I slept with 1,400 girls, impregnated 600 in 6 African countries

Good morning Jow Forums, I have a confession to make about the havoc I have wreaked in six African countries, including Cameroon, Togo, Cote D’Ivoire, Nigeria, Ghana and Guinea. I am not proud of what I have done. These were unfortunate experiences.

In Finland where I hail from, I did not have money. I was very poor until one day I played and won lottery. I won 550 thousand euros. It was the largest sum of money I had received in life.

I did not know what to do, and a friend suggested we travel to Africa. We obtained all the documents, entry visa, and the rest, and our first stop was Ivory Coast.

In Abidjan (the capital of Ivory Coast), we rented a furnished apartment. We had money to spend and met Ivorian people and we became friends. They introduced young Ivorian girls to us, and that’s when it all started.

I began having sex with girls every day. Sometimes, I would sleep with three girls at the same time. It was a marvelous experience.

I worried less about my health. All I wanted was to have fun. My friends and I were in a night club in the town every day looking for girls.

One time, I met a girl and gave her money, and she told me to be engaged to her. She was ready to get pregnant for me. I don’t know whether it was the money they liked or the fact that I was from finland that attracted them.

I spent three months in Ivory Coast, spent 60, 000 euros and slept with more than 80 girls.

After leaving Ivory Coast, I went to Togo where I slept with over 100 girls and spent 40, 000 euros.

I spent three months in Togo and went to Nigeria.

Nigeria was where I got more girls. I did not speak best English, but it seems Nigerian girls love foreigners.

I rented a furnished apartment in Nigeria and I was in Lagos for six months. I spent 100,000 euros and slept with 230 girls. Nigeria was the place I appreciated the most. Girls were always available and easy to deceive.

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From Nigeria, I went to Ghana, and then Cameroon and ended what I describe as my sex tour in Guinea.

I was in those three countries for more than a year and spent over 200, 000 euros. If I told you I slept with more than 700 girls in those three countries, you won’t believe me, but it was unbelievable!

In all, I slept with more than 1,400 girls in six different African countries. I have all their pictures in my photo album, including the dates we met, their names and phone numbers. I opened a Facebook account only for them.

Since I returned to finland, I have had more than 600 of them who told me they got pregnant for me. Some committed abortion, and I do not know exactly how many finally gave birth.

Africa is a marvelous continent. Girls are beautiful and very sexy. All they want is a man who has money, and the worst is when he’s white.

I realised that they love having mixed race babies. I do not know why, but many would do anything to get pregnant for you. 100 euros is plenty of money in Africa.

To summarise, I went on a sex tour in Africa, I slept with 1,400 girls in two years and more than 600 got pregnant.

I know many of you would judge me, but I do not care about your insults. I know that what I did is not good, but I enjoyed my stay in Africa, and I am planning another trip to Senegal, Mali, Gabon, Benin, Niger and Democratic Republic of Congo.

The day after I returned to Finland, I went to the hospital for medical exams, and luckily, I was HIV negative, and I did not have any other infectious disease.

My friend was also negative and we are planning another trip.

I did not go to secondary school, so disregard my grammatical errors. Thank you for reading my story”.

You became modern day genghis khan. Your ancestors are pleased.

So when they come here screaming "asylum asylum, my husband is in Finland already", you're the one to blame?

deus vult user. hope the syphilis does not burn to badly.

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This thread again?

Do you make your confession daily or something? Same picture same copypasta.

Fuck off with your race mixing bull. I'd rather have 1 virgin woman of my race as a wife than 1400 aids riddled African women that speak little to no English.

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wtf is this spacing nigger

You joke, but realistically even if 60 of those kids survive to adulthood they'll be the smartest people in their communities. They're going to be the ones installing wells and doing farming and actually pulling Africa out of the stone age. And because of their success, they'll reproduce a lot.

>win 500.000€
>spend half of the sum in frivolities instead of buying a house and investing in building is own life

Who's the real nigger here, user?