White Domestic Terror in the USA

In this week we've had:

-White man mails bombs to politicians

-White man tries to enter black church before shooting two black people at a Kroger

-White man opens fire in a synagogue in Pittsburgh

All of these men were right wing, all of these men were terrorists. As it stands domestic terror is a bigger threat than any other in the US.

Attached: DqiIoCoXQAA2aES.jpg (1000x497, 43K)

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>bomb guy sent incomplete bombs
>one guy shoot two people
>mass shooting kilking 11 jewish people
Only the last one is significant and deserves discussion, the later two are violence yes, but violence happens every day in America. White guy killing 2 black dudes sound like a basic crime, pretty sure theres black on blsck crimes that amount to a similar amount of deaths, the onky difference being gang related and not racial. Theres no difference in violence living under a Democrat or a republican president.

Cope, leaf.


wow these whites are dangerous, they need to be segregated from the general populous with high walls

The conclusion is clear. America is not safe for anyone except white men. All others must leave immediately, for their own safety. We will even pay for their one way plane tickets.

>wow the numbers go up when we pretend that antifa are innocent peaceful protesters who dindu nuffin

74% of what? 20 people?

It's just part and parcel of life in a diverse society. I'm actually more worried about the potential backlash against innocent White people because of the actions of a few outliers. In these trying times we need to unite in love and support for Whites because #NotAllWhitePeople. #WhitesAreARaceOfPeace.