Juden Peterson getting uppity again

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absolutely zero. cheers.

I thought the triple brackets were lobster claws... Peterson brainwashed us into the lobster claw cult...

So unless someone openly hates jews and ruins their career, Jow Forums will dislike them? Despite many people coming here at all because of peterson like videos?
Isn't that kinda short sighted?

If he’s doing it to further his career he can fuck off and suck rabbi dick

>fashionable antisemitism
it's tradition, not fashion

>Despite many people coming here at all because of peterson like videos?

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Jow Forums made this faggot haha

we already have a thread on this

Peterson is a hack, all these e celeb youtubers are just parasites rehashing shit that other people said


It is more common than you think, people.just do not want to admit it. Peterson is entry level but...you need to enter somehow no?

>furthering your career is bad
This is why you post here instead of changing the real world.

Already a thread dedicated to this.
read the catalog before you post you fucking retard slide thread double nigger faggot
Kys asap

(((Juden Peterstein)))

Juden Peterson is showing his shill hand again.

The ((())) brackets have been used in Intelligenve Communities to indicate “needs further investigation/research”. It was used in official documents regarding the JFK (((assassination))), to indicate there was more to it than just a simple assassination.

It is not inherently about semitism.

find his past accusers and give the info to Vice

>Peterson is entry level but...you need to enter somehow no?
Try any sort of political opposition. In a world controlled by leftist media an alternative in political views is a refreshing experience. If you think Peterson is entry level stuff for Jow Forums you are naive.

Oh look, it's the internet NazBol/NatSoc squad again. Fuck off, nigger.

(((Juden Peterstein))) just wanting to denounce something in an attempt to protect his Patreon. If you leftist who do not like Peterson want to do a favor go to Patreon and demand that they end support for Peterson. Tell them that us "Nazis on Jow Forums support Jordan Peterson" and you demand they close his account.


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(((((The brackets))))) are aimed at high ranking Jews, not the commonwealth Jews that get sacrificed by the higher up Jews for a moral high ground

thanks daddy P. ahahahahahahaha

>ascii characters kill jews

You heard it here first, boys.

Are there any Juden Peterstein defenders left on Jow Forums anymore or did they all escape to plebbit.

What a hack

He knows better then most that you cant stop whats coming

With peterstein it's rather about openly loving kikes and also being connected to CIA niggers and child-raping satanists.

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What's that got to do with us, the gunman was an individual, acting on his individual beliefs.

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woah now goyim! it was annudah shoah!

best post

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Haven't seen any recently. To think about it, I remember them telling me that he's actually playing 4d chess and gets his audience ready to learning JQ, but they all just vaporized in thin air as he eventually went into a full kosher overdrive. Well, at least they are self-aware.

>Peterson is entry level but...you need to enter somehow no?
what he is, is a gatekeeper. not entry level, but someone who actively works to stop people from going further

To be honest, this guys is idiotic.

He's the man who mainstreamed 'cultural marxism' without saying anything about the Jews (whether they are responsible for it or not).

He's probably bolstered the ranks of anti-semites and strictly anti-sjws equally.



That seems fair until you realize that if even 1% of his audience ended up here, then he has helped more than any person posting in this thread.

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this.both my conscience and penis are clean.

still not taking advice from the "look at your bathroom" dude

Source on JFK stuff.

Fuck (((juden peterstein)))

stop giving this conman attention (=money)

Oh boy, a leafy with the most informative post in a thread

>he actively works to stop people from going further
Until his people read Dostoevsky and Solzenhitzyn, which he pushes his fanbase to read. And also his Kavanaugh tweet.


Sure Jordan, OK buddy.

Exposing pharisaical tricks and kikery and being open and honest about the wicked influence of these (((people))) on every aspect of western society on a mongolian kale chewing board is (((somehow))) leading to violent attacks on jews.

Stop tweeting you fucking idiot. We see through you now.

Bad optics

You flatter me too much, Mr. Peterstein. Wow what an honor. I'd like to thank God, my mom and dad, my best friend, and Jow Forums. Love you guys. I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you.

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, this isn't a video game this is people's lives here we Jewish people have dealt with your racism and anti semitism for hundreds of years and now you think it's ok to kill us. We are not the evil in the world YOU ARE. You are the ones thinking it's ok to kill us for no reason due to your dumb fucking conspiracies but enough is ENOUGH. We are not going to take the high road anymore we will defend ourselves, we are not weak people as someone who's family goes back to warriors, you do not want to see what we are capable of when we are forced to defend ourselves. We have been dealing with violent racism for years we know how to deal with it believe me, you all make me feel physically ill


Jordan B Peterson says those who have accomplished nothing take credit for the accomplishments of their race. But he wants all "anti-Semites" to take responsibility for the synagogue shooting LMAO

Day of the rake when

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reject any and all of your group interests and sense of belonging but accept collective blame for crimes committed by a single member of your group against another group.

t.jordan peterson

Man he got annoying real fast

I’m on my phone right now and I can’t look these up for some reason (links don’t work for me) but I remember I read through the newly released JFK assassination docs from April 2018 after Trump released them, and there were many references to the “(((assassination)))”. They did that because they had ties to the Cuban/Jewish rebel they coerced into doing it.

Oops sorry meant to link this:

based and redclawed

Shut up and clean your fucking room, JP

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Jewish actions and behavior are the actual problem not pointing them out.

If you plebbit just go to ptg tbqh.

He's entering a tailspin he won't be able to pull out of. It's about time, too. I'm getting very sick of his sniveling ass.

take a hike you peterjuden

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On one hand I see his point, that the (((brackets))) are akin to using a racial slur, and that helps promote a dangerous climate wherein it's easier for some to commit atrocities.
On the other hand, using (((echoes))) is simply an evolution of language that simplifies communication and identifies a select group as the underlying cause for persistent problems and strategies for which there is ample evidence that simply pointing out has in some cases been made illegal.
I kinda thought he'd be all supportive of calling out thoughtcrimes

>holding the group to account for the actions of an individual

Why are these faggots always individualists only when it suits their interests?

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what a fag

It's like Judaism, one of the traits of that class is you can switch races/class temporarily.

Juden Patreon is a fucking charlatan.

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Hmm, I have a feeling he gets on here anonymously and shills pretending to be right to incite violence He at least seems like the type

>info outside the CIA False Flags
Decompress and get comfy

Ingersoll Lockwood was an American Lawyer and Writer in the late 1800's.
MOST know him for his Adventures of BARON TRUMP, an Alice and wonderland style adventure with the main character sharing the name of the presidents boy among other similarities...
But His other works eerily predict the future times we Iive on today!
>1900, the last president is a tale of fallen America being gutted by commie bastards
>Laconics of Cult
A look into this mans deep occultic powers and memes!
How did this man know these future events??? Did he divine them?? Or did he meet a time travelling Baron Trump???



>bonus NPC video

Have a comfy day

We have less responsibility that the (((ones))) constantly bashing white males until they snap.

oh noooo, oyyyy veyyy not ANTI SEMITISM, that's the worst thing ever!!!

Do not every criticize a jew, that's antisemtiism! aaaghh oyy veyy!!

The guy who froze on stage in front of hundreds of people when asked about the jq is blaming some anonymous dudes online who use ((())). Rich the guy has 0 self awareness like when he said that shit about kavanaugh even though he himself was the victim of the same media mob .

This memorial is better

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Isn't Juden all about individualism and personal responsibility? Why isn't the shooter the sole person responsible? What a hypocrite.

Made me laugh.

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It was in the JFK leaks that tump opened last year
One time assasination had ((())) around it
The ones peterson is talking about are the ones TRS created int their googlechrome jewfinder adon.
It was an addon on chrome and firefoc that put ((())) around jews and a few jew run enterprises like (((Hollywood))) etc.
It was an open source app that had the names of over 15.000 prominent jews in it, they shut it down for antisemitism making the ((())) a meme in the process.

Cohincidence detector was the name of the APP.

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There's a gradient between publicly hating jews and sucking their cock on a daily basis, peterstein cultist

Strategy to dissociate with the alt right. He is being either pragmatic or a good goiym.

Are the Jews reflecting on their responsibility for flooding America and Europe with nonwhites?

Privatizing profits and socializing losses. It's an old neoliberal economic philosophy except its being applied to morality here. So praise the individual for moral successes, but blame their identity group [race] for their individual moral failing. Think of it is an Economy of Morality.

>reflect on what responsibility you bear for this
actually, I did reflect a little after saturday. I did have a pause to think about what views I'm encouraging and their consequences.
My reflection didn't amount to much though. That retarded boomer woulda fucked up anything else, given the chance.

violence is bad though. hope i never run into any spooks or mentally ill boomers, so help me god

(((this))) was a thing like 4 years ago, has he been living under a rock?

Isn't Peterson the leader of the Alt-Right since spencer stepped down? Why is the leader of the alt-right denouncing anti-semitism?

Peterstein is a fucking commie that targeted the lowest hanging fruit of the Christcucks to bring them into the center for their culling.

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fucking boomers and their trophies to their daddies.

>If he’s doing it to further his career
obviously. There's a reason why it's said in the Bible, that it's harder for a camel to go through a needle eye than for a rich one to go to heaven. Peterson got filthy rich and has too much too lose to stick to the truth. The very thing he was preaching as the most important thing in life.

Protip: The Alt-Right is a boogieman invented by the MSM, it does not actually exist.

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(((Juden Peterstein)))

Nobody ever asks WHY people hate jews though.
Why are peoples first instinct to codemn instead of investigate? NPCs cant critically think.

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J.B Pedo'son
Fuck the kunt !

>mom tells you to clean your room
>some random retard on the internet tells you to clean your room

I know, I just think there is some kek potential if he could be meme'd as an "alt-right leader."

(((Jordan Peterson)))

>responsibility for flooding America and Europe with nonwhites
If by this you mean "reflecting" their passports with Israeli passports and dual citizenship, then yes.

controlled opposition