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uh oh spaghettios
New Jersey hasn't had a rep Senator in like 50 years holy fuck
>If we spend more money
>We win
Didn’t learn from Shillary apparently
please lets get a republican zionist instead of a dem one goys...
NJ is one of the most based states. Not afraid to call a spaid a spaid. But unfortunately they’re a welfare state.
There is nothing more pathetic than a pearl clutching RINO
NJfag here.
Menedez is in deep shit. Hugin has been blasting the fact that he's a pedo hypocrite for weeks now. Menendez is so desperate he's sent a giant mailer out to just about everyone with an address that basically says the same old tired demofaggot shit, but looks like it cost a fortune to print.
I don't have faith that we can get him out, but I have hope. I don't even know if Hugin is a nevertrumper or not, but getting a Republican in would be worth it just to see them absolutely melt down.
Dont become complacent get out and tell everyone you know to go out and vote red down the ticket. youtube.com
>sanctuary cities
>2nd most anti 2A state in country
>more state funded nigger baby factories than anywhere else in the world
>godawful education
>massive taxes levied at every level of government and one of the few states to do so
Based, you say? Gonna need proof on this one.
The democrats are in deep shit and they know it. If they lose nine seats they will be relegated to botched whining in the corner. This play to save a pedophile is a desperate move.
I wish it were true bro. Try purchasing a firearm in your cucked up state, specifically a handgun and learn what they make you go threw then tell me its based
Trump handpicked Hugin. He won't bend the knee fully like Lion Ted but it's better to have an R that will vote with the president 9/10 times than a D that will obstruct 10/10 times
Can't remember the last time NJ elected a Republican senator, they will probably still go with the demoshit even if it's a corrupt pedo like menendez.
Why is Schumer doing it?
I feel like the Democrat party is being run by retarded children, and the few aging jews in the media and party leadership are desperately holding it all together
Based Zion
After awhile, the millions become useless
i'm glad these asshats are having to spend a shit ton of money just to hang on for dear life, if nothing else it drains their coffers further for 2020, fuck em!
The fact it's even close is a testament to how shameless the democrats are, Menedez would be in jail for corruption it wasn't for his political connections. The fact dems will still vote for him shows their character. These people are Brazilian monkey tier, where they vote for a person endorsed by the previous two socialist presidents who got arrested for corruption
The DNC is full of entitled arrogant retards.
See: Hillary
>shifts additional millions
from where?
I mean it's pretty obvious at this point that even the worst republicans are better in congress than the best democrats.
Hope you get that pedo out of office.
Jersey is going to flip. Chuckie boy isn’t going to become the Senate Majority. He’ll have another 6 years of Trump, MAGA!
That’s Beautful Texas Ted!
What about Jimmy Webb
Democrats will not lose New Jewsy. Its one of the most corrupt states in the country.
Reminder that BASED OBAMA hates Menendez's guts, and is the one who started his prosecution/persecution. Threw him to the wolves for not voting for the Iran deal.
>NJ going red