Should whites leave South Africa altogether?

Should whites leave South Africa altogether?

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No, blacks should leave the planet all together

and I don't mean in a space ship

Coalburners pay the toll


Nowhere does it mention her being with one of the men. The guy she was with was "left for dead".

Prison will make them a decent citizen for sure.

>Should whites leave South Africa altogether?
yes, niggers can't be reasoned with, and jews have given them a reason to hate whites for (((their))) crimes!

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To be honest if you are a pretty white girl and go to south Africa you are retarded or have no sense of danger. if something like this rape happens.. it's hard to be sympathetic. I would not go there in the first place.

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>The guy she was with was "left for dead".

he was black too.

this cunt dedicated her life to sucking nigger dick she got her wish

That gangbang was probably the best sex she ever had in her life.

This was the "friend" she was with.

She was surrounded by niggers from day one.

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if you are not race aware and carefull you are going to be erased from the genepool

very simple

and this will only increase

soon there will be no more liberals/normies left

Toll paid in full with interests.

You fucking idiot. She was raped. Just look at the 2 pictures- you tell me who was of more value to society? Many women are idiots, but no one deserves this.

We should send an international army of volunteers in order to defend the white population of S.A

White people hate niggers but chose to live in niggerland. Why?

I bet she pooped her pants, that’s why they wanted that underwear.


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Should have left as soon as apartheid ended. Only an absolute retard would remain.

>Vernon "U Mad" Witbooi

They should not leave South Africa altogether

They should join Forces with King Goodwill and conquer the commies.

South Africa was empty went whites moved there. Bantus arrived a bit after, they just became powerful due to higher fertility.

> fucks niggers
> get killed
> boohoo, it's not her fault

You're weak. She would of spawned nigger mutts. I say the niggers that killed her did the world a favor.

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Any SA white families who dont leave and have the ability to leave are basically dooming their women to get raped eventually.

Thats fake news bro, the Major was pushed into early retirement

>set themselves upon her
well of course we're going to be conquered by these much stronger people, we won't even use clear language to describe rape. we're faggots and we all deserve the mighty islamic rod.

Yup move back to your ancestral lands and replenish the white population!

maybe we'll move to israel and gas you instead

cao ni ma

Because the same type of person who is a libshit today roped us into it hundreds of years ago so we could the be "the good guys" and show the savages the benefits of civilization and Jebus. The elite pushed this as well so they could profit from the land they were colonizing. Then generations later here we are. Btw there were little to no humans in south africa when it was first colonized all the niggers moved in after for gibs.

>inb4 muh home muh ancestors
No its not.

I mean, niggers should get nuked if possible and whites should be allowed to leave peacefully and welcomed back, but white men have no reason to be in Africa, like niggers have no reason to be in Europe.

All the boers who stay anyway and get raped deserve what they get. Most of them are there to feel superior and lord over subhumans anyway.

...Where the fuck did you get the idea that I was one of (((them)))? The White population in Europe is dwindling foreign hordes are coming in, face it EU needs reinforcements. As many whites as they can muster.

Colonization was a mistake.

no, whites should kill all nonwhites there
SA belongs to the boers

Imagine going to live among utter retards who look up to you and you can exploit them however you wish, so that you, some average fuck, can build sprawling mansions ans act basically like a nobleman.

>be poo
>desperately, desperately desire ape cock
>larp under a BLM flag
the jig is up, faggot - you slipped with the meme flag once, and everyone knows you're just a degenerate poo.
Like all poos.

I met her on campus before. Roastie who burnt coal. Who cares.

You think the new Brazil will welcome immigrants?

What country though? The US is practically impossible for white's to come here, what European nation can one get into. Isn't France and Germany not that hard to get into?

ching chong

>Coal burner
Thank heavens, thought some innocent white girl had been raped and murdered by those black beasts. Tfw it turns out she hadn't paid the toll yet.