Why are millennials such smug, pompous little faggots? Most of that generation...

Why are millennials such smug, pompous little faggots? Most of that generation, or whatever is in their early to mid 20s right now, is such a conniving little shit bunch of people. Never have I seen a bunch of asshole young fucks so full of themselves

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voltaire didn't say that retard boomer

You're a faggot piece of shit 19 year old. Off yourself and livestream

you faggots started all of this garbage. Social media, SJW nonsense and being a faggot little cuck

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>millenials started feminism

The guy who did deserves alot of credit for synthesizing this element of suppressing dissent into a meaningful memorable phrase


It's a good quote, I agree.
original source is Kevin Strom, "All America Must Know the Terror That is Upon Us"

bitter incel detected

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> First 2 posts by this ID

incels only call others incels

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It's how G-d prepares us for the great butchery that is coming. He makes people shit so you don't lose your mind from pitying them when billions die in the war to come

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Being raised by (((education))) institutions and single moms.

There's no one you're not allowed to criticize.

>early 20s right now

I swear "millennials" seem to get fuckin' younger every year.

>n-n-no u


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jews muslims and blacks. Just look at what happened to Roseanne and others and then eat your own words faggot
what gen is early 20s now? Gen Z? If so theyre even worse then

>having these pics on your harddrive
pathetic. you must hate yourself

honestly the worst ones are 30-40

>jews muslims and blacks.
Care to point to the laws preventing criticism of these people specifically?

They think they know everything because they have 24/7 access to google.
That sort of power turns people into massive faggots.

> expecting zoomers can count
Oh you.

(((Court of public opinion)))

has nothing to do with not being allowed vs. being allowed to do it. There were times in history where saying the wrong thing actually got you executed. Not now.

>There were times in history where saying the wrong thing actually got you executed.
Yeah that is called real life where you aren't protected by a white mans law. Tho with how non-whites brutalize each other in the US they didn't catch that one.

What strawman are you fighting right now? I detect several.

Lol no just lose your job.

boomers are just as entitled ,less enlightened and brought us 2 terms of Clinton and bush kys

If you want to offend people, you need the social network to back you. That goes for anyone. But it's really not as black and white as people here make it seem.

>Why are millennials such smug, pompous little faggots? Most of that generation, or whatever is in their early to mid 20s right now, is such a conniving little shit bunch of people. Never have I seen a bunch of asshole young fucks so full of themselves

I don't know man, I'd say the boomers were/are worse.

I grew up hearing (mostly from boomers) about how fucking great and awesome the boomers were.
It got old after a while.

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how about being blacklisted and seen as a piece of shit for just one sentence on twitter? How about wake the fuck up to reality you dip shit

go make some anti nigger comment somewhere but here and see what happens

Unjust hierarchies need to be abolished.

None of you idiots even talk to boomers. Where I work i interact with all generations. Boomers arent nearly as bad as these faggot millennials or whoever, younger gen, who have no social skills or have any idea how to interact with others besides their clique

god your such a faggot, my generation doesnt care what our predecessors did for them, mainly because of the damn boomers ruining everything. Wanna know why we are smug WE LIVE WITH FUCKING SMUG YOU DAMN FAGGOT, like i hate that my generation gets a bad rap I've been told im a smart man cause i didnt devolve like this indoctrinated faggots. Honestly fucking off and doing drugs did more good to me than school thats how fucked up it is right now. Now shut the fuck up drink your coffee and stop getting mad at a generation you dont understand old man. the times have changed.

GenX Anonfag here. We grew up with nothing, so we wanted you to have everything. So instead of making you earn it in school and life, we gave it to you.

curb that attitude, champ.

they just fucking complain about the new gen and dont do anything its fucking mental, hey boomer a little bit of help FIXING THIS SHIT COULD HELP

Such my gorillennial cock. Turd.

butthurt schizo boomer detected

take your meds dad

(((why))) indeed

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Why are you angry at kids who sometimes fail to thrive in a messed up society they had no hand in?

Beats me. You might just be mad because your boomer wife left you and life didn't turn out like Leave it to Beaver while you ignored the important things.

Let me guess: you hang around college kids.

wtf can boomers do? They have their own lives. Stop telling everyone millennials need fixing. Why do you treat them like niggers who cant do shit for themselves? Fuck them

If you’re not us you’re a boomer daddy’o. Spots and virginity are signs of maturity actually and you’d better get used to it, this is a wild roller coaster ride that doesn’t stop in squaresville, grand papa .
(...Yeah they’ve got shit for brains until they hit about 26//27)

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>Hurr durr you kids these days, why back in my day ...

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>only boomers hate millennials
you people are fucking morons.

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absolutely NO self awareness in any of you pathetic idiots. Not even having to do with young or old, just the victim mentallity and nigger mentality


Go move to Africa then

What is a boomer?

I love that every single one of them is doing a fifty grand degree. Every. Single. One. And they don’t see a problem with that.
Do they know that we got paid to do degrees? Before about 2011? They do now. I suppose taking a huge loan is easy to do when you’re just leaving childhood and have no concept that a couple of years is soon over. Armed then with the same bit of paper everyone else has got too they are off into the world to pay the compound interest off.
They are brilliant.

People born in the 40s after WWII?

Voltaire was a faggot who almost single-handedly ruined France with retarded (((quips))) like in op.

Kys boomer your generation gave us the sexual revolution and 2nd wave feminism. So don't be surprised that societies morals are in ruins.

it suits our purpose now faggot

That's easy; the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Millennials took boomers' conflation of passive-aggresivity with tolerance and being nice with being truly good, and are running it all into the ground with their inability to address anything other than sunshine and fucking ponies.

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I came here to post this, gj friend

I’m only fucking with you. You kids are alright.

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Prior generations had these beaten out of them by their parents, teachers, and peers. Our pussified society no longer allows this to occur.

I disagree. Personally, I think boomers are too sheltered and too conservative. Gen X are usually fine people, but have some skeletons in their closets (drinking, etc.)

Millenials are just more hipster Gen X IMHO and starting to move away from societal morals too much.

Now Gen Z? Gen Z is absolutely fucking retarded. Gen Z is absolutely fucked.
Gen Z is akin to boomers shit-tier pop music and we're all just waiting for the new Jazz to come out.

I'm hoping 2020 is a 90's sorta feel with some non-mainstream culture finally rearing its head. Except it's not some 90's ripoff, but some real fucking talent.*flosses*

Gen Z is roughly 20 and younger. I just turned 20 and consider myself an elder zoomer.

Boomers and Gen Z both fall into the same trap of not questioning the pop culture war machine enough.
There were minorities like Hendrix and Rainbow family, but they were too weird for boomers/gen Z. Weird is the new cool 5 years after the fact and the machine processes it.
Craziest Gen Z kids we have like Blink and Imagine Dragons.


Why didnt you stop it you fucking faggot. Lazy fuck

sheltered and conservative? They may be sheltered but they at least appreciate the good things in life. Zoomers and millennials just bitch and cry about their lives and do NOTHING AT ALL to help anyone but themselves.

They gain wealth or greed of their parents and just think everything is a giant playground for their degenerate antics. Just look at the modern women for an example of how horrible this timeline is

Millennials and Zoomers are NPCS. Not all but a lot

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This. OP is probably one of these neckbeard faggots.

they will be easy fodder for boomer cannibals soon

you 20 year olds are fucking useless. At least 30-40 are having white babies. Stoip fucking niggers. your women are the biggest degenerates

They are socialized to think smugness is how you signal intelligence


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here is my favorite millennial.
he's got a tattoo of another males
name on his chest.


his insta is topright.

Obvious boomer, bet your wife is riding a black millenial dick and you're just salty about it.

>angry boomer

voltaire still didn't say that though