather would relate to the existence of photons within a vacuum and lack of matter therefore lack of time I suppose similar in a way to that, for it goes through our reality so it must abide by this reality's rules but it in it's self and own existence does not bend to the rules of our reality.

You are arguing about chicken vs egg. The information that arrives at the brain is already the information of the color itself, which the brain merely receives and translates to the experience of the color. Is a color the experience of the color, or the data generating the experience? It's a pointless philosophical inquiry

Color is the qualitative imagery generated by the brain. Color does not exist. The eye only recieves intensity & wavelength data that it transmits to the brain via the optical nerve. The brain then shapes this intensity & wavelength data into the images. The color doesn’t exist until the brain does this.

There is no evidence that light is not a particle. Prove me wrong.

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As I said, you are not wrong. You are just not unequivocally right. Color does not exist, yet it is real for all of us. The data that ends up being interpreted as the color results in the experience of the color. If you can't get this, whatever. As I also said, it is a pointless philosophical inquiry. Literally nothing will be gained by continuing this exchange. Just wanted to poke holes at your tunnel-visioned reasoning.

we see only the "visible" radiations because these are the only useful to see objects in the space. other animals like some birds see also ultraviolects frequencies but that's because they have an average life expectation of 10/20 years maximum and the cornea can receive them without being filtered by cataract risking long-term damages.
the *way* we see the colors is just how our brain auto-learns to hallucinate our conscience to decode the information that reaches our sensors (our eyes).
probably every person sees colors in different ways, but we perceive the differences between colors in the same way and that's why we agree about them.
period, 6/10 bait made me answer

light is a particle at times.

>6/10 bait made me answer

good enough still improving tho.

Seems like most just ignored and responded as if my terms were correct although I am genuinely interested in this subject the thread and most of the things I have said have been a bait until now.

Keep replying tho but will respond tomorrow.