Japan accept foreign labor!!!

Our based PM Abe wants to open our border for foreign workers to boost economic growth.

Is this good for Japan?
What should we do?

red-pill me

> 深刻な人手不足に対応する外国人材の受け入れ拡大について「出入国在留管理庁を新たに設置し、受け入れ企業の監督に万全を期す」と説明。外国人材の劣悪な労働環境が指摘されていることを踏まえ、「社会の一員として生活環境の確保に取り組み、日本人と同等の報酬を確保する」と明言した。


Attached: japan-flag.gif (390x265, 5K)

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take our mexicans, take the netherlands moroccans and take germanys turks.

kill yourself, kimchiwhore

Take them and bring back the shogun after you are finished with them. Stop making anime and destroy/free Communist China please

japan’s doomed with or without foreign labor, but foreign labor will ruin everything much faster

I would go there and change diapers of old Japanese people if they give me waifu

If your people had more children you wouldn't need foreign labor. This is a globalist trick.

Japan is dead. The method of its death is what we're talking about. I rather see Japan die by its own sword and keep its honor than degenerate into a shithole like the western countries that are heading for their pathetic doom.

all this fucking pandering makes me hate the country so much more
Japan is such a shithole

the only asset Japan has is that it is Japanese only.
Without that, japan has nothing to offer anyone

Why hasn't anybody sent Abe links to stories about immigrant rape and killer gangs in Europe?
It will happen in Japan too if he let's them in. Does he really want blood on his hands?
Don't be a fool, Abe!

Good, don't forget this :
Japanese youth think diversity will make their country a better place to live : pewglobal.org/2017/10/17/japanese-more-satisfied-with-economy-but-doubts-about-future-persist/

>One sign that Japanese views may change: 44% of Japanese ages 18 to 29 say diversity makes for a better country, compared with 17% of those ages 50 and older.

Japan will open their border widely in 2018 :
Japan let 200 000 indians workers in their country archive.is/3JOrs

Japan let 500 000 low level worker in 2018 : news.abs-cbn.com/business/05/30/18/japan-to-welcome-500000-foreign-workers-to-help-plug-labor-shortage

Good on Japan, and racist BTFO

But near future, we can be proud of multicultural society.

>Our based PM Abe wants to open our border for foreign workers to boost economic growth.
What kind of laborers?
do y'all need nurses or something?

Please don't say that, I love japan. Just spread the japan way, read Mishima for a start.

Bad idea it will destroy your nation, culture, and people.


>But near future, we can be proud of multicultural society.


This plan can work so long as ONLY weebs are admitted. Japan can be made great again by ideological purists who only have the disability of not being Japanese

Yer fucked son.

Just ignore any rapes like Sweden and you'll be fine

you’re almost a funny troll Kevin sensei but the schtick gets old after about ten years,

DON'T. Use robot economy instead.

let me fuck your sister Daisuke san

Fuck your women and get children, then you don' t need immigration.

Why you think the Jews program their NPCs to destroy family and marriage?

Thanks for the bullet train and the no interest 50 year loan

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Also if you are gonna do it only do it with whites

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No, if japan wishes to stay pure racially and culturally they need to breed themselves. Otherwise you will dilute two races.

This is neoliberalism. This is what you wanted.

Today, Abe told "Japan welcomes workers from foreign countries, but I have no idea of immigrants policy".

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its the same recycled headline from months back. the west keep showing it but japan keeps denying applications. its kind of like the west dont have anything but random overblown stuff

it was for construction of olympic accommodations and abe was actually suppose to step down for taking a bribe. thats why they reference abe its a 4 month old article they keep recycling .he isnt pm of japan any more. he was stepping down in september for taking a bribe from india to let poos in

So what do I have to do to qualify for one of these jobs?

After you live here for a few decades all sense of anything wears off and you realize it’s a nation full of 95% brainless mindless deadweight they are just very patient and force themselves not to murder everyone else around them, and the 5% of the people who aren’t NPCs are crushed into soulless little cubes by the weight of detritus around them.
there is no hope
There is no reason for hope
Japan is so far below a white country that it cannot compare

Wat ?

No japan want to open up to more immigrant, and it's very recent.

"You will be sent back when your visa is up."

I mean, did you even read the article ?

I think when I eventually leave I’ll film myself burning my permanent residency card and upload it to YouTube again and again and spam it forever

Okay the last line gave it away. 8/10 for the try

Weebs in charge of transhuman tech will eventually transmogrify into nipponese.

How much does a codemonkey earns over there ? It cant be worse than Italy

Where does this Asia culture come from that you must always respect and listen to your elders? I feel that is biggest difference between your country and other influential Asian countries compared to the west. This kind of thinking kills creativity and free will, makes you look like drones/robots/zombies. You are very hardworking, but who wants to be slave all their lives?

tell Abe that he is an idiot and should keep the border closed
Keep Japan Japanese

Japs won't let their nation be fucked like the EU by sweaty sub 70 IQ africunts, fuck off back to twatter

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Jump off the cliff, korean gook.

Gave what away, ovipositor ass?

Confucianism I guess. And Japanese aren’t hardworking and don’t really listen to their elders

Government accepts foreigners as a long-term worker, but the workers have to return to their country after the term.

it doesn't matter as long as roasties decide to work to increase the JewDP instead of having children your civilization is fucked. robots will help for a bit but Japan is still a dying nation like all other developed countries

fuck off nigger I’m a white supremacist

ITT ESL canadians larping as japanese

>After you live here for a few decades all sense of anything wears off and you realize it’s a nation full of 95% brainless mindless deadweight they are just very patient and force themselves not to murder everyone else around them, and the 5% of the people who aren’t NPCs are crushed into soulless little cubes by the weight of detritus around them.
>there is no hope
>There is no reason for hope
>Japan is so far below a white country that it cannot compare
i can see this might be true, traveling on the train there and seeing the cube quarters was puzzling about what type of person could live there. but is that much different that the public housing shithole in the usa filled with super zeros who never made an effort.?

Are you even white?

nobody in this thread has claimed to be Japanese except for the regular shitposter who is this guy

You're the English teacher right? Also, why would to compare it to a white country they are different.

It's not what is written in the article.
In any case, it's a good start.
It start like that. Japan will soon know they NEED immigrants.

If you look at companies the hierarchy is the king, you always follow orders of your boss/elder and don't question it.
The solution to this is to break free or create a new kind of cultural revolution, one that can only come from Japanese youth.

Literally what will hapoen when "whites" from the US mutt up japan.

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Dont allow anyone in, even us whites!

Our cities are gone, our nations fucked beyond redemption, please learn from our mistakes!

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Dont fall for the sensei trap, its obviously a56% weeb

Fuck No, bad bad bad
Cheap labour = lower wages, raise in house prices

Your ment to be leading the world in automation.

Don't do it

Congratulation brazilbro. Take my energy and kill the lefties / commies.

>Is this good for Japan?
Depends. If sinking the newer generations of men into degeneracy and hedonism by pulling out tons of fan service and taking advantage of horny teens going through puberty is what's left of your culture and your people think that's OK - then honestly there's nothing worth saving.

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You're really the only ethnostate left that is a decent country. Tell foreign labor to fuck off. America is being forcefully packed with beaner trash, and the excuse is "labor." The only real labor going on is their whore women going into labor every nine months to shit out another hungry mouth. If you let foreign "labor" in to your country, all they will do is demand government assistance.

But I'm saying this like you have a choice in the matter. None of us got to vote on this. All of our countries have been forcefully invaded and our cultures destroyed.

There is no economic benefit when it comes to accepting a large amount of migrants unless it's for whites but even that, whites would rather willingly travel there using their own wealth.

Open up and get ready to share the load.

You have to go back, gweilo.

t. 0%

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You must also thank them for opening their border so that we intelligent pooper power indian could work and breed there.

Thanks rabbi, almost fell for it

Import some chinks and gooks then put them on some kind of VR brainwashing machine for swift integration.

true I guess but the thing about Japan is that nobody has any hope of bettering their lot in life. You work 10 hour days to live in a little closet that’s 1/4th of what American welfare niggers get for free.
No hope, no change, the best you can hope for is stasis and mediocrity. Niggerless mediocrity, and now they want to bring in niggers.
I’m an exceptionally inferior specimen of the white race and sometimes I think I have a dumb nigger brain but I am phenotypically white

Fact is your own people will fill the demand without hesitation.
bringing in out of country workers with different cultures will cause a lose of community cohesion and lead to higher crime rates and distrust of thy neighbors. It does not boost production or the economy at all in the long run.
That being said, what is the state of radioactivity in your country now? is your population dying at rates that are causing the worker shortage?

>How it feels to chew five gum

>Import some chinks and gooks then put them on some kind of VR brainwashing machine for swift integration.
I think you mean the media in this case, proven to be the most effective tool for brainwashing.

Thank you, Indianbro, hope there aren't commies in your country

Japan has an average IQ of like 106 and is one of the richest nations on earth despite having nearly zero natural resources. You don't need niggers, you'll make up for productivity with technology. The US strategy is like digging a hole with shovels vs just using an excavator

I think its good, i Will come and work a year or two as a hvac engineer and then go home again :^)

I wouldn't bother paying attention to America, if you want to be like America, you should just move there.
Japan stroooong, better than china

I really doubt he's going to let niggers in. Keeping everything and everyone out of your country in the current world is a bad idea because you'll end up getting eaten by a country that does. This isn't the equivalent of opening up all your borders to all the rats and savages of the world, the point is that you cooperate with other countries by letting them lend you engineers, scientists, chemists, officers, ect. to reduce the cost and improve performance in certain areas.
These things are very rarely anything but temporary boosts to certain areas of government or society. Japan has already done it multiple times before.

This isn't what Japan needs to worry about, what they need to worry about is where they're going to get those workers. If you get them from the US I guarantee you that there's a strong 75%~ chance you'll get some fat pozzed shithead faggot who wants to instill as much marxist Jewish shit into the country while they're there as possible. They're the fuckers you have to worry about that make slippery slope a non-fallacy; their active goal is making it real.
If they're Arabic it depends on what country they come from, some Arabic nations have very good workers, some have very good workers that are very bad workers when paired with non-Arabics or the wrong kind of Arabic. Africans can be good workers, the problem is when they stay. Look at Rhodesia; all blacks need are goals and limits to get a good result. The US hates blacks because Jews let them do the societal equivalent of rotting in the windowsill but if you get them from the right country and impose the right control on them then you don't have to worry. Most you do though. UK has good workers but you're also likely of getting a somali nigger or marxist propagandist just like the US. Same with France and Germany.
Kiss your shithole goodbye if it's Irish those they breed like rabbits and destroy like a plague.

that’s true in that regard, people don’t respect their elders so much as they surrender to the hierarchy. Nobody even votes. I tell friends and family to vote, but they just shrug. They get their card in the mail and do nothing. Nobody does anything.
only the youth could effect change but the system is set up so the youth can’t focus the energy.
the biggest problem I guess is that nobody has space. Physical space or psychological space. You take a Japanese out of Japan and they become like a white person, enormous potential. But inside japan they are chained in a box psychologically. It’s horrifying in a way.


Kys, David the English teacher

I will eventually

Where are you from tho?

He has been infected by the cuckvirus. Now there will be no bounds.

They have managed to make him compromise.

Every Japanese flag poster is a 56%er you know

That's exactly how they started with Germany but then it became too difficult to repatriate them. Look at Germany now.

No, We are NOT racist.

Diversity will be our strength

Fucking baguette weeb

japan long long ago ceased being a leader in technology because the corporate scene stifles innovation and quality and prevents engineers from getting experience in multiple companies. Only Japanese adherence to quality and IQ is keeping things afloat. How many made in Japan devices do you own now compared to 20 years ago?

How the fuck this dude enter the country? lmao this has to be an IP proxy

Again Japan is not giving them citizenship
Japan wants nothing but slave labors.

The policy has been on for decades, though on a smaller scale and in the name of "技能研修生"

Abe stressed again it's not about taking into immigrants

every jap flag is an amerifat
every single one.

Bring them in to work under a fixed term contract (say 3-6 months), pay them, send them home.

Are you an English teacher ?

Can you translate ?

Do you want to be conquered by foreign hordes?

>You take a Japanese out of Japan and they become like a white person, enormous potential. But inside japan they are chained in a box psychologically. It’s horrifying in a way.
Exactly this. I feel that there isn't a lot of ways for them to climb up the ladder in Japan, everything is locked down from the start. But if they go to the western world which I guess many do who realize this, they can unlock their full potential in a way they couldn't do back home. Creativity is also restricted, you often see the same formulas used. If we take cars, then they are very efficient but hardly anything new or game breaking. The phones used are a generation older compared to ours, this whole mentality is repeated all in your society. If you can break free from this conservative kind of thinking I believe you can be very successful, you have the potential with your IQ.

Well China did sort of shit out Japan, of course your gonna be related on a biological LVL, but come on, your gonna build those mecha robot fighting machines.
Why form a union with China so you only need let in the rice farmers
