Posting illegal far right opinions on Jow Forums all night

>posting illegal far right opinions on Jow Forums all night
>next morning when I leave the house there's a police car parked out in front
I'm nervous, is it possible they can arrest me for shitposting here?

Attached: monkas.png (1200x675, 211K)

Other urls found in this thread:


We're watching.

You live in Germany what police? Homosexuals?

Attached: 137193710361.jpg (320x317, 27K)

Fuck you.

Attached: 1540754323313.jpg (942x943, 123K)

Sure they can but all your posts has been edited by a third party and some of your posts you didn't even send so it want hold in court.

>See thread in catalog
>illegal opinions
>click thread
>see flag

please don't take me away mr police officer man

Attached: images.jpg (231x218, 3K)

You’re so done

You should at least use an encrypted connection, i.e. https, boards.Jow are some browser plugins like https everyhwere that support that.

I have no idea what Jow Forums is your honour. I am but a humble meme purveyor from eBaum’s World