Is there a bigger single identifier of NPCs than tattoos?

I'm struggling to think of one that has a higher accuracy rate.

A tattoo is basically an immediate indicator that this person can't think for him/herself. An indicator of tribe/herd mentality, desperation for attention and a lack of forethought about long-term consequences of life choices. And a clear disreagrd for the natural beauty of the human body, human skin.

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indicator that this person wraps up their whole identity in their appearance - superficial. Classic NPC mentality.

Anyone who uses the phrase npc.
Much like cuck, it shows a complete lack of originality and a desperation to fit into the herd

oh you mean like everyone? Next you're gonna say we all wear metaphorical masks to hide our true selves and insecurities. Truly riveting

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Some tattoos are ok like ones dedicated to their children
Spoken like a true NPC

no ragerts

>irrelevant opinion from a serf hiding from the rain in his crumbling government-subsidized flat
OP is correct, anyone with tattoos is a brainless NPC faggot. This is as well-documented a fact as "all British people are trash." Don't be anti-science like this bong.

People confident in themselves don't do that. Or rather, grow out of doing that.

Insecure sheeple never transcend that teenager stage. They don't embrace who they are, they never become at one with / at peace with their own being. Still stuck seeking validation of others.

for those who don't speak NPC, what he just said was "Beeep boop, beeep beeep boop."

It's a sign of low time preference. Not thinking to the future. Basically nigger minded
I wanted so many tattoos when I was you, they were all pure cringe. So glad I didn't go through with it

>why does a generation raised on the notion that attention from strangers is important to their self worth get gaudy tattoos and piercings?

Gee OP I don't know, maybe because tattoos are and always have been a sign of lower status and social class. Through ages only criminals, soldiers and prostitutes have had tattoos and right now society is heading towards the lowest common denominator.

How many tattoos do you have?

>stop doing things i dont like!!

Tattooed npc detected

Not enough.

Tat's are just a low level hazing. Back in the day, you would earn them. Today you just pay unless you're in a gang or some shit where everyone knows what the tats mean and would punish you for getting one you don't deserve.

No one cares what you do you’re just faggot

>its not me, its you

Ahh the classic.


You're not going to defeat an INTJ meme with sub "NT" tier drivel.

T. Npc

Your tears are delicious

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Conformity masquerading as rebellion. Same goes for ear gauges, dyed hair, and telling everyone that you "Don't give a fuck" what others think. None of these people are unique, but they're always the first to toss criticism at someone who is.

Attached: I'm_lovin-it.jpg (795x599, 160K)

>NPC response: #948515

you bite, your teeth go a flight.

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All women are NPCs these days

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>gross ma baby tats

no tattoos are ok ever. whatever they used to represent has been ruined

Tattoos are often a sign of low IQ in my experience. Also tattoos correlate positively with female promiscuity.

Just wait another 20-30 years and you'll see all the people who jumped on the tattoo trend working at gas stations and emptying garbage cans in office buildings. Idiots.

By then, age and gravity will have caught up with them and the chick with the chest piece will be looking run down and used up while she rings up your order at Arby's. Such a free spirit in her 20's, now she has a raspy voice from smoking/drinking for decades and her bleach blonde hair is frayed and the root color is coming through at the scalp. Her skin is saggy and leathery and her ear lobes are like deflated tires because she stretchied them and Arby's corporate won't let her wear plugs. At 43, she'll claim discrimination and complain to her teenage co-workers on her way out the back exit to take an unscheduled smoke break.

Meanwhile, at 45, her ex-boyfriend with sleeve tattoos and facial piercings will have a gigantic beer gut, a year's worth of beard growth, and wears Chuck Taylors and still has a wallet chain. His tattoos that used to express his personality so well have faded and expanded as he gained weight, plus years of sun from outside labor have turned his skin into a darkened, wrinkly mess. He looks every bit of 60 at 45. The kids at work see his tattoos and stretched ear lobes and think "man, that guy must have been pretty cool about 20 years ago." Every night after work, he stops at the gas station and buys a 12-pack of Natty Ice and drinks himself into oblivion in his shitty studio apartment he's lived in for the past 9 years. In his daily drunken stupor, he wonders where it all went wrong. He wakes up with the usual hangover and prays that his 1974 Bronco will start up so he can get to work at the warehouse on time.

If you're too scared to get a tattoo you could just admit it you know.
No need for all those mental gymnastics, if you dont want one, thats fine too

I got an Army tattoo after two tours in Afghanistan. I don't see anything wrong with it. I'm proud of my unit, its history, and my service.

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You are so wise. If only everyone in the world was as wise as you. Give me a break, your post was so fucking cringe. It's almost as if you speak from a place of no experience and self projection.

>justifying paying money for someone to permanently doodle on them this hard
It's ok buddy I'm sure your tats are totes wicked cool


Okay pal. Delusions of grandeur much. Probably explains why you have shitty tattoos.

I'd be upset too if I got some tattoos to show everyone how unique and special but a little bit edgy I was. You don't have to sit in this thread and reply to every single negative comment about tattoos. For such a "free spirit" these #haters are really getting to you.

there is nothing wrong with that, but most other people with ink on the body are absolutely degenerates

tattoos are to humans as brands are to cattle

So you're ok with tattoos as long as they're properly done, huh?

Got that.

how can anyone focus on anything in that pic besides that fucking chin
you could ambush a roman legion in that valley

Oh, so now the wimpiest form of hazing imaginable is proof you're big and tough.

Part of my dick is cut off pal. They didn't even use anesthesia back in those days. Seriously, try harder.


any form of piercings

You're is acceptable tier because it was 'earned' by more than just paying money and sitting their drunk off your ass.

Says the hipster who has to be the only one who's le truly unique. You have a mental tattoo, buddy. You're the same as them, if not worse. I've yet to meet a holier-than-thou tattooed person.

A tattoo is a permanent mullet.

I got my tats in prison. Wish j never got them now since every soccer mom has one now. Tattoos are like beards they used to be for people who lives were outside the norm now every hipster gag has one

>totooos maek me stronker n tuffer huuuur
This right here is the most ridiculous meme that alot of faggot unironically believe.
If youre saying that people are afraid of tattoos cause they "hurt" you are an immense faggot.

Yeah because cuck is a common insult.. Spoken like a true computer program.

>life actually matters and in one hundred years you're gonna regret this
ok karen
I'd be upset too if I blindly hated tattoos to show everyone how unique and special but a little bit edgy I was. You don't have to sit in this thread and reply to every single negative comment about sheep like yourself. For such a "free spirit" these #haters are really getting to you.

Imagine how fucking ignorant you have to be to think any of this shit matters.

>he replied to my post
>he must be mad
Nope. Just playing the villain is all.
Being as most of the negative comments here are coming from members of the most degenerate country in history, the irony is amusing to me

Could you not be proud of it without inking your skin?
Did you do it because otherwise you'd forget? It takes seeing it in the mirror every day to remember?

Or is it to show to other people and win their approval / project 'I'm better than you' to others / start conversations?

I'll grant you this much - at least yours is in commemoration of a real life achievement something very real that you did and sacrificed for (lets just put the actual merits of the 'war' aside - that's beyond your control, you simply served your country).
Instead of
>muh philosophy soundbite
>muh favortie band
>le cool picture

It's not a super complicated intellectual thoguht, it's something very basic. Yet something most people still haven't figured out (or are steadily losing sight of). A sad indicator of just how people are devolving.

zoomed in it would pass for a THICC ass

I have a tattoo of a cunt /butt hole on the side of my torso, straya

Calm down señor i'm sure in 10-20 years we'll go through another phase where tattoos are cool again, but until then you'll have to deal with your permanent life choices

My Tattoos can't be seen with normal clothes on.
Those are private and have meaning.
Getting Yolo tatted on your fingers is tottaly different

The infamous mexican intellectual strikes again.

Also, you know if you insult a soldiers tattoos to his face you're gonna get you ass handed to you.
>frantic backpeddling ensues

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Goddamn that was vivid

Seriously kids, take notes...

>Have tattoos all over body
>married with two kids
>business owner
>land owner
>bunch of neets on some Mongolian basket weaving bored calling me scum

I really gotta stop browsing here, you’re all turning into drones

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>im proud of my service for israel
the state of grunts

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knowing how americans love to lick anuses, i bet that makes her very popular.
the longer i look at that pic the more JUST she looks. check her top lip
feel sorry for such girls, who somehow look worse the more effort they put in.

>all the triggered teens replying to this
Lmaaoooo wp

I have a bunch of tattoos that I got while in the military. Sleeves, chest, etc.
Wish I never got them.
I have a great job though making 6 figures and I can actually "show" my tattoos... but I still wear collar shirts everyday and long sleeves.

Good for you leaf.
Tattoos are still fucking gay and embarrassingly low iq

dogs are stupid

A stinking, fat, genetically corrupt, turdskin mutt calling anyone else trash. I suppose the memes give you some temporary comfort before you have to look in the mirror at your mutated face again, the cognitive dissonance eating you alive as you attempt to rationalize your desperate desire to be white.

>people's choices of expression should be limited to what I find appropriate.
>If you have a tattoo you're an NPC.
I think, like everything in life, balance should be sought. Face, neck,sleeve tattoos seem a little over the top for my taste but having meaningful coherent images I don't think is degenerate at all. I have one on my arm and it is Dr. Jeykl turning into Mr. Hyde by pouring pills down his throat. At the bottom is busted out time piece. Whenever people see it they say its unique, nice, etc. They ask about the meaning and I share my story. Its a representation of what can happen when I use drugs. I turn into a monster with the timepiece representing wasted time. Just had someone recently ask about it and continued asking what I did to stop because they were in the middle of active addiction. I ended up giving the guy my cell number, thinking I'd never hear from him. Well, I did and he's been coming to meetings and is really trying to turn it around. I think it's shortsighted to say all tattoos are degenerate, just like saying tons of them are ok. It is about helping your fellow man and if a tattoo becomes the catalyst needed for 2 people to make a connection and better themselves and the world then so be. When you force this shit of "tattoos are degen" "tattoos are NPC identifiers" you sound just like a fucking liberal trying to force their ideals on someone.

Wow, all the time I have spent browsing here, sure i’ve heard some anti-tattoo stuff, but never have I heard my own opinion reflected so clearly.

I feel like people also seem to sometimes get them sinply because they think it’s going to help to complete them. I’m not ENTIRELY willing to judge because of this because my brother and his fiancé have them, but my brother has had an illness to cope with his whole life and she has had a horrible run with a terrible family, but has so far turned out really well adjusted considering. However both seem to want to appear tough and tattoos seem to be a factor.

tattoos were once the mark of a soldier or a prisoner (both typed of people who operate outside of the normal culture) but they were deemed "cool" and pushed on the NPC crowd in the 90s and beyond along with the push of the prison culture as a whole
now, with the exception of those who were tattoo'ed pre-1980, they mark a person as an NPC....making it somewhat harder to easily identify those who orbit popular they be wolves or sheepdogs....

Your right. I started noticing this back around 2001. Tatts are in. Still, most moms and dads where telling their 21y/o kids, "your gonna regret it". But they all still did it. Many were lucky enough to keep the tatt somewhere where you cant see it unless your at the beach or something. Im sure theres docs/lawyers these days with tatts that you cant see. Still, mostly a sign of an edgy conformist.
I really could not figure out how kids back around 2001-05 were so easily suckered into getting a tatt thinking that its rebellious and unique. So many were getting them, lots of ICP worshipping juggalos and emos and goths and shit. It was like that episode of south park where all the goth kids were saying, "oh we don't conform, we are unique cuz were goths we wear black makeup and piercings and act depressed all the time". Now I grew up in the 90s, this might have been the last time a person could at least be considered "badass" if they had ink. Maybe about half of tatted people actually were badass, and they were likely Vietnam vets. By early 2000s it was just a bunch of dumbshit kids who take too much Prozac/weed doing that shit. Today its just one of the most NPC things ever. I have no respect for people who get inked today. If you didn't have bullets flying over your head, your tatt don't mean shit. Even as a soldier today, I wouldn't recommend getting inked, because by 2030 your tatts wont mean shit. Even as a veteran it wont look good, that trend of tatted veterans being cool got fucked up by edgy teens that are far from tough, just half bisexual unstable depressed self cutting attention whoring dipshits

Tattoos are associated with bad decision making. If yours are visible if means you need to work extra hard to not seem like pic related.

Deciding to get a tattoo fails the logical thought process, as there is never, under any circumstances, a downside to not having a tattoo. Lacking tattoos starts no conversations, invites nobody to judge your taste, good sense, character or self-esteem issues, costs nothing, wastes no time, can’t give you hepatitis, or an adverse reaction, and can never be regretted. And you can always change your mind.

Attached: bad decisions.jpg (884x1375, 159K)

stereotypically tryhard britposters

What is
> Lmaaoooo
short for?

Don’t seem to be holding me back
So are arabs

You are very self-conscious for a tattooed up tough guy.

I respect his tattoo more than I do your's. It's as simple as that. And now I'm under your hipster commie skin harder than those miserable scars you call 'art'.

>So are arabs

Does this relate to anything?

My mentor once said:
"If you don't get a tattoo before your're 30 you are a moron. If you get a tattoo after 30 you are a moron."

Show us your flag

>no u
Oi m8 you got a loicense for that wit?

Do you have guaged earlobes and a eyebrow piecing too?
Those probably wouldn’t
> hold you back either
and are equally embarrassing


>bong calling anyone degenerate

Yep checks out, dog hating turk

Tattoo artist here, mid six figures and i enjoy my work. To each their own...

Well, we wouldn't want to hurt your feelings, so we'll stop using these words. Hope you feel better soon.

It’s basically a rephrasing of “If you’re not liberal at 20 you have no heart; if you’re not conservative at 40 you have no head.”

Tats should be reserved for warriors. I approve of you tat. Everyone else are just trying to jock your style without actually doing anything.

Exactly. This is also the flaw in transgender thinking, they put their entire well being in the hands of other people. They're not able to find internal peace because they believe the only way they can ever be fulfilled is if they're perceived as the opposite gender by random people. But random people will never know or truly care about you, so it's futile to turn to them for your happiness.

I have them, but they're all hidden unless I want you to see them. Some are random, some are "deep". I appreciate the artwork.

Tats came in with the rap and grunge of the 90s. By the early 2000s, everyone had a least one little one, it seemed. But now, not having it a tat and being over the age of 25 is more unique.

Yeah but you can easily change your political leanings
Can't make a tattoo disappear easily

>natural beauty of skin

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He was trying to politely tell you that you're a moron.


Here, have a leaked nude.

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No need for piercings on a man, why are you so against tattoos user? Who touched you? Did they have a full sleeve?

Does it hurt your s.oy boy beta cuck feelings?

Yeah. I basically agree to this on the tattoo meme that has blanketed normiedom the past 15-20yrs.

Nevertheless, tattoos are undeniably plebeian. No patrician would ever permanently disfigure their body for attention

Maybe if I get a bunch of cool tattoos, people will finally like me.

>Have another

Attached: 14 (10).jpg (600x800, 62K)

Tattoos have deeply symbolic meaning in many cultures, such as Japanese and Russian. You’re making a very retarded generalization by saying that western sluts getting tramp stamps are the same thing as Russian sleeves or Military tattoos.

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