Does Enjoying Racist Humor Make Me a Racist?

I don't define myself as a racist, I don't hate anybody because of their skin color however I believe offensive humor breaks down barriers and actually brings us closer if not done from a malicious place. thoughts?

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that depends, are you white?

Yes, very.

>I don't define myself as a racist, I don't hate anybody because of their skin color
That's the old definition of racism. The current definition is being white

If you want to fuck colored girls you aren't racist. End of.

If a Jew hates himself did he commit hatecrime?

Did jesus hate himself after he got rid of the merchants in the temple?

Apparently so...You just need to look at Robert Bowers.

Old, fat, single, low IQ, probably on meds as well. Doesn't say he was Hebrew in any way.

Jow Forums in a nutshell OP.
Pity moral fags and Jews get upset about advanced humour I really thought we could all get along I guess gas is the only outcome for people who just don't get it

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Yes. But it's a good thing.
Being racist doesn't mean you want to exterminate all other races.

Being racist just means you don't do mental gymnastics to kiss brown peoples feet, aren't ashamed of your own race, and agree that the races are different.

Basically you aren't a cuck.

I agree as a Nigger Jewish homosexual communist. Which means I'm rich.. have a big dick and I am prepared to share the dick around.

My group of friends is very diverse (asians, indians, hispanics, etc.) and we all call each other racist slurs. it brings us together but i can see if taken out of context how awful we'd seem

>I don't define myself as a racist, I don't hate anybody because of their skin color
>That's the old definition of racism. The current definition is being white
Underrated, cuz true.

Based civic nationalism. The melting pot truly does bring us closer together.

Okay, This is Epic.

Why do you care if you're racist or not?


It's 2018, yes. Of course it does. They tracked your IP and now you're on a list as a potential identity extremist.

If race doesnt exist then why are you salty to begin with?

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The meaning of racist has become twisted. It doesn't mean hate, it doesn't mean that you find generalizations funny. It's about assuming an individual necessarily has some particular characteristic because of their race.

If you are white you are racist.
If you are not white, but don't 100% agree with everything everyone left of Elisabeth Warren says you are also racist.
Start wearing a swatzica while fucking a colored girl and just deal with it.


I say racist shit all the time, mean and humorous, but every human-being deserves a fair go

stop obsessing over the new "heretic". in-group preference is natural and brown people arent so fucking frail they need special treatment.

Yes, but being ashamed makes you a faggot, so what's worse?

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Except niggers and you

>I don't hate anyone because of their skin color
Racism was never simply about skin colour.

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man cows are so cute

Do you think that every white urban liberal bitch who has watched Modern Family with its subtle soft racism is also a full blown pollack because of the show?

Does enjoying pedophile humor make you a pedophile?


Depends, if its Dave Chappelle its okay.

No, just like enjoying tranny cock doesn't make me a faggot.

i don't know about the subject but that pic is gross user have some decency.

>wearing stripper heels and only 5'4
Yea, she's hot. Yea, I'd fuck her. But girls that size, it's like fucking a midget.

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who cares?

I would literally tongue her asshole while she was taking a shit while on her period. I would wear her as a hat to be quite honest

You'll be loving nigger cock soon enough faggot

Considering how the other races treat white people when they can get away with it, I don't think racism is real. I think it's normal to have in-group preference and it is time for us to stop hiding from that fact. 'Racism' is just an excuse to fuck over and genocide white people. There is no such thing. Otherwise, we're all racist.

A nigger.

God damn she is hot as fuck.

Also watch this. Backs you up

Fuck up achmed your opinion is trash kys

In current year it does, however you can just ignore lefties and have fun. Remember: they only have so much power over you as you let them.

No one is a racist. It's a bogus term used to oppress whites. It's not real. Just like the countless other similar Jewish-Marxist terms.

People of color.

>unironically this
The new definition of racist is anyone who isnt in support of surplanting the old power structure of white male supremacy with a new one with them on the bottom

Yes, but there's nothing wrong with being racist

Thought I'd share a funny story about my feminist gf and I. I use prejudice and racist interchangeably, gf tells me they're different. Told me racism is a systemic system or something like that about things we (ancestors) did in the past have trickled down to today. So I'm not prejudice (still enjoy stereotypes) but apparently racist...