>posting illegal far right opinions on Jow Forums all night
>next morning when I leave the house there's a police car parked out in front
I'm nervous, is it possible they can arrest me for shitposting here?
Posting illegal far right opinions on Jow Forums all night
Levi Bailey
Josiah Hill
We're watching.
Isaac Sullivan
You live in Germany what police? Homosexuals?
Tyler Thomas
Fuck you.
Andrew Gomez
Sure they can but all your posts has been edited by a third party and some of your posts you didn't even send so it want hold in court.
John Collins
>See thread in catalog
>illegal opinions
>click thread
>see flag
Jordan Russell
please don't take me away mr police officer man
Juan Flores
You’re so done
Bentley Edwards
You should at least use an encrypted connection, i.e. https, boards.Jow Forums.org.There are some browser plugins like https everyhwere that support that.
Jose Bailey
I have no idea what Jow Forums is your honour. I am but a humble meme purveyor from eBaum’s World