Attached: 3bd98b5c-01f7-40b3-9f95-3e3e89272684.png (283x594, 22K)
Brazil Tumblr Salt
Joseph Morris
Other urls found in this thread:
Oliver Hernandez
Ayden Garcia
Alexander Sanders
Josiah Martinez
William Cox
Samuel Watson
James James
>it's another doesn't link the posts along with the pictures episode
Austin Ramirez
Post some sjw meltdown photos.
Grayson Allen
post more or ban
Elijah Russell
Xavier Hall
Why would it be the problem of voters.
He was seen as a joke for a long time, but previous governments weren't of any help to anyone except for the very rich elites.
Blame the previous governments.
David Mitchell
Have some twitter salt.
Blue checkmarks are getting seriously unhinged. Few more defeats for the liberal left and they might really just break down.
Ryder Bennett
Adam Campbell
>Screw the optics goys, go in
The post
Hudson Foster
does anyone have a link to the brazil prison gore video where inmates were roaming freely in the prison and there was an especially gruesome execution with a guy being hacked by machetes or some sort of weapon? I believe he also gets decapitated. I think it was filmed by a prisoner who was just walking around and recording the mayhem
Austin Cruz
Hit up this twitter, the comments are pure salt. Hell, the article is interesting in itself.
Ethan Lee
Bump, interested
Jason Parker
Charles Rodriguez
Is the guy really new Hitler or should i not get my hopes up
Owen Foster
good fucking riddance
Kayden Gray
Of course it had to be fucking leafs, Get your fucking faggot hands out of our water sources you fucking niggers.
Isaiah Rodriguez
Looks like the current moral panic has spread to Brazil. Thanks a lot liberal soccer moms.
Christian Sanchez
"WELL IT'S ONE OR THE OTHER" is the worst not an argument in history
Benjamin Morgan
I really really wish half of their delusional world view was true. We would be able to finally go looking for them and give them a taste of true fascist, not this imaginary shit they fear.
Adam Reyes
>when you elect a fascist to own the libs
>when you destroy thr amazon rainforest to own the libs
>when you have gays persecuted to own the libs
>when you support ethnic cleansing of natives to own the libs
>when you endorse political violence to own the libs
Josiah Sanders
Everything except for the rainforest part is good and should be encouraged
Jacob Butler
Libs Status: Owned
Bentley Adams
James Allen
We have more of those than you, were after the bananas and jungle pussy.
Isaiah White
absolutely based AND redpilled
Connor Lee
kill yourself to own the fascists
Nathan Nguyen
>the only options are socialism and barbarism
Asher James
Its funny, if these people hadn't thrown the word "fascist" around so frequently in the last few years maybe now it would still have some meaning. Now Hitler 2.0 could be resurrected and placed in charge of Germany, and people would laugh at these frail twitter fags for being overly dramatic
Joshua Bell
Bolsonaro, MEU LÍDER!
Bolsonaro, MEU LÍDER!
Bolsonaro, MEU LÍDER!
Hudson Scott
This. Trump is boomer liberal stuck in 1980's mindset for example.
Henry Jackson
Hahahaha yeah, I had no idea deregulating industry makes one a fascist but there you go
Henry Rodriguez
We don't need your fucking water dingus we have largest fresh water reserves in world. We are coming to buy HueHues not water.
Kevin Parker
It blacks are majority, and euro light skinned Brazilian are the minority
Jace Adams
Nah, lefties over-react on everything
Dominic Evans
>he was seen as a joke
Today the laughter is gone from them.
Luis Robinson
This but unironically
Benjamin Sanchez
All of that sounds comfy as fuck desu. Literally nothing wrong with anything you posted.
Colton Russell
>we have largest fresh water reserves in world
someone is being lied to. they say the same thing to us, like we have 20% of all fresh water in the world or something
Adam Fisher
only one that I care about on the list is the rain forest