When the fuckk will this fall to the ground

When will we finally destroy the al-aqsa mosque and rebuild the temple?

Attached: d980b15e20c84c9aba4a80ebc3e7403a_18.jpg (999x562, 423K)

Never. It will be torn down the ground blasted to pieces. And used as a Radioactive dump. So that none of you fags can use it.

I wish.

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Never. The Jews are too big of pussies to ever do it.

Can't wait to see you all dead.

Attached: Die.png (671x690, 694K)

How dare you post a picture of this commie?

I change my mind. We must defend al-Aqsa mosque at all costs. Death to commie Jews.

what are you waiting for?
the power is in your hands.

It aint happening chief.

The Al Aqsa Mosque /is/ the temple.
That image is the Dome, not the Al Aqsa Mosque

Attached: third_temple.png (604x231, 43K)

>looking at the wrong location
This board is full of morons

Attached: al_aqsa.jpg (770x430, 84K)

Jesus is the third temple you abhorrent circle.

They built the Al Aqsa mosque as close to the location of the Temple as was possible.

Attached: true_temple.png (341x433, 387K)

it's a very good looking shrine

i think the jews are just mad their historical architecture are a bunch of rocks

Blasphemy. Heretic. To the sacrificial pits with thee!

The Dome and alqsa are both within Fort Antonia. The Temple was in the city of David 200m south of there, like your picture shows. It was vacant land after the Romans destroyed it and stayed that way until the 1950's.
Christian Romans tore down the old pagan temple and were rebuilding on the site a cathedral (but only had the foundations done) when muslims invaded, and the Dome got built on the incomplete foundation.

They aren't going to do it.
They have convinced themselves Solomon's Temple wasn't even built there.
They are just going to build in a different spot

I know. It's as "close to" as the muslims could manage. The actual site of the temple was turned into the latrine for the Roman fort - and piled so high with human feces that it took the muslims 3 days to dig a tunnel through it when they took the city.

The Christians did that intentionally to destroy the notion that the temple site was in any way "holy" any more.

I obviously mean "the temple" in terms of the talmudic prophecies, not The Temple as in the body of Jesus Christ - which is all of those who are spiritually His chosen people: the Christians.

Soon. And then the End will be near.

Hopefully never. My people wan to sacrifice animals there and I'm glad they can't.

Yeah, let's bring back Aelia Capitolina