How are you still white and right-wing in public?
White Bois BTFO'd HAHAHA
Christian Ramirez
Gabriel Carter
Who the hell is this guy?
Brayden Rogers
Wot a fgt!
Owen Harris
>white bois BTFO
sage this worthless nigger post.
Colton Smith
Based. I’m tired of holding back on these white trash, fascist, low IQ, uneducated genetic vermin Trump supporters. They need to be removed from the gene pool.
Jaxson Rogers
I wonder.
Why left love to use uneducated word?
William Barnes
It's pretty easy
Jayden Fisher
agreed, niggers are worse by every metric though so lets start with them :)
James Morris
Amazing how this is not flagged as racist hate speech by the Heeds at twitter. This is why Kikes get shot
Oliver Howard
pay attention to the games that are played newbies.
No need for conspiracies at all when its out in the open.